Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

53 favorites


TV Show: Ancient Aliens ( 2009 )
Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit History series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?
TV Show: Strip the Cosmos ( 2014 )
In each episode of Strip the Cosmos, stunning CGI strips major planets, moons, black holes, stars and galaxies of gases, minerals, rock, magma and gravitational force-fields – layer by layer – revealing the destiny, origins and structure of the universe. Strip the Cosmos will also explore fascinating mysteries including: What happens inside an exploding star?; Can you escape from being sucked into a black hole?; Do the insides of comets harbor life?; and can we travel through the cosmos inside an asteroid?
TV Show: Cosmos ( 1980 )
Hosted by renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cosmos will explore how we discovered the laws of nature and found our coordinates in space and time. It will bring to life never-before-told stories of the heroic quest for knowledge and transport viewers to new worlds and across the universe for a vision of the cosmos on the grandest scale. Cosmos will invent new modes of scientific storytelling to reveal the grandeur of the universe and re-invent celebrated elements of the legendary original series, including the Cosmic Calendar and the Ship of the Imagination. The most profound scientific concepts will be presented with stunning clarity, uniting skepticism and wonder, and weaving rigorous science with the emotional and spiritual into a transcendent experience.
TV Show: Cosmos ( 1980 )
the season has beena dded as 1st season  to:
TV Show: Ancient Aliens: Declassified ( 2017 )
Ancient Aliens: Declassified is a series that airs extended enhanced episodes with extra information, deleted scenes and bonus unseen footage from the show "Ancient Aliens" that also airs on the History Channel.
TV Show: Action Bronson & Friends Watch Ancient Aliens ( 2016 )
Action Watches Ancient Aliens features Bronson combining some of his favorite things: food, friends, the History series Ancient Aliens and weed. Each episode features Bronson and company watching, commenting, praising and extrapolating on the long-running series exploring controversial theories that extraterrestrials have visited Earth and influenced its culture for millions of years.
TV Show: Ancient Skies ( 2019 )
Discover how centuries of knowledge, experimentation, and engineering helped our ancestors understand the mysteries of space. Expert contributors decode astronomical myths and uncover the science behind their origins.With breathtaking CGI, beautiful landscape footage and some of the world's most important astronomical artifacts, Ancient Skies looks at the cosmos through the eyes of our ancestors, charting our changing views of the cosmos throughout history. We take a journey through past visions of the heavens from all over the world, and from the dawn of civilization to the recent past.From hunter-gatherers to Edwin Hubble, we'll see the myriad of ways that we have observed and chronicled the movements of the heavens. And with a cast of expert historians and astronomers, we explain the science behind the phenomena that our ancestors sought to explain through mythology.Throughout the series, we use cutting-edge animation to demonstrate our ever-evolving understanding of how the universe works and our place in an ever-expanding cosmos.
TV Show: Ancient Civilizations ( 2017 )
What hidden knowledge lies in our ancient past? A team of renowned scholars has come together to decipher the riddle of our origins and piece together our forgotten history found in monuments and texts across the world.
TV Show: Ancient Worlds ( 2010 )
Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles explores the roots of civilisation in a series that runs from the creation of the first cities in Mesopotamia some 6,000 years ago, to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
TV Show: Aliens: The Definitive Guide ( 2013 )
This all-new special is an "Encyclopedia Galactica" of non-Earth life forms, and an investigation into the latest scientific understanding of life beyond planet Earth. Aliens: The Definitive Guide showcases the extraordinary scientists who are currently grappling with extraordinary questions about alien life including: what will aliens really look like?; how will they sound?; what might their words look like; and, of course, will they come in peace? This two-part special takes viewers to stunning, remote locations on Earth as well as elsewhere in the universe.
TV Show: Uncovering Aliens ( 2013 )
Across America, there are more UFO sightings than ever before. 6 million Americans believe they've had an actual physical encounter with an extra-terrestrial. What lies behind this increasing number of reports? Are these UFO's actually extra-terrestrial craft? And do our government know more than they are letting on? A team of four professional UFO investigators has come together to investigate the phenomena. They are travelling across America in attempt to hunt down the truth.
TV Show: In Search of Aliens ( 2014 )
From the lost city of Atlantis to the Loch Ness Monster to the mystery of the Nazca Lines, the world is filled with tales of mysterious locations, mythical creatures and strange occurrences. But could these extraordinary stories and theories turn out to be stranger-than-fiction truths? If so, might there be an extraterrestrial explanation for these phenomena?
TV Show: UFO Conspiracies ( 2014 )
Where do flying saucers originate? Do they carry aliens from other worlds? Or is the truth actually a lot stranger. During World War II the Nazi's employed scientists to re-imagine the boundaries of scientific thought and practice. Many in the field of advanced weapon design - the programme that produced the V1 and V2 rockets that rained on Britain. But did this same unit produce rudimentary flying saucers? Declassified military documents detail the numerous reports by allied pilots of 'foo fighters', unusual craft with incredible acceleration engaging them in the skies above Germany.
TV Show: What on Earth? ( 2015 )
What on Earth? is a documentary series using satellite images of strange geological occurrences and man-made structures on Earth to examine such matters as the planet's extreme locations, phenomena and species.
TV Show: Through the Wormhole ( 2010 )
Hosted by Morgan Freeman, Through the Wormhole explores the deepest mysteries of existence - the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. Can we eliminate evil? What is nothing? Is there a superior race? Now, science has evolved to the point where hard facts and evidence may be able to provide us with answers instead of philosophical theories. Through the Wormhole brings together the brightest minds and best ideas from the very edges of science - Astrophysics, Astrobiology, Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, and more - to reveal the extraordinary truth of our Universe.
TV Show: Search for the Lost Giants ( 2014 )
Stonemasons Jim and Bill Vieira are on a quest to investigate an incredible theory: that the myths and legends we've all been told about giants are actually rooted in fact. Jim has researched over 1,000 accounts of skeletons seven feet tall or over unearthed across America in the 19th and 20th centuries. SEARCH FOR THE LOST GIANTS will follow the Vieira brothers on their quest to find evidence of these missing bones, which seem to have slipped through the hands of history. They'll dig for secret chambers, explore underground tunnels and dive into the deepest museum storage vaults–all to find that one bone, that one hair, that single strand of giant DNA that will answer the question: did giants walk the Earth?
TV Show: How the Universe Works ( 2010 )
How the Universe Works is the greatest story ever told, the creation of everything us. The programme investigates how the Universe came into existence out of nothing, and how it grew from a miniscule point, smaller than an atomic particle, to the vast cosmos we see today.
TV Show: Unsealed: Alien Files ( 2012 )
Abductions, invasions, and conspiracies about aliens surround our world every day, from nightly news to video games to the latest box office hit. Delving into the "photoshopping" of space, the value of Wikileaks, and the role social media plays in alien stories, Unsealed: Alien Files offers a unique 360 degree look at how alien interaction may have affected our past, and how it will affect our future.
TV Show: The Sky at Night ( 1957 )
Our team of astronomers tell us what's on view in the night sky. From comets to quasars, there is always something fascinating to discuss in the Universe.
TV Show: Hangar 1: The UFO Files ( 2014 )
There is a place where the truth about UFOs exists; a vast archive of over 70,000 files gathered over nearly half a century. The place is called Hangar 1. Now, it is finally open for investigation. MUFON, an independent organization dedicated to investigating UFOs, has worked diligently to compile, research and store these files. The History series Hangar 1: The UFO Files will delve deep into these archives to look for connections, clues and evidence; because only by investigating the files of Hangar 1 can we find the truth about UFOs.
TV Show: America's Book of Secrets ( 2012 )
America's Book of Secrets on goes deeper, farther and wider than ever in its unceasing effort to bring viewers the truth behind today's most shocking headlines. From the facts behind the NSA spying scandals ("Big Brother") and the Boston Bombings ("American Terrorists") to America's secret prisons, Scientology, the Gold conspiracy and America's doomsday plans, this thought-provoking informational series features in-depth interviews with top journalists, law enforcement officials and even whistleblowers. It gets past the spin and straight to the heart of what everyone needs to know, whether the government wants you to or not.
TV Show: Paranormal Witness ( 2011 )
In Paranormal Witness, real people relate true tales of supernatural hauntings and explanation-defying paranormal experiences, which are brought to life through recreations.
TV Show: MysteryQuest ( 2009 )
Teams of experts in a variety of fields travel the world to probe some of mankind's most enduring mysteries. Who was Jack the Ripper? What was the purpose of Stonehenge? Why do planes and ships disappear in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle? The experts gather evidence, and a scientific team conducts a forensic study using the latest technologies. Their conclusions may result in a revision of history.
TV Show: Space Voyages ( 2013 )
From Mercury to Gemini, from Apollo to Curiosity, NASA's giant leaps in engineering and science over the last 60 years have been nothing short of astronomical. Blast off on a celestial voyage as we explore the first half-century of the Space Age. Celebrate the triumphs, lament the tragedies, and learn how modern engineers are using the past as a blueprint, refining yesterday's technologies in hopes of sending humans off to Mars and beyond.
TV Show: Curiosity ( 2011 )
Curiosity is an adventure of discovery, an expedition to uncover the truths behind life's most challenging questions. With an insatiable thirst for answers and experiences, we're prepared to do anything, go anywhere and ask anyone to get to the heart of the matter. Curiosity asks and answers the most fundamental questions facing the world today.
TV Show: Mysteries at the Museum ( 2010 )
In Mysteries at the Museum, Don Wildman visits America's museums, where strange and curious remnants of the past are revealed.
TV Show: Decoding the Past ( 2005 )
The History Channel series examining ancient mysteries related not only to a possible Bible Code and predictions of catastrophes, but also the prophecies of Nostramdamus, the Shroud of Turin, and secret societies said to guard forbidden knowledge.
TV Show: History's Mysteries ( 1998 )
History's Mysteries explores stories, events and legends that have intrigued us for generations and started debate in countless time periods. No subject is left untouched in this shows quest for answers.
TV Show: Conspiracy Test ( 2007 )
Delving into the theories behind some of the nation's biggest mysteries.
TV Show: The Universe: Ancient Mysteries Solved ( 2014 )
To the ancients, the heavens were filled with awe and wonder. Looking out into space inspired fear, superstitions and the building of massive monuments like Stonehenge. Now, we examine the greatest mysteries of the past to see if they can finally be solved by modern science.Did Roman Emperors use massive monuments to track the sun and create solar special effects? Is there any truth to the ancient practice of astrology? Can astronomy explain the bad omens that terrified our ancestors? Does science support the ancient visions of Armageddon? Is there really a face on Mars? Are ancient Greek theories about alien planets now being confirmed by the Kepler Space Telescope?The truth is up there, hidden among the stars, in a place we call The Universe.
TV Show: Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings ( 2013 )
Egyptologist Dr. Joann Fletcher investigates what everyday life was like in ancient Egypt for an ordinary person. What was it like to live and die in ancient Egypt, 3,500 years ago? Egyptologist Dr. Joann Fletcher goes on a fascinating journey in search of people like us - not the great Pharaohs but the ordinary people who built and populated this incredible ancient civilization. This investigation reveals a strange and mysterious world: the ancient Egyptian afterlife. To the ancient Egyptians, life was just a dress rehearsal for the perfect afterlife they were trying to reach. Joann clambers into rarely visited tombs, explores a treasure trove of long-buried objects and examines spectacular mummies to discover just why the Egyptians spent a fortune preparing for death - and what they hoped to find when they got there.
TV Show: Treasures Decoded ( 2013 )
Discover five of the world's greatest treasures, all with remarkable secrets that have remained hidden – until now. Treasures Decoded examines five treasures of antiquity: The Turin Shroud, The Dead Sea Copper Scroll, The Jesus Tablets, The Death Cult of the Sphinx, and The Golden Raft of El Dorado. Each object will be scrutinised by experts using a range of new techniques, including state-of-the-art forensics, which will unlock the mind-blowing truth for the first time ever. Filming with archaeologists, historians, scholars, and scientists, no stone is left unturned in search of answers. In this new series, explore the history and possible implications of exposing the fascinating truth about each treasure. What does the obscured writing on the Turin Shroud mean? Is the Golden Raft the key to finding the treasures of El Dorado? All will be revealed.
TV Show: The Lost Gods ( 2006 )
The ancient world was filled with innumerable gods, but what happened to these forgotten entities; where have the old gods gone? Take a journey through faith and time in this enlightening series. Explore the rise and fall of the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Celts, the Romans, the Maya, and the Inca.
TV Show: Dark Matters: Twisted But True ( 2011 )
Dark Matters: Twisted But True examines what happens when scientific research goes too far.
TV Show: Wonders of the Solar System ( 2010 )
Experience the extraordinary…in our planet's own backyard. Wonders explores some of the most amazing features of our very own solar system – how the forces of nature carved out beauty and order from the chaos of space; how our home planet doesn't sit in magnificent isolation but is intimately connected with the rest of the solar system; and how these connections have created the haven we call Earth. Using the latest scientific knowledge and breathtaking images beamed back from the fleet of probes, rovers and telescopes currently in space, this gorgeous imagery, paired with some of the most spectacular and extreme locations on Earth, help to reveal wonders never thought possible.
TV Show: Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking ( 2010 )
Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking is an epic new kind of cosmology series, a Planet Earth of the heavens. It takes the world's most famous scientific mind and sets it free, powered by the limitless possibilities of computer animation. Hawking gives us the ultimate guide to the universe, a ripping yarn based on real science, spanning the whole of space and time -- from the nature of the universe itself, to the chances of alien life, and the real possibility of time travel.
TV Show: Wonders of the Universe ( 2011 )
Having taken on the Wonders of the Solar System, Professor Brian Cox takes the next step – the laws of the Universe in Wonders of the Universe. In another epic series, Brian visits some of the most dramatic parts of the globe to explain the fundamental principles that govern the laws of nature – light, gravity, energy, matter and time. With the world's most profound science at its heart, Wonders Of The Universe reveals how the story of humanity is intimately entwined with that of the complex story of the origins of the universe.
TV Show: Breakthrough ( 2015 )
Breakthrough provides a thought-provoking and imaginative perspective on scientific discovery as it unfolds. Each episode follows scientific explorers working on cutting-­edge projects with breakthrough potential.
TV Show: Supernatural Science
Supernatural Science is centered around controversial theories on stories of the unknown, myths, legends, and supernatural events, to find a explanation on that one particular subject.
TV Show: Brad Meltzer's Decoded ( 2010 )
What if the history you knew was only half the story? Brad Meltzer's Decoded investigates the other half: the secret history of the symbols and codes that surround us everyday. Best-selling author Brad Meltzer has been writing novels for more than a decade. He has studied and written about some of the most revered institutions and documents in human history, including the U.S. Supreme Court, the Presidency, the Secret Service, Wall Street and the Bible. Brad has assembled a team to investigate the countless clues and theories uncovered through his years of research, but unexplored until now. From the dollar bill to the first Presidential Codes, the hidden messages of the Statue of Liberty and the ciphers protecting the location of lost Confederate gold, the team uncovers the truth behind history's most provocative secrets.
TV Show: Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files ( 2010 )
Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is set to revolutionize paranormal programming by investigating the evidence witnesses post on the Internet every day. Have you ever seen a photo or video online and wondered, "Is this real?" This is the show that will answer that question. Heading up the Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files team is Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent who found that his love of the paranormal was greater than his love for the Agency. Now, he leads a young team of intrepid investigators who will convene to dissect the latest unusual images and decide whether they merit further investigation. Grainy videos will be brought to life using the latest in 3D modeling, and Ben will make the final choice which cases will require a trip into the field. Once an investigation is underway, the team will talk to witnesses, carry out experiments using the latest in high tech detection devic...
TV Show: The Truth Behind... ( 2009 )
Myth or reality? Fact or fiction? "The Truth Behind..." takes a forensic look at the world's most popular and enduring mysteries, from the "lost" city of Atlantis to the Loch Ness monster, UFOs to crystal skulls. Using the latest scientific technology, expert opinions, and ground-breaking experiments, this series explores the most fascinating and perplexing of unexplained phenomena, delving deep into the science behind the legends.
TV Show: Bad Universe ( 2010 )
Bad Universe is a television series on the Discovery Channel that attempts to explain some of the phenomena in the universe, while demystifying those that are harder to prove. The show is hosted by Phil Plait, an American astronomer who has spend much of his career dispelling misconceptions about the physical world. His show Bad Universe takes this commitment to universal truth to new levels. Throughout the episodes, Plait goes to tasks against what he calls "bad science," debunking false claims that get passed around as scientific truths about astronomy. Much like Mythbusters, much of the things Plait tries to demystify is the type of science you see in blockbuster Hollywood movies. Asteroid apocalypses, among other cataclysmic scenarios, are played out and scrutinized for their legitimacy. In addition to letting you know whether or not the event is plausible, Plait proposes a few ways to prevent them for happening, or at least mitigating their overall destructiveness.
TV Show: Secret Space Escapes ( 2015 )
What's it like to leave earth to explore the unknown? How does it feel to be in space? What happens when you're in space and something goes terribly wrong? Science Channel's Secret Space Escapes reveals terrifying accidents, fights for survival, and stories of close calls and near misses by the astronauts who survived them. This all-new series offers chilling accounts of the challenges of space exploration as told only by the explorers who lived them and the men and women in mission control who helped each team avert disaster.
TV Show: The Unexplained Files ( 2013 )
From strange abductions, to mutated species, to bizarre occurrences, there are some phenomena that science cannot - or will not - explain. This summer Science Channel unveils some of these shocking and mind-boggling cases from around the world in the world premiere series The Unexplained Files. From mysterious disappearances and UFO encounters, to unidentified fanged predators and reported curses, The Unexplained Files investigates actual, inexplicable occurrences that have confounded scientists and inspired legends. Science Channel invites viewers on a mystifying journey that will challenge disbelief with The Unexplained Files.
TV Show: Digging for the Truth ( 2005 )
Digging for the Truth explores some of the world's greatest archaeological mysteries, from the Pyramids of Egypt to the Lost Ark of the Covenant, from the Holy Grail to King Solomon's Gold. Hosted by adventurer and survival expert Josh Bernstein. Shot in High Definition for The History Channel.
TV Show: From the Earth to the Moon ( 1998 )
This twelve part HBO mini-series tells the story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972. Tom Hanks served as Executive Producer and introduced each segment.
TV Show: Man vs. the Universe ( 2014 )
Mankind has long been at the mercy of the cosmos – subject to the often violent happenings of the boundless universe that exists beyond the confines of Earth's atmosphere. But today humans are taking huge steps to claim space for their own design, evolution and survival in what is becoming a new race for space. In the all-new three-part special "Man vs. the Universe" The Science Channel is bringing viewers a mind-blowing look at the innovative, high-tech work private businesses, engineers and scientists are doing to occupy Mars, mine the Moon's fertile grounds and keep asteroids from destroying life on Earth.
TV Show: How the Universe Works: Expanded Edition ( 2013 )
How the Universe Works: Expanded Edition originally titled as "How the Universe Works 2" is a series that airs Extended Enhanced Episodes with extra information and unseen footage from the show "How the Universe Works" that also airs on the Science Channel.
TV Show: UFOs Declassified ( 2015 )
UFOs Declassified uncovers the world's most amazing UFO stories and reveals the top secret documents that back them up!
TV Show: Stephen Hawking's Grand Design ( 2012 )
Based on his acclaimed new book with science writer Leonard Mlodinow, The Grand Design, Professor Hawking draws on more than 40 years of his own research and a recent series of observations and theoretical breakthroughs to reveal an original and controversial theory. He argues that scientific obsession with formulating a single new model may be misplaced; Hawking holds the position that by synthesizing existing theories, scientists may discover the key to understanding the universe's deepest mysteries.
TV Show: How to Grow a Planet ( 2012 )
In this TV programme Professor Iain Stewart journeys from the spectacular caves of Vietnam to the remote deserts of Africa and sees how plants first harnessed light from the sun and created our life-giving atmosphere. He describes how the plant kingdom has transformed a lifeless planet into our living world.
TV Show: The Unexplained ( 1996 )
The Unexplained is an American paranormal television series that originally aired from January 2, 1996 to May 7, 2000 on A&E and is currently being broadcast on the Biography Channel. The program features various mysteries, paranormal, psychic phenomena, and other topics that are considered to be "unexplained." Earlier episodes of the series are narrated by Bill Kurtis.
TV Show: Alien Mysteries ( 2013 )
Discovery's Alien Mysteries is a fantastically creative and imaginative new take on some of the most enduring UFO mysteries from the last 50 years. Each story is backed up by credible witnesses, investigative reports, and tangible evidence such as physical markings, photographs, radar reports, and videos.
TV Show: UFO Files ( 2004 )
UFO Files is an American television series that was produced from 2004 to 2007 for The History Channel. The program covers the phenomena of unidentified flying and submerged objects, close encounters with alleged extraterrestrial life, and alleged military and government cover-up conspiracies. In 2008, a following series called UFO Hunters premiered on the same channel.
TV Show: Bible Secrets Revealed ( 2013 )
It's the world's all-time best-selling book and has been read and studied by billions over the past 2,000 years. Yet, after all this time, there are still so many mysteries and unanswered questions about the Bible: Who wrote it? How old is it? And is it accurate? From the moral codes of the Old Testament to the apocalyptic predictions of the Book of Revelation, History's new series, Bible Secrets Revealed, seeks to answer those very questions. Over the course of six episodes, scholars, archaeologists and religious leaders will treat viewers to stunning, on-location photography and compelling reenactments while revealing hidden facts and shocking information about this ancient text.
TV Show: Clash of the Gods ( 2009 )
"Clash of the Gods" explores assorted fables, legends, and figures from various mythologies.
TV Show: Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World ( 1980 )
Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World is a British television series looking at unexplained phenomena from around the world. Each program is introduced and book-ended by science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in short sequences filmed in Sri Lanka. The bulk of the episodes are narrated by Gordon Honeycombe. 
TV Show: Catalyst ( 2001 )
Catalyst is Australia's premier science investigation series. Each week the team brings you stories from Australia and around the world, meeting scientists at the forefront of discovery.
TV Show: Alien Encounters ( 2012 )
On Alien Encounters, scientists and sci-fi writers explore a hypothetical first-contact event between aliens and humans.
TV Show: Weird or What? ( 2010 )
Hosted by William Shatner, each episode of Weird or What? contains three separate stories of the bizarre and unexplained. As the show unfolds, it weighs various supernatural and scientific theories that attempt to explain the story, and sometimes features tests conducted as proof of a theory's plausibility. The show features strange occurrences such as aliens, ghosts, monsters and natural disasters, and could lead you to question your understanding of what is real, what isn't, and what's just plain weird.
TV Show: Shaun Ryder on UFOs ( 2013 )
Shaun Ryder, frontman of the 80s and 90s bands Happy Mondays and Black Grape, has been fascinated by UFOs for years, ever since he spotted one when he was a young kid so in this eagerly awaited series on the History channel he goes on the ultimate road trip to investigate potential alien sightings.
TV Show: The Age of Aerospace ( 2016 )
The Age of Aerospace explores the last 100 years of aviation history in unprecedented detail. From the Wright brothers first flight to the Apollo moon landings and beyond, the series highlights milestones in an industry defined by innovation. Woven into this history is the story of The Boeing Company. Today it stands as the largest aerospace company in the world, but over much of the last century it navigated an uncertain future through war and peace, booms and busts. The Age of Aerospace recounts the fate of a company, a country, and its people, and the countless contributions to technology, culture, and history they have made.
TV Show: Wired Science ( 2007 )
Wired Science brings the cutting-edge technology stories from Wired Magazine to life. This one-hour primetime program features stories on recent discoveries, the latest innovations, and breakout ideas. Hosted by Ziya Tong, Brian Unger, and Aomawa Shields.
TV Show: Wings: Flying Through Time ( 1980 )
Climb aboard an amazing journey and discover the excitement and joy of flying. Featuring both extraordinary archive photography and modern footage, this Australian series looks at the aeronautical advancements of both military and civilian aircraft over 26 episodes. Each adventure highlights the most remarkable aircraft ever to fly including historic airships, war planes, luxury jetliners and many more.
TV Show: Deep Space Marvels ( 2011 )
Examining aspects of the universe, including extraterrestrial life, the big bang, space travel, black holes and the possible colonization of other planets.
TV Show: Stuff You Should Know ( 2013 )
Science Channel will follow Josh and Chuck inside and outside the recording booth with Stuff You Should Know, a series that combines all the delicious informational nuggets of their podcast and wraps them in deadpan mockumentary-style humor. Along for the ride are a wide array of guests making cameo appearances, including John Hodgman, Sarah Silverman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Rufus Wainwright, and Michio Kaku.
TV Show: Secret History ( 1991 )
Secret History is a long-running documentary series that originally ran on British television. Using a combination of interviews and archival footage, the show re-examines key historical moments of international events, often utilizing little-known and previously suppressed information. In 1992, the show won the Royal Television Society award for Best Documentary Series.
TV Show: NASA's Unexplained Files ( 2014 )
Countless mysterious objects have been spotted in the sky and many astronauts have reported seeing UFOs. NASA's Unexplained Files reveals groundbreaking footage and interviews from both astronauts and scientists to explore the idea that there could be life outside of our planet.
TV Show: The Story of God with Morgan Freeman ( 2016 )
Today, for better or worse, the power of religion touches all of our lives, no matter what our faith. This is Morgan Freeman's journey to discover how our beliefs connect us all. This is the quest of our generation. This is the Story of God.
TV Show: Mysteries of the Bible ( 1994 )
Upheld as the literal word of God by some and the ultimate testament of mankind's spirituality by others, the Bible has galvanized western history for over 2,000 years. For ages, it has provided a rich treasury of tradition, ritual, and mystery that has engaged scholars as much as it has guided the faithful.. After thousands of years of debate and question, "Mysteries of the Bible" explores many of the greatest tales of Scripture.Filmed on location throughout the Holy Land, and utilizing modern scientific techniques and new-found archaeological discoveries, the series reveals surprising facts and theories behind the legendary figures and fabled stories of the Bible.
TV Show: Lost Cities of the Ancients ( 2006 )
Archaeologists are unearthing lost civilizations, forgotten histories and incredible technologies that date back thousands of years. Re-discover these amazing, forgotten civilizations and marvel at the cities and empires they built.
TV Show: Space's Deepest Secrets ( 2016 )
A new breed of explorer has taken space travel beyond the moon to unlock and reveal first-ever views of alien worlds and cosmic bodies far beyond anyone's imagination. Space's Deepest Secrets shares stories of the men and women who pushed their ingenuity and curiosity to uncover some of the most groundbreaking findings in the history of space exploration. Hourlong episodes cover NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto, the Hubble Telescope, the twin Voyager explorations, and other past, current and future missions and projects.
TV Show: Strange Days: Cold War Britain ( 2013 )
Historian Dominic Sandbrook takes us back to the strange years of the Cold War. For Sandbrook these are the years in which we were both more secure and prosperous that we had ever been - and at the same time, lived everyday with the very real possibility of nuclear annihilation. This is not just a story of the superpower arms race or daring spies, real and fictional, it is a story in which all we played a crucial part.
TV Show: Genius by Stephen Hawking ( 2016 )
Genius by Stephen Hawking will be presented and narrated by renowned theoretical physicist Prof. Stephen Hawking. Through the use of large-scale experiments and remarkable demonstrations, the program decodes the mysteries of evolutionary biology, astrophysics and quantum mechanics, solving questions like "Why am I here?", "Are we alone?" and "Can we travel through time?" Each episode features three people with curious minds who must use their own intellect to learn what humanity's most notable thinkers have discovered about the greatest scientific mysteries over the centuries. GENIUS takes its participants (and viewers at home) back in time - to ancient Greece, where Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference - and to more recent history and such thinkers as Edward Hubble, who uncovered and established the distances between our planet and the vast galaxies throughout the universe.
TV Show: When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions ( 2008 )
Narrated by award-winning actor Gary Sinise, When We Left Earth is the incredible story of humankind's greatest adventure, as it happened, told by the people who were there. From the early quest of the Mercury program to put a man in space, to the historic moon landings, through the Soyuz link-up and the first un-tethered space walk by Bruce McCandless, this is how the space age came of age. The vivid HD series features vintage rushes and all the key onboards filmed by the astronauts themselves. The sequences are captured by cameras onboard the spaceships, enabling the series to tell the stories in a depth never seen before.
TV Show: UFOs: The Untold Stories ( 2012 )
Are we finally a step closer to understanding the great unknown and what it may – or may not – hold?Man has always been curious about what is really out there in the vastness of space, and UFO sightings have been reported for years. Now, with video footage of sightings, radar evidence and eyewitness accounts from around the world, UFOs: The Untold Stories provides an in-depth look at the fascinating and disturbing aspects of encounters with the unexplained.
TV Show: MARS ( 2016 )
The year is 2033, and humanity's first crewed mission to Mars is about to become a reality. As a clock counts down the final 90 seconds to landing, an expert crew of astronauts endures the final harrowing moments before touching down on the red planet. Even with the best training and resources available, the maiden crew of the Daedalus spacecraft must push itself to the brink of human capability in order to successfully establish the first sustainable colony on Mars. Set both in the future and in the present day, the global miniseries event MARS blends feature film-caliber scripted elements set in the future with documentary vérité interviews with today's best and brightest minds in modern science and innovation, illuminating how research and development is creating the space technology that will enable our first attempt at a mission to Mars.
TV Show: Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies ( 2016 )
In Declassified: Untold Stories of American Spies, explore the true stories of America's covert operations told firsthand by the agents who lived it, while getting unprecedented access to the riveting and secret world of espionage. Hosted by former U.S. Congressman, former House Intelligence Committee chair and current CNN national security contributor Mike Rogers.
TV Show: Unearthed ( 2016 )
Unearthed decodes mysteries and combines scientific investigations with CGI animation to reveal the hidden secrets of iconic structures and monuments from around the globe -- ancient and present-day. The show explores how they were designed, built, used, and in some cases, lost and rediscovered. At critical points in each episode, stunning "blow apart" CGI animation deconstructs the structures to reveal hidden anatomy while exploring the secret history of each edifice, immersing us in the age and culture in which they were constructed.Archeologists travel to various parts of the world, in search of ancient secrets of mysterious civilizations. From the tallest pyramids to an underwater city, experts take viewers on an unforgettable journey.Unearthed fuses elements of engineering, history, geology, and archaeology, revealing the deepest secrets of each structure. We'll see the latest technology used to solve mysteries such as how the Parthenon still stands against earthquakes; how sticky rice was used to build the Great Wall of China; and what sacred secret lies beneath the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza.They may be older structures, but scientists and archaeologists use the latest technology including LiDAR scanning, X-ray imaging, carbon dating, and 3D printing techniques to reveal secrets of the past in ways that weren't possible before. Unearthed shows the future of science and technology are key to understanding our past, and without these developments, we wouldn't be able to unravel some of the world's greatest mysteries.
TV Show: Monsters and Mysteries in America ( 2013 )
From all across the country emerge tales of close encounters with legendary creatures, from horrific monsters and ancient spirits to alien sightings and unexplained paranormal phenomena. Thirty percent of Americans believe that a beast such as Bigfoot is living in our forests; in a quaint Montana town, reports of an elusive lake serpent have persisted every year since 1889; last year, UFO sightings were reported in 36 of 50 states in one week alone. Featuring first-person accounts with everyday people who believe they have come face to face with real-life folktale fiends, Monsters and Mysteries in America travels our country's untamed wilderness to tell of its storied past.
TV Show: Secrets ( 2013 )
The Sphinx. El Dorado. The Shroud of Turin. Our world holds remarkable relics that are full of secrets, written in stone, gold, and blood. Discovering the truths behind their mysteries could change history as we know it. Join us as we travel the globe and come face-to-face with these puzzling treasures. We explore hidden corners, decipher ancient documents, and apply groundbreaking research and forensic techniques with one goal in mind: to discover the truth about these fabled cities, monuments, and remnants, and to share it with the world.
TV Show: Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End ( 2016 )
Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End looks at apocalyptic disasters so cataclysmic that if they happened today, they could extinguish the human race. From massive asteroid impacts to volcanic hyper-eruptions to sudden energy blasts from outer space, will you be ready? Can any of us survive?
TV Show: Project Blue Book ( 2019 )
Project Blue Book is based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force from 1952 to 1969.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek, a brilliant yet underappreciated college professor, is recruited by the U.S. Air Force to spearhead a clandestine operation called Project Blue Book. Along with his partner, the debonair Air Force Captain Michael Quinn, he is summoned to investigate UFO sightings around the country and use science to discover what really happened. However, when some encounters cannot be explained away and cases remain open, Hynek begins to suspect that he has been duped by the government into a larger conspiracy to cover up the truth.
TV Show: Ancient X-Files ( 2010 )
Examining the medieval myth of the Philosopher's Stone, a Holy Grail-type relic which supposedly held the key to alchemy and immortality. Many noted alchemists and adventurers searched obsessively for the artefact hoping to learn its powerful secrets, a quest which allegedly drove some to madness and others to celestial encounters. It's one of the most coveted artefacts of the Bible: a gold-encrusted chest containing the Ten Commandments. Can modern scholarship explain the awful powers of the Ark of the Covenant and tell us how it vanished and where it is today.
TV Show: Mars: The Secret Science ( 2016 )
Meet the scientists and modern explorers determined to send humans to Mars. As NASA builds its first spacecraft to carry astronauts to Mars and visionaries devise extraterrestrial colonies, our future on the Red Planet might be sooner than we think.
TV Show: The True Story ( 2003 )
Peel away the layers of hype and get to the source of what is actually real with The True Story, the show that explores the truth behind well known movies and movie characters.Was James Bond really Ian Fleming? Was Indiana Jones inspired by an American adventurer or a German Grail Hunter? Did the three prisoners in the movie Escape from Alcatraz successfully break free or were they washed out to sea? What really happened in the Amityville Horror House? And was it the Untouchables, and their leader Eliot Ness, who successfully put Al Capone behind bars - as depicted in the movie - or someone else entirely?
TV Show: NASA: Triumph and Tragedy ( 2009 )
In 2009, NASA celebrates the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing. This documentary series offers audiences a unique chance to glimpse an astronaut's view of space flight. It is an epic story of heroes and their breathtaking successes as they further humanity's innate desire to explore. To land a human being on another celestial body is the first step to living beyond our planet. The breathless pace and daring of the Apollo program sees NASA master previously unimagined tasks in an attempt to achieve the most incredible accomplishment in the history of human endeavour.
TV Show: Mind Field ( 2017 )
In Mind Field, host Michael Stevens brings his passion for science to his most ambitious subject yet: something we still know very little about, human behavior. Using real subjects (including guest stars and Michael himself) Mind Field reveals some of the most mind-blowing, significant, and least-understood aspects of the human psyche. Through expert interviews, rare footage from historical experiments, and brand-new, ground-breaking demonstrations of human nature at work, Mind Field explores the surprising things we know (and don't know) about why people are the way they are.
TV Show: Discovery Project Earth ( 2008 )
Project Earth is a reality TV series on the Discovery Channel in which several groups of scientists experiment with radical ideas to slow and/or stop global warming with the financial aid of the Discovery Channel.
TV Show: Secrets of the Underground ( 2017 )
Scientist Rob Nelson investigates the strangest underground locations in the world, using the latest technology and research to shed new light on the secrets that lie just beneath our feet.Part tech, part mystery, and part science, this show is What on Earth? meets Mysteries at the Museum -- and it's all underground. Using LIDAR, ground-penetrating radar, and all types of 3D imaging, we tell the stories of some of the strangest subterranean locations in the country. From intricate (and forgotten) sewers, caves, chemical labs, and dark matter detectors, to lost civilizations, these images look at all things covert, hidden, and unfamiliar.
TV Show: Origins: The Journey of Humankind ( 2017 )
Hosted by Jason Silva, Origins: The Journey of Humankind rewinds all the way back to the beginning and explores the innovations that made us modern.
TV Show: The Day the Universe Changed ( 1985 )
James Burke explores key moments in Western History where new knowledge in science changed the way the modern Western world thinks.
TV Show: Blowing Up History ( 2016 )
Blowing Up History investigates new evidence that reveals the myths and mysteries behind ancient civilisations and the iconic megastructures they built. How were the Pyramids constructed and what lies hidden inside their secret chambers? How does the Parthenon stand tall against earthquakes? What sacred secret lies beneath the Mayan temples of Chichen Itza? Using groundbreaking technology this series takes a closer look inside these ancient wonders to reveal hidden chambers and vaults, and pulls them apart - stone by stone - to expose their construction secrets.
TV Show: Cooper's Treasure ( 2017 )
In the 1960s, the "Original 7" astronauts were both rock stars and daredevils. With movie star looks and a penchant for sports cars, Gordon Cooper was the youngest and the flashiest of the bunch. As a space pioneer, he first took orbit in Mercury-Atlas 9, setting a record that still holds today for the longest solo space flight in US history. During one of his key missions, while Cooper claimed to be scouring the globe for nuclear sites, he actually discovered something else: shipwrecks. Working for decades in secret, using the information he collected while orbiting the Earth, Cooper created a document that he thought could lead to unimaginable wealth – a treasure map from space. Uncover the truth – and the treasure – when Cooper's Treasure premieres on the Discovery Channel. Before passing away, Cooper shared his secret with long-time friend Darrell Miklos with the hope that his exploration would continue and the treasure would ultimately be found. Miklos is now setting out on a personal quest to fulfill the legacy of his lost mentor, once and for all realizing Cooper's long-held dream and proving to the world that the mysterious documents hold the key for a new generation of explorers.
TV Show: UFOs: The Lost Evidence ( 2017 )
In UFOs: The Lost Evidence, current and former government officials, pilots and astronauts come forth to share evidence of humanity's contact with the extraterrestrial.
TV Show: The Lowe Files ( 2017 )
The Lowe Files follows Rob Lowe and his two sons, Matthew and John Owen, as they travel through the country to explore infamous unsolved mysteries, a curiosity that Rob has had since his early childhood days and has now been passed down to his boys.In each episode of "The Lowe Files", Rob, Matthew and John Owen seek out a mysterious story or spooky legend and immerse themselves in the exploration and debate of the experience. While fun in spirit, the Lowe's are able to conduct deliberate and scientific investigations on a highly-sophisticated level by meeting with top experts, using high-tech monitoring equipment and taking in-depth training courses.
TV Show: UFO Hunters ( 2008 )
The new HD series is a spin-off from the network's hit program UFO Hunters which premiered in 2005. UFO Hunters airs new episodes every Wednesday at 10PM/9C on The History Channel®. The team's access to UFO evidence is unparalleled and their expertise allows them to quickly identify bogus claims of UFOs. Together, they use eyewitness accounts, scientific experimentation, documents recently released through the Freedom of Information Act and footage that has never been seen before on television to piece together compelling — and at times chilling — evidence of UFO phenomena. Join UFO Hunters Bill Birnes, Pat Uskert, Dr. Ted Acworth, and Jeff Tomlinson as they separate fact from fallacy.
TV Show: Close Encounters ( 2014 )
Weird weather patterns, flight schedules, and extraordinary imagination - ultimately, of the thousands of "UFO sightings" that are reported each year around the globe, most can be explained and attributed to normal, Earthly phenomena.
TV Show: Unearthing Ancient Secrets ( 2009 )
New forensic techniques are radically altering our understanding of the past, and helping to resolve mysteries about the lives of some of the greatest figures in history. In this series leading experts from around the world apply modern forensic techniques to re-examine the myths and mysteries that have fascinated us for centuries.