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Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

53 favorites


Movie: UFOs: The Secret History ( 2010 )
A documentary that traces the beginning of UFO reports from the beginning of the 19th century to today.
Movie: Aliens: The Big Think ( 2016 )
Professor Martin Rees discusses the modern search for extra-terrestrials, and the theory that our idea of alien life is all wrong: that it's not organic life we should look for out there, but machines.
Movie: Fastwalkers ( 2006 )
For the first Time: Information you were never meant to know. Amazing UFO photos and footage you were never meant to see.
Movie: Ancient Aliens Debunked ( 2012 )
Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. It is essentially a point by point critique of the "ancient astronaut theory" which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others. The film covers topics like: Ancient building sites: Puma Punku, The Pyramids, Baalbek, Incan sites, And Easter Island. Ancient artifacts: Pacal's rocket, the Nazca lines, the Tolima "fighter jets", the Egyptian "light bulb", Ufo's in ancient art, and the crystal skulls. Ancient text issues: Ezekiel's wheel, Ancient nuclear warfare, Vimana's, the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim.
Movie: Ancient Aliens and the New World Order ( 2014 )
Uncover the secret conspiracy linking America's power elite. What are its implications on future generations of American citizens?
Movie: Ancient Aliens and the New World Order 2 ( 2016 )
Throughout history, it has never been more obvious that we are being controlled and manipulated than we are today. The New World Order has been shrewdly governing humanity for centuries through control of the media and monetary systems of all nations. They are working toward the goal of making every man, women and child an "obedient robot," just intelligent enough to handle our daily needs via the very technology and systems they control. We are systematically herded like sheep into a thought process that keeps the power elite in position to rule over us; with a master blueprint so diabolical, it allows us to think we have freedom of choice in the process. Who are these overlords that govern us and where do they derive their power? The truth is, it comes down to a select few individuals pushing for a one world government and a heightened national security state with Alien influence. Recent discoveries across our planet reveal that a highly advanced race of nonhuman beings did indeed come to Earth in our ancient past, but the most shocking realization is that they are here now, among us and may have a sinister agenda beyond our wildest imaginations and are secretly manipulating developments and changes in human society in order to more efficiently control and exploit human beings. "Fascinating, shocking and enlightening." - Starburst. "We have had contact with Alien cultures." - Astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary. "Finally, the facts coming to light." - Paranormal Magazine.
Movie: Ancient Alien ( 1998 )
Movie: Aliens in Egypt ( 2016 )
The Pyramids are the most epic monuments the world has ever seen, but the mystery of the true origins of these gargantuan edifices remains an enigma. Who really built these ancient megalithic structures and why were pyramids built in strategic locations all around the globe, and then at a later date mysteriously abandoned seemingly overnight? In this space age, with its remarkable technological engineering and scientific advances, it is unfathomable that the construction of the pyramids and other amazing works of the ancient world could not be duplicated. New evidence of highly advanced, precision machining on Egypt's Giza plateau gives credence to the Ancient Alien hypothesis. This is further supported by glyphs of futuristic vehicles, bizarre flywheels and other artifacts and monuments cut with laser precision.
Movie: Australien skies ( 2015 )
Australien Skies is a documentary film that explores the sightings of unidentified flying objects and the people who witness them within Australia.
Movie: Aliens: Are We Alone? ( 2013 )
Does alien life exist out there in the Universe Scientists are now getting closer than ever to answering that question thanks to the Kepler Space Telescope. This revolutionary spacecraft is on a mission to find habitable alien planets. Thanks to Kepler we now know of thousands of possible planets and we're getting closer than ever to finding the holy grail: a twin of our Earth. We use CGI to bring these alien worlds to life, and with the help of scientists, we speculate on what extra-terrestrial life might be like.
Movie: Aliens Exposed ( 2001 )
Movie: Aliens Exposed ( 2019 )
Do Aliens walk among us? One out of ten people may have encountered an Alien in their midst. They could be a friend, a neighbor, even a relative. A growing number of people believe that aliens have visited Earth and have been here a very long time. Some believe they are here now, watching over the human race. The Alien agenda is as shocking as the abductions that have been occurring for hundreds of years and new evidence suggests that they have been infiltrating our society for decades.
Movie: Roswell: The Aliens Attack ( 1999 )
Two aliens escape from 1947 Roswell, New Mexico and set out to sabotage the Earth. The lady alien finds she enjoys sex and likes to seduce soldiers. However, the male eventually falls in love with an Earthling and decides to stop the female from setting off a nuclear weapon the two had developed.
Movie: When Aliens Attack ( 2011 )
When Aliens Attack examines what would happen if extraterrestrials attacked the Earth. It looks at why such an attack could happen and how it could unfold. It also examines whether human beings would be able to resist such an attack either in the short term or in the long term.
Movie: Aliens from Spaceship Earth ( 1977 )
While the aliens in this film may seem to be quite human, one must realize that this film is dealing with close encounters of the fourth kind. An inner space journey triggered by the drug culture and rebellion of the sixties, and the non-violent search for self that continues among people in today's culture. Could this be due to some influence from a higher spiritual consciousness? The world's alien leaders are well represented in this film: Baba Muktananda, Swami Satchidananda, A. C. Bhaktivedanta, Guru Maharaj Ji, Yoga Bhahan, Sri Sathya, Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Father Yod, Baba Ram Das, and well-known personalities who present their views on seeking their own terrestrial individuality. Whether inspired by a more highly evolved race than earthlings, or from a visit millions of years ago by space aliens, Aliens from Spaceship Earth are causing great changes on our planet today.
Movie: Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the Illuminati ( 2018 )
It is widely believed that the 9/11 attack was an inside job - but by whom? Many believe it was a political ruse to instigate war with the Middle East and to justify removing many of our civil liberties. Also, since 9/11 we have been placed under a microscope, our privacy removed as we are being watched and profiled by a sinister force with a malevolent agenda. The theories and conclusions that the Government was responsible, though partially true, have taken a surprising new twist - as there may be another explanation, one much larger in scope and much more terrifying. Testimony from an insider reveals an unholy alliance that formed in the 1940's between the elite force that truly governs our planet, the Illuminati, and an Extraterrestrial race that has inhabited the Earth since Man's beginning. Together they have orchestrated a plot to eventually enslave the human race through a single planetary Governing system - known as the New World Order. The 9/11 attack was one of many stages, but the insider warns that the stage we face next may be the final phase - and the end of humanity as we know it.
Movie: Australiens: Monsterfest Q&A ( 2016 )
A Q&A with cast and crew of AUSTRALIENS at Monsterfest on November 28th 2016 at Lido Cinemas.
Movie: Aliens and Astronauts: UFO's on the Moon ( 2014 )
We are told the Moon has been here since before the dawn of man and is either a part of the Earth itself or a vagabond captured by our world eons ago. But is this true? There are many theories for the existence of the Moon but all have been proven wrong. The Moon is far older than previously acknowledged by science, quite possibly older than the Earth or the Sun. Our ...Read all
Movie: Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind ( 2014 )
"Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? A troubling phenomenon has been occurring for centuries - countless individuals have very real memories of being taken secretly against their will by...
Movie: Area 51: Aliens- Nevada Desert ( 2016 )
Intense Documentary filmed on location in the Nevada Desert at the mysterious Alien Location known as Area 51- Is it Real or Not? Watch as 2 world renowned Paranormal Experts Celebrities Psychic Witch Madam Della and JB Horror movie actor.
Movie: Aliens, UFOS and the New World Order ( 2012 )
The overwhelming evidence shows that UFOs and the Alien Threat are VERY real. We are being visited by extraterrestrial beings and the Men in Black are fighting a battle of secrecy to keep us in the dark. In this comprehensive collection you will discover firsthand from best-selling authors, and renowned experts from around the globe, just how horrifying the truth really is. The governments and controlling factions of the world DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE TRUTH. UFOs, ET's and The Men In Black - See real footage of an infamous black helicopter harassing sky watchers looking for UFOs. What are they protecting? The evidence in this film shows that UFO's and the Alien Threat are VERY real. New World Order: The Battle For Your Mind - Who's really behind the New World Order? Are they trying to control our minds? More importantly, why does Big Brother want to keep the Alien Agenda a secret? Crop Circles and UFOs - Are Crop Circles made by man or aliens? They appear around the globe often before the eyes of witnesses. With thousands of images proving their existence, Crop Circles are a fascinating enigma. Aliens, UFO's and Mutilations - Thousands claim they have witnessed strange and bizarre animal mutilations. Discover the link between UFO and Alien sightings and the barbaric acts carried out on cattle and other livestock across the world.
Movie: John Was Trying to Contact Aliens (Short 2020) ( 2020 )
John Shepherd spent 30 years trying to contact extraterrestrials by broadcasting music millions of miles into space. After giving up the search he makes a different connection here on Earth.
Movie: Aliens and Atlantis: Stargates and Hidden Realms ( 2015 )
Atlantis is known across the world as a myth. But is this really the truth? No matter what cultural history we explore, we discover a story very similar to the one we know about Atlantis...why? For years, experts and researchers have been looking in the wrong place, at the wrong people and for the wrong thing. For too long historians have focused on a few words left to us by Plato whose meaning they misunderstood. The fact is, even Plato didn't understand what had been told to him. The startling truth is that the remnants of Atlantis are all around us right now and have been for a very long time - long before recorded history. New research and insight exposes Atlantis to be a pivotal part of our ancient beginnings. The legendary lost city that many think of as myth, was in fact a very real and highly advanced civilization that was uniquely aware of the laws of the universe and was able to access hidden dimensions and make contact with extraterrestrial races. This is the story of the real Atlantis. This is the real lost history of mankind itself. "Fascinating research and evidence of a lost epoch in history." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Highly entertaining and enlightening." - United Media Network. "Philip Gardiner has found the 'Hiram Key' to Atlantis - Bravo!" - John Jay Harper, author of Tranceformers, Shamans of the 21st Century.
Movie: Aliens and Pyramids: Forbidden Knowledge ( 2015 )
Pyramids can be found in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Europe and The North American Continent. How were they constructed, and what was their purpose? If man built the pyramids on his own, then we would expect there would be an enormous effort to record such an achievement. However, no culture that had pyramids has any clue how they were built. Apparently, they did not have the means, knowledge, or technology to do so. The theory that aliens from another world may have assisted in building the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and other pyramids, could explain how some of the most amazing and mysterious engineering feats in human history were accomplished. Evidence of highly advanced engineering exists within the Great Pyramid and around the Giza Plateau. Precision cut stone with angles and symmetry that can only be accomplished with machines; strange glyphs of futuristic vehicles; bizarre flywheels and batteries; signs of machining with laser perfection; and more are there for anyone to see - yet we do not hear of these facts. If mankind did not have the tools or knowledge to create such structures, then the only logical conclusion is that we had help most likely from an extraterrestrial source. "Secrets of mankind's ancient past revealed" - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Cuts deep to the source of the Alien Enigma" - Philip Gardiner, best selling author. "Grand in scope, majestic and highly entertaining" - Tom Sims, United Media Network.
Movie: Aliens: Are We Alone? ( 1998 )
Documentary about a powerful telescope able to accurately tell which stars/planets are in inhabitable zones in space. Experts on the subject also give they're opinions on what the life on these planets may look like.
Movie: UFOs 1973: Aliens, Abductions and Extraordinary Sightings ( 2010 )
The year was 1973. It was a tumultuous year filled with news of Watergate, the Vietnam War and many other historical events. UFO sightings were on the increase culminating in abductions and extraordinary sightings through the fall of 1973. Unparalleled UFO encounters and Alien Visitation's occurred worldwide during the most extraordinary "UFO Flap" of all time. The number of UFO reports was unprecedented during this landmark year, among them are many of the most documented cases of all time. UFO's 1973 Film takes you inside the Pascagoula Incident, the Charlie Hickson case, the Iran Pilot sighting, the Coyne case, the Jeffery Greenhaw case, and many more from around the world where in this landmark year, the strangest and most mind-bending cases in UFO history occurred.
Movie: UFO Chronicles: Contact with Aliens ( 2013 )
Alfred Lambremont Webre is an American author, lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental and space activist who promotes the ban of space weapons. Mr. Webre's book, Exopolitics: ...
Movie: The Road to Rachel ( 2011 )
What if we have been visited by aliens from another world, or even time travelers and your government is involved in a conspiracy of lies and deception? What if you cannot trust anyone but your own conscience? How far will you go to get the truth?
Movie: Alien Skies Mass UFO Sightings ( 2015 )
In 1561 the skies above Nuremberg, Germany, were lit up by an incredible sight. Thousands of people witnessed what they called a battle in the sky. The scene was so well known it was even painted on the walls of historic buildings. Now, hundreds of years later, similar mass sightings are on the increase. Around the world, and throughout time, thousands of people have witnessed the most extraordinary UFO phenomenon. Denying the existence of the lights in the sky is not an option, as they are repeatedly witnessed by large groups. In one African village, an entire school not only witnessed UFO ships, they were contacted by them. A Harvard Professor stated categorically that what those children saw was real. For decades the governments of the world have attempted to make people feel like fools and to cover-up the truth about the incredible world of the UFO and the Alien presence on Earth. We investigate the mass sightings of UFO craft around the world and throughout time and uncover an unreported sighting by a large group of people on vacation who all saw something amazing. We tell their tale and visit the location. We reveal their captured footage. Prepare to witness the Alien Swarm.
Movie: God, the Universe and Everything Else ( 1988 )
In a studio setting, Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan (who joins them via satellite) discuss the Big Bang theory, God, our existence as well as the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
Movie: UFO Invasion at Rendlesham ( 2003 )
In late December 1980, in Rendlesham Forest, England, numerous U.S. military personnel witnessed what has come to be regarded as the most significant military-UFO incident in the history of Great Britain. Now SCI FI brings you this shocking exposé, complete with documentation, new physical evidence and firsthand accounts by both military and civilian witnesses - inclu...Read all
Movie: Voyage of Time: The IMAX Experience ( 2016 )
A celebration of the universe, displaying the whole of time, from its start to its final collapse. This film examines all that occurred to prepare the world that stands before us now: science and spirit, birth and death, the grand cosmos and the minute life systems of our planet. (Limited release IMAX version with narration by Brad Pitt.)
Movie: Close Encounters: Proof of Alien Contact ( 2000 )
This documentary examines whether UFOs are real. It examines over 250 amateur video clips, evaluates several recent revelations about Roswell, and examines footage of the removal of an alien implant.
Movie: Watchers 8 ( 2014 )
IS THERE A CONNECTION? Are we seeing a connection between our ancient past and what is happening today? Were huge stones simply levitated into position, and do we have any modern evidence that such a thing may have been possible? WATCHERS 8 explores how today's UFO phenomena and the ancient evidence in Peru may be connected. We'll also continue with our story in WATCHERS 7 with Bill's implant. We will go into surgery and watch the incredible details where a simple prayer seemed to defy logic. No one could have known that this would be Dr. Leir's last "alien" surgical procedure. You'll see some of the latest UFO footage, including infrared photography showing light formations flying overhead. Could they be preparing for something? Gary Stearman and Paul McGuire weigh in. You'll hear from Captain Robert Salas about how a glowing red UFO disabled the nuclear missiles at the base he commanded, and at others - revealing newly declassified information from the Air Force. Then, we'll go back to Peru and unwrap a baby mummy skull. The results were astonishing. Were there creatures that roamed this earth that weren't fully human? Do hybrids walk among us? The film ends with a tribute to the late Dr. Roger Leir, who was in every WATCHERS to date.
Movie: Patient Seventeen ( 2017 )
Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advanced implants, nanotechnology microchips embedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology.
Movie: The Mysterious Monsters ( 1975 )
One of the many notorious 70's "unknown" documentaries, The Mysterious Monsters covers topics such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Pictures, sounds, and videos of these two monsters are examined by Peter Graves, the host. Psychics, hypnotism, and the history of Bigfoot in many ancient cultures is also scrutinized.
Movie: Who's Out There? ( 1975 )
This 1975 NASA documentary narrated by the great Orson Welles delves into the possibilities of extraterrestrial life as gleaned from the results of planetary probes, interstellar discoveries and findings about the nature of life itself.
Movie: The Bermuda Triangle ( 1979 )
A documentary that explores the legends, facts and folklore about the dreaded "Bermuda Triangle".
Movie: The Connected Universe ( 2016 )
This fascinating journey of exploration of the connection of all things in the Universe is narrated by the legendary Sir Patrick Stewart. The film explores the mechanism of connection of all things in the Universe.
Movie: The Underground ( 2021 )
Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he was said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970's which would change his whole life immediately after. This documentary explores some of the information Phil Schneider spoke about to the public in the 1990's by examining each claim in detail with expert opinions from Richard Dolan, Richard Sauder, and Cynthia Drayer (Phil's Ex-Wife). In this documentary you will find never before published photo's of Phil's Autopsy, documents about the Philadelphia Experiment from Oscar Schneider's files (Phil's father) and a very well explained background about Underground Bases.
Movie: Alien Contact: NASA Exposed 2 ( 2017 )
A former astronaut recently went on record to allege that there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted by Alien races and that these civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. These claims also state that the Alien creatures appearance "is bizarre compared to any type of traditional western point of view and that these visitors use the technol...Read all
Movie: In Advance of the Landing ( 1993 )
This documentary interviews people who claim to have seen UFOs, and others who claim to have been victims of alien abductions. Also profiled are groups and organizations that are preparing for the day when aliens land on Earth, and other alien "cults" that border on religious worship.
Movie: Watchers 3 ( 2011 )
All over the world, mysterious and unexplained events continue with little or no explanation from our governments or media. People are seeing multiple suns or hearing strange, anomalous sounds. NASA's SOHO images seem to be revealing unknown objects around the sun. Planet X/Nibiru - could there be large unseen forces affecting our solar system? Then there's the Shroud of Turin, which may be the most probed, enigmatic artifact on the planet. L.A. talks with two of the premier experts: recently knighted The Right Honorable Barrie Schwortz, whose photographs of the Shroud are iconic, and Dame Isabel Piczek, muralist and particle physicist. With the unprecedented Arab Spring, how does the unrest in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Jordan affect Israel? Is this uprising of millions of people being fanned by unseen supernatural forces? Later, the world experts weigh in on the Torah Codes, explaining how science and an understanding of ancient Hebrew are both required to get the best results. What new updates have been discovered by Dr. Roger Leir? Have so-called "alien implants" become more inscrutable and is there evidence that the technology may be ramping up for some unknown purpose? L.A. Marzulli will interview the experts on each topic.
Movie: Love and Saucers ( 2017 )
David Huggins lost his virginity to an alien woman -among 100 other extra-terrestrial encounters -and chronicled it all in surreal paintings, few of which have ever been seen. Love & Saucers is his story.
Movie: And Did They Listen? ( 2015 )
History's only scientifically verified encounter with alien life is revealed in this expose of the Billy Meier case. Corroborated by Wikileaks and celebrated by the Huffington Post, the film shows how Meier's long-foretold prophecies of war and ecological disaster have now begun.
Movie: The Philadelphia Experiment Revealed: Final Countdown to Disclosure from the Area 51 Archives ( 2012 )
The Philadelphia Experiment Revealed: Final Countdown to Disclosure from the Area 51 Archives The Bizarre Truth to Top Secret Experiments in Time Travel and Invisibility.
Movie: Are You an Alien ( 2016 )
Movie: Beyond the Truth ( 2000 )
Movie: Crop Circles the Enigma ( 2009 )
Embark on a journey into the mysterious world of crop circles like never before.We take flight high above the ground at sacred sites such as Silbury Hill and Avebury to get a new and unique angle on this phenomenon.
Movie: Nick Pope: The Man Who Left the MOD ( 2006 )
Nick Pope officially goes on the record and spells out his beliefs, opinions and reveals the scope of his incredible insider knowledge. * Russian and Black Technology * Rendlesham Forest * Quantum physics * Govt. reports & sightings
Movie: Ancient Astronauts: The Gods from Planet X ( 2011 )
Jason Martell and Tom Van Flandern lecture about Planet X, ancient astronauts at the 2008 Central Coast Science-UFO Symposium.
Movie: Reality UFO Series: V1 ( 2008 )
Reality Entertainment presents the Reality UFO Series V1, a unique series in conjunction with Hard Evidence and Ufologist Magazines, featuring the most compelling, well documented cases in UFO and Paranormal History.
Movie: Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings ( 2007 )
UFO experts select and analyze the 10 best documented UFO sightings in history including the Skylab III case, the Rendlesham Forest case, the Lockheed case, and the Shag Harbour incident.
Movie: Alien Autopsy: (Fact or Fiction?) ( 1995 )
FOX Network television special investigating The Alien Autopsy (1995) footage that was allegedly filmed by the United States military after the legendary UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
Movie: The Silent Revolution of Truth ( 2009 )
The film explores the life of Billy Meier, 71 year-old Swiss UFO contactee as told by Meier, family members, other witnesses and various experts. The road trip element of the film follows U.S. representative for the Meier case, Michael Horn, as he prepares to present information on the case at a Nevada UFO event. Also included are a retired UN diplomat, who witnessed the UFOs; a therapist, who discusses possible delusional disorders among UFO enthusiasts; and an expert consultant to the U.S. Army Special Forces who analyzes both Meier and the UN diplomat for truthfulness.
Movie: Chariots of the Gods? The Mysteries Continue ( 1996 )
An update of "Chariots of the Gods" (1970), this slick production provides updates of Erich von Däniken's controversial theories with von Däniken himself acting as co-host. Shooting locations include the Giza Plateau in Egypt, the megalithic ruins at Carnac in Brittany, the ancient Mayan cities of Chichén Itzá and Palenque in Mexico, Deder and Kaimalkin in Turkey, as well as other mysterious sites around the world.
Movie: UFOs and Consciousness ( 2013 )
Movie: A Case for UFOs ( 2013 )
Movie: UFO's Are Real ( 1979 )
One of many 1970s UFO documentaries, this one features lots of still photos of alleged UFOs, some UFO motion picture footage, and the usual stock footage and images acquired from government and military sources. Among the many people interviewed are UFO researchers Stanton Friedman and Ted Phillips, UFO abductees Betty Hill and Travis Walton, optical physicist Bruce Maccabee, and retired U.S. military officers Jesse Marcel and Wendelle Stevens. The documentary supports the view that alien visitors regularly come to Earth and have perhaps done so for centuries.
Movie: Intruders: Abductees Speak Out! ( 2008 )
INTRUDERS: Abductees Speak Out! presents an intimate portrait of self-proclaimed alien abductees who are coping with the daily turmoil of being regularly taken by entities not from this world. Are they simply mistaken or disturbed? Or are they - as some experts contend - unwitting participants in an ominous alien agenda?
Movie: The Truth Behind: UFOs ( 2011 )
The Truth Behind: UFOs looks at UFOs sightings around the world. It looks at recent sightings in Connecticut and Israel. It also goes to Rachel, Neveda, to follow a group of UFO hunters searching for objects in the sky. It looks at the legend of Area 51 and the account of Bob Lazar who said he worked there. It also discusses the Roswell crash and the AVRO car.
Movie: Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland ( 1995 )
Television pseudo-documentrary created to promote the forthcoming "ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter" attraction located in the Tomorrowland section of Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.
Movie: Celestial ( 2012 )
Featuring some incredible imagery of the moon, Celestial brings forth lunar anomalies including glass domes over craters with buildings and structures underneath, six-mile-tall statues, even a tower that resembles the Eiffel tower.
Movie: 2013 Sympoisum on Official and Scientific Investigations of UAP (UFO's) ( 2013 )
The Symposium on UAP (UFO's) brings together a credentialed group of scientists, professors, pilots, military officers, foreign dignitaries, and investigative journalists to discuss how UAP affects safety in national skies. Finding a quantifiable measuring stick is paramount to studying this phenomena properly, which leads to the logical conclusion that a government funded agency must be create to accurately study it. The countries represented at this conference are the U.S., Chile, France, and Belgium. At the conference an international deal between Chile and France was struck to share information on UAP. This is the first agreement of its kind.
Movie: Watching the Skies: In Search of Extraterrestrial Life ( 2009 )
We examine concepts behind the film's concept and provides info from SETI Institute senior astronomer Seth Shostak, Planetary Society associate director Charlene Anderson, Planetary Society Director of Projects Dr. Bruce Betts, Ministry of Defense (1985-2006) representative Nick Pope, author Alfred Lambremont Webre, Skeptic Magazine publisher Dr. Michael Shermer, and Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Carroll. It examines the prospects of life on other planets and the attempts to locate it.
Movie: Alien Investigations ( 2012 )
Uncover the truth behind the greatest UFO story ever told, the crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Hear firsthand from the people who saw the wreckage and were forced to stay silent for decades. See the supposed military autopsy on the creature from another world. Dive into the mystery that surrounded the entire event.
Movie: A Field Full of Secrets ( 2014 )
In 2008, two best friends stepped into their very first crop circle in southern England. This is story of what happened next.
Movie: Contact ( 1987 )
Movie: Archetype of the UFO ( 2008 )
The world of UFO's and Aliens is filled with controversy, speculation and mystery. What are the UFO's? Do they exist in reality or are they drawn from somewhere within the mind of man? Do they they emanate from another dimension altogether or are they ancient archetypes that we have forgotten with the sands of time? The Archetype of the UFO tackles these dilemmas head on, going where few UFO documentaries have dared to go before. As we near 2012, we now need to abandon any previous notions about this phenomenon and delve deeper into this fascinating realm that lures the entire human race toward its future destiny. Be prepared to think again, outside of standardized reasoning and journey with us into a new paradigm on this controversial and mounting subject. Joining O. H. Krill and Philip Gardiner in this search is Nick Pope, the real-life Fox Mulder with his incredible and unique insight from his days leading the British Ministry of Defense UFO Project.
Movie: Alien Encounter at Loch Ness ( 2014 )
"Across the globe there are tales of lake and sea monsters stretching back in time for thousands of years. They have many names, but one in particular has captured the imagination of the world like no other - the Loch Ness Monster. From the 7th Century, right up until our modern period, sightings of large lake beasts have been common at this remote Scottish Highland L...Read all
Movie: Overlords of the U.F.O. ( 1977 )
This documentary puts forth the theory that UFOs are actually beings from another dimension, and reviews past incidents of UFO sightings in support of that theory.
Movie: Gateways to the Otherworld ( 2007 )
This provides answer to the most profound question mankind has been asking himself for as long as there has been consciousness - is there life after death? We discover that a technique exists in which we can all travel and journey to "other realities" which exist within us. Through the science of quantum physics, Gardiner shows that ancient man was far more advanced than we previously believed.
Movie: Quantum Mind of God ( 2007 )
Movie: America's Alien Invasion: The Lost UFO Encounters ( 2012 )
Most Americans do not know the White House was swarmed by UFOs in 1952 and again in 1963. The government knows that UFOs are here. Explore this phenomenon that is destined to impact our very being because WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Movie: Alien from Area 51: The Alien Autopsy Footage Revealed ( 2012 )
Footage of a dead alien from a crashed UFO in Roswell, NM and moved to Area 51 shocked the world. The time is coming for alien intervention on Earth whether we are ready or not.
Movie: The Most Unknown ( 2018 )
The Most Unknown is an epic documentary film that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world to uncover unexpected answers to some of humanity's biggest questions. How did life begin? What is time? What is consciousness? How much do we really know? By introducing researchers from diverse backgrounds for the first time, then dropping them into new, immersive field work they previously hadn't tackled, the film reveals the true potential of interdisciplinary collaboration, pushing the boundaries of how science storytelling is approached. What emerges is a deeply human trip to the foundations of discovery and a powerful reminder that the unanswered questions are the most crucial ones to pose. Directed by Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Ian Cheney (The Search for General Tso, The City Dark) and advised by world-renowned filmmaker Werner Herzog (Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, The Wrath of God, Grizzly Man), The Most Unknown is an ambitious look at a side of science never before shown on screen. The film was made possible by a grant from Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.
Movie: The Moon ( 2006 )
Movie: Alien Contact: NASA Exposed ( 2014 )
Whistleblowers claim NASA not only knows about alien visitations but that they are in contact with extraterrestrials.
Movie: UFO Cover-Up Live with Larry King ( 1994 )
Two-hour Larry King Special, produced by CNN but broadcast on TNT. Larry King brings his talk show to the desert outside Area 51 for a live broadcast. In a combination of live panel interviews and prerecorded inserts, the show explores the evidence for UFOs and the alleged government cover-up of UFO information.
Movie: The Search for a New Earth ( 2017 )
Professor Stephen Hawking enlists engineering expert Prof Danielle George and his own former student, Christophe Galfard, to find out if and how humans can reach for the stars and move to different planets.
Movie: Comet Collision! ( 2005 )
Movie: The Disclosure President ( 2016 )
Stephen Bassett, the only American lobbyist of his kind, hopes for a seismic shift with the 2016 US Presidential Elections. Bassett is on a mission to end the "truth embargo."
Movie: A Strange Harvest ( 1980 )
A documentary film of animal mutilation.
Movie: Moonwalker
Only twelve humans have ever walked on the surface of another world. Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell was the sixth man to do so. He also wanted to reveal the secret organization that covers up the extraterrestrial presence engaging humanity.
Movie: The Pearl Button ( 2015 )
Delving into the nearly-religious significance of water, this profound rumination on memory and loss bridges the gap between its mystical origins, Pinochet's coup d'état, and the secret of a mother-of-pearl button at the bottom of the sea.
Movie: Nano Man: Utility Fog (Short 2015) ( 2015 )
A military funded nanophysicist believes he possesses a mysterious meta-material created by another intelligence. Extraterrestrial Nanotechnology from a UFO landing site.