Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

52 favorites


TV Show: Mister Tachyon ( 2018 )
Searching for the cure to his invisibility, Mister Tachyon travels the world to meet visionaries, dreamers, and eccentrics and discover ideas that exist in the fringes of science.
TV Show: Encounters: The Hidden Truth ( 1994 )
A look at people, places and events that exist outside the boundaries of traditional science. Host John Marshall and a team of reporters present 3 or 4 stories per episode dealing with real-life stories of paranormal phenomena, unfolding through witness interviews and dramatic reenactments of the events.
TV Show: The Fabric of the Cosmos ( 2011 )
Simple, obvious, ever-present aspects of our daily lives give scientists fits trying to understand them. One of these aspects is space which physicists are convinced is something more than nothing. This program explains the experiments that are giving scientists hints about what space is.
Movie: The Silent Revolution of Truth ( 2009 )
The film explores the life of Billy Meier, 71 year-old Swiss UFO contactee as told by Meier, family members, other witnesses and various experts. The road trip element of the film follows U.S. representative for the Meier case, Michael Horn, as he prepares to present information on the case at a Nevada UFO event. Also included are a retired UN diplomat, who witnessed the UFOs; a therapist, who discusses possible delusional disorders among UFO enthusiasts; and an expert consultant to the U.S. Army Special Forces who analyzes both Meier and the UN diplomat for truthfulness.
Movie: Chariots of the Gods? The Mysteries Continue ( 1996 )
An update of "Chariots of the Gods" (1970), this slick production provides updates of Erich von Däniken's controversial theories with von Däniken himself acting as co-host. Shooting locations include the Giza Plateau in Egypt, the megalithic ruins at Carnac in Brittany, the ancient Mayan cities of Chichén Itzá and Palenque in Mexico, Deder and Kaimalkin in Turkey, as well as other mysterious sites around the world.
Movie: UFOs and Consciousness ( 2013 )
Movie: A Case for UFOs ( 2013 )
Movie: UFO's Are Real ( 1979 )
One of many 1970s UFO documentaries, this one features lots of still photos of alleged UFOs, some UFO motion picture footage, and the usual stock footage and images acquired from government and military sources. Among the many people interviewed are UFO researchers Stanton Friedman and Ted Phillips, UFO abductees Betty Hill and Travis Walton, optical physicist Bruce Maccabee, and retired U.S. military officers Jesse Marcel and Wendelle Stevens. The documentary supports the view that alien visitors regularly come to Earth and have perhaps done so for centuries.
Movie: Intruders: Abductees Speak Out! ( 2008 )
INTRUDERS: Abductees Speak Out! presents an intimate portrait of self-proclaimed alien abductees who are coping with the daily turmoil of being regularly taken by entities not from this world. Are they simply mistaken or disturbed? Or are they - as some experts contend - unwitting participants in an ominous alien agenda?
Movie: The Truth Behind: UFOs ( 2011 )
The Truth Behind: UFOs looks at UFOs sightings around the world. It looks at recent sightings in Connecticut and Israel. It also goes to Rachel, Neveda, to follow a group of UFO hunters searching for objects in the sky. It looks at the legend of Area 51 and the account of Bob Lazar who said he worked there. It also discusses the Roswell crash and the AVRO car.
Movie: Alien Encounters from New Tomorrowland ( 1995 )
Television pseudo-documentrary created to promote the forthcoming "ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter" attraction located in the Tomorrowland section of Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.
Movie: Celestial ( 2012 )
Featuring some incredible imagery of the moon, Celestial brings forth lunar anomalies including glass domes over craters with buildings and structures underneath, six-mile-tall statues, even a tower that resembles the Eiffel tower.
Movie: 2013 Sympoisum on Official and Scientific Investigations of UAP (UFO's) ( 2013 )
The Symposium on UAP (UFO's) brings together a credentialed group of scientists, professors, pilots, military officers, foreign dignitaries, and investigative journalists to discuss how UAP affects safety in national skies. Finding a quantifiable measuring stick is paramount to studying this phenomena properly, which leads to the logical conclusion that a government funded agency must be create to accurately study it. The countries represented at this conference are the U.S., Chile, France, and Belgium. At the conference an international deal between Chile and France was struck to share information on UAP. This is the first agreement of its kind.
Movie: Watching the Skies: In Search of Extraterrestrial Life ( 2009 )
We examine concepts behind the film's concept and provides info from SETI Institute senior astronomer Seth Shostak, Planetary Society associate director Charlene Anderson, Planetary Society Director of Projects Dr. Bruce Betts, Ministry of Defense (1985-2006) representative Nick Pope, author Alfred Lambremont Webre, Skeptic Magazine publisher Dr. Michael Shermer, and Caltech theoretical physicist Sean Carroll. It examines the prospects of life on other planets and the attempts to locate it.
Movie: Alien Investigations ( 2012 )
Uncover the truth behind the greatest UFO story ever told, the crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Hear firsthand from the people who saw the wreckage and were forced to stay silent for decades. See the supposed military autopsy on the creature from another world. Dive into the mystery that surrounded the entire event.
Movie: A Field Full of Secrets ( 2014 )
In 2008, two best friends stepped into their very first crop circle in southern England. This is story of what happened next.
Movie: Contact ( 1987 )
Movie: Archetype of the UFO ( 2008 )
The world of UFO's and Aliens is filled with controversy, speculation and mystery. What are the UFO's? Do they exist in reality or are they drawn from somewhere within the mind of man? Do they they emanate from another dimension altogether or are they ancient archetypes that we have forgotten with the sands of time? The Archetype of the UFO tackles these dilemmas head on, going where few UFO documentaries have dared to go before. As we near 2012, we now need to abandon any previous notions about this phenomenon and delve deeper into this fascinating realm that lures the entire human race toward its future destiny. Be prepared to think again, outside of standardized reasoning and journey with us into a new paradigm on this controversial and mounting subject. Joining O. H. Krill and Philip Gardiner in this search is Nick Pope, the real-life Fox Mulder with his incredible and unique insight from his days leading the British Ministry of Defense UFO Project.
Movie: Alien Encounter at Loch Ness ( 2014 )
"Across the globe there are tales of lake and sea monsters stretching back in time for thousands of years. They have many names, but one in particular has captured the imagination of the world like no other - the Loch Ness Monster. From the 7th Century, right up until our modern period, sightings of large lake beasts have been common at this remote Scottish Highland L...Read all
Movie: Overlords of the U.F.O. ( 1977 )
This documentary puts forth the theory that UFOs are actually beings from another dimension, and reviews past incidents of UFO sightings in support of that theory.
Movie: Gateways to the Otherworld ( 2007 )
This provides answer to the most profound question mankind has been asking himself for as long as there has been consciousness - is there life after death? We discover that a technique exists in which we can all travel and journey to "other realities" which exist within us. Through the science of quantum physics, Gardiner shows that ancient man was far more advanced than we previously believed.
Movie: Quantum Mind of God ( 2007 )
Movie: America's Alien Invasion: The Lost UFO Encounters ( 2012 )
Most Americans do not know the White House was swarmed by UFOs in 1952 and again in 1963. The government knows that UFOs are here. Explore this phenomenon that is destined to impact our very being because WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Movie: Alien from Area 51: The Alien Autopsy Footage Revealed ( 2012 )
Footage of a dead alien from a crashed UFO in Roswell, NM and moved to Area 51 shocked the world. The time is coming for alien intervention on Earth whether we are ready or not.
Movie: The Most Unknown ( 2018 )
The Most Unknown is an epic documentary film that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world to uncover unexpected answers to some of humanity's biggest questions. How did life begin? What is time? What is consciousness? How much do we really know? By introducing researchers from diverse backgrounds for the first time, then dropping them into new, immersive field work they previously hadn't tackled, the film reveals the true potential of interdisciplinary collaboration, pushing the boundaries of how science storytelling is approached. What emerges is a deeply human trip to the foundations of discovery and a powerful reminder that the unanswered questions are the most crucial ones to pose. Directed by Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Ian Cheney (The Search for General Tso, The City Dark) and advised by world-renowned filmmaker Werner Herzog (Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, The Wrath of God, Grizzly Man), The Most Unknown is an ambitious look at a side of science never before shown on screen. The film was made possible by a grant from Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.
Movie: The Moon ( 2006 )
Movie: Alien Contact: NASA Exposed ( 2014 )
Whistleblowers claim NASA not only knows about alien visitations but that they are in contact with extraterrestrials.
Movie: UFO Cover-Up Live with Larry King ( 1994 )
Two-hour Larry King Special, produced by CNN but broadcast on TNT. Larry King brings his talk show to the desert outside Area 51 for a live broadcast. In a combination of live panel interviews and prerecorded inserts, the show explores the evidence for UFOs and the alleged government cover-up of UFO information.
Movie: The Search for a New Earth ( 2017 )
Professor Stephen Hawking enlists engineering expert Prof Danielle George and his own former student, Christophe Galfard, to find out if and how humans can reach for the stars and move to different planets.
Movie: Comet Collision! ( 2005 )
Movie: The Disclosure President ( 2016 )
Stephen Bassett, the only American lobbyist of his kind, hopes for a seismic shift with the 2016 US Presidential Elections. Bassett is on a mission to end the "truth embargo."
Movie: A Strange Harvest ( 1980 )
A documentary film of animal mutilation.
Movie: Moonwalker
Only twelve humans have ever walked on the surface of another world. Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell was the sixth man to do so. He also wanted to reveal the secret organization that covers up the extraterrestrial presence engaging humanity.
Movie: The Pearl Button ( 2015 )
Delving into the nearly-religious significance of water, this profound rumination on memory and loss bridges the gap between its mystical origins, Pinochet's coup d'état, and the secret of a mother-of-pearl button at the bottom of the sea.
Movie: Nano Man: Utility Fog (Short 2015) ( 2015 )
A military funded nanophysicist believes he possesses a mysterious meta-material created by another intelligence. Extraterrestrial Nanotechnology from a UFO landing site.
Movie: Crop Circles: Quest for Truth ( 2002 )
Signs indicate that some form of non-human intelligence is communication with us ... What's the message? Academy Award nominated documentary filmmaker William Gazecki offers a compelling and provocative look at the mysterious phenomenon of Crop Circles.
Movie: SpaceDrive (Short 2016)
A NanPhysicist and his Father discover mysterious forces while building a device intended for interstellar travel. The discovery, if real, could revolutionize our world. The ultimate goal? To become extraterrestrials.
Movie: The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence ( 2002 )
From the initial news of a "disk" being recovered in the desert to a scientific excavation of the 1947 crash site in Roswell, N.M., this documentary offers an account of what may be an event in the 20th century. Includes eyewitness interviews and new footage. Archaeologists from the University of New Mexico, in partnership with SCI FI Channel, set out to uncover physical evidence to help prove whether the claim of an extraterrestrial craft crash is science fiction or science fact.
Movie: Encounters of the Fourth Kind ( 1989 )
Documentary based on the best selling book Communion, written by Whitley Strieber. The last TV project Roddy McDowall was involved with prior to his death. A fact filled documentary with ...
Movie: Watchers 5: Let Me In ( 2012 )
Movie: Watchers 7: Physical Evidence ( 2013 )
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before...
Movie: The Real Men with 'the Right Stuff' ( 2003 )
The "real men with the right stuff", Chuck Yeager and the Mercury astronauts, discuss the early days of the space program and its portrayal in the film "The Right Stuff".
Movie: Beyond the Edge ( 2012 )
Movie: Billion Dollar Secret ( 1999 )
Movie: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied III - UFOs from Outer Space ( 2016 )
There is no telling what is really going on deep in space. But one thing is absolutely for certain, there is not one film or photo in this movie that was taken from earth. You will see real life UFOs captured in the far regions of space by NASA and foreign space agencies.
Movie: Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets ( 2004 )
This two-part science fiction docu-drama examines the possibilities of a dangerous, manned space mission to explore the inner and outer planets of the Solar system.
Movie: Area 51: The Alien Interview ( 1997 )
A documentary about aliens and UFOs with re-enactments of alien interviews and video of a supposedly real video of an alien being interviewed by government officials.
Movie: Area 51: America's Most Secret Base ( 1998 )
Footage and interviews of those who live around and who visit around Area 51 and surrondings in Nevada.
Movie: Crop Circles ( 2002 )
Movie: Alien Underworld ( 2002 )
Movie: Dreamland: Area 51 ( 1996 )
What is going on out in the nevada desert ? the incredible story of bob lazar, the man who claims to have worked on a covert govt ufo project at area 51
Movie: Watchers 10 ( 2016 )
Giants revealed in Afghanistan. A fairy is examined from Mexico (continued in Watchers 10.2). Is there a cover-up about giants worldwide? Why are giant bones in Catalina hidden? The team ...
Movie: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon ( 2001 )
A documentary on the evidence which shows that the Apollo 11 astronauts never actually landed on the moon.
Movie: The Real 'X-Files'? ( 2015 )
Movie: Neil Armstrong: First Man on the Moon ( 2012 )
On the 21st July 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on another world. Learning to fly just as the super-sonic era dawned, and honing his piloting skills flying Navy combat missions over North Korea, Armstrong was a product of his time. With additional experience as an elite, rocket-powered, X-15 test pilot he had just the right skill set NASA was looking for in 1961, when they recruited their second group of astronauts to shoot for the Moon. Achieving the first Moon landing and taking that first step onto its surface just eight years later, not only transformed human history, but also it changed Armstrong's own life as well. Drawing on private family archives and told through a series of intimate interviews, this is the story of the real Neil Armstrong, by those who loved, lived and worked with 'the first man on the Moon'.
Movie: Cosmic Thoughts ( 2003 )
Movie: Alien Planet ( 2005 )
The CGI or computer animated drama/documentary takes place on Darwin IV, a planet 6.5 light years from earth, with 2 suns and 60% of Earth's gravity. Having identified Darwin as a world that could support life, Earth sends a pilot mission consisting of the Mothership Von Braun and three probes: Balboa, Da Vinci, and Newton. This robotic fleet is responsible for findin...Read all
Movie: Hunt for the Skinwalker ( 2018 )
Hunt For The Skinwalker is a documentary about the most intensive scientific study of a UFO and paranormal hotspot in human history.
Movie: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied II - Moon Rising ( 2009 )
Did we land on the Moon? The answer is without a doubt, yes! This film is about what was waiting for us when we got there and the lies put into motion in order to conceal what was found.
Movie: Stranger at the Pentagon (Short 2013) ( 2014 )
Universal envoy Valiant Thor meets with President Eisenhower in 1957 and is put on VIP status for 3 years.
Movie: Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs ( 2005 )
A UFO enthusiast interviews Dan Aykroyd on the subject of extraterrestrials visiting Earth.
Movie: UFOs and the Alien Presence ( 1992 )
World renowned UFO author and researcher Michael Lindemann presents the facts on how the government has worked to shape the public view about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Now referred to as the "spin factor," we find that our current views are based on sensationalistic Hollywood propaganda. Government deception, secret underground bases, unexplained cattle mutilations, secret advanced technology and alien abductions are just a few of the many topics covered in this intelligently researched program exposing the misinformation and the facts behind the truth. The presentation is not slanted in any direction, and the director (Marty Thomas) framed the documentary with a unique, fast paced style. The real photos and film clips (over 500) are strange and fascinating.
Movie: Russian Roswell ( 2005 )
Movie: Deep Sea UFOs ( 2006 )
Movie: Stanton T. Friedman Is Real! ( 2002 )
Biographical look at Stanton Friedman, who for the past 40 years has been the world's foremost investigator and lecturer on the UFO phenomenon, and who broke the Roswell story in 1978.
Movie: Out of This World ( 1962 )
Movie: Do You Believe in Majic? ( 2004 )
A documentary look at the infamous Majestic-12 documents, which proponents claim as proof of a crashed alien spacecraft at Roswell and subsequent government cover-up; detractors assert that the documents are a hoax.
Movie: Beyond The Spectrum ( 2017 )
What has Nasa been hiding from us beyond the visual spectrum?
Movie: The Disclosure Dialogues ( 2011 )
The Disclosure Dialogues are the definitive collection ever assembled on the state of disclosure. This is a five disc set that starts with an excellent 70 minute documentary, featuring contributions from virtually every relevant figure in the field today. There will come a day when Disclosure and its history are the subject of study. THIS SET will be referred to as the best source of information ever compiled in one place.
Movie: 14 Minutes from Earth ( 2016 )
Imagine you're Alan Eustace. You're in your 50's, you've got two young daughters and a loving wife at home and you're the Senior Vice-President of 'Knowledge' at Google. But none of that matters to you right now -- because in less than a minute the giant balloon strapped to your back is going to inflate to the size of a football stadium as it carries you over 135,000 feet straight up into the stratosphere -- higher than any man has ever gone without a rocket ship! 14 Minutes From Earth documents every harrowing moment of Alan's unprecedented mission to promote science and space-exploration. From a crazy idea sketched on a napkin, to dangling in outer space wondering if he'll ever see his family again - you'll experience every pulse-racing failure and feel-good triumph of the world's most unlikely space explorer. Shot in complete secrecy over the course of two years, you'll take a never before seen look at history in the making as a small but dedicated team dares to push the boundaries of technology en-route to a record breaking journey to the stars and back.
Movie: Packing for Mars ( 2015 )
Inspired by a 1970's science fiction novel entitled ALTERNATIVE 3, one man, armed with nothing but a camera and an open mind, sets forth on a journey to reveal the truth behind what may well be one of the most startling secrets: An elite group is said to be secretly building an exclusive off-world survival colony on planet Mars. Credible individuals have begun to emerge claiming to have been actual Mars recruits including the great granddaughter of a historically significant American president.
Movie: The Watchers ( 2010 )
This documentary brings LA Marzulli, a favorite on the wildly popular Coast to Coast AM, into a realistic discussion on UFOs, entities, and the actual facts that are surrounding them. Dr. LA Marzulli is a leading expert in the field and author of several books on the topic including the most recent "Alien Interviews." Marzulli looks at the current manifestations of UFO activity worldwide and relates these experiences to what ancient texts say about them, as well as current scientific hypothesis. There is no doubt that UFOs are here and not going away. What does this mean? What are inter-dimensional beings? What are Orbs? What is the difference between Orbs and Craft? Are implants real? Has humanity finally become enlightened enough to accept new life forms? The film also continues with an in depth interview with Dr. Roger Leir at his offices. Dr. Leir is known in 41 countries for his surgical removal and scientific testing of alien implants.
Movie: Luna ( 2009 )
There are things on the moon beyond comprehension.
Movie: The Search for Life: The Drake Equation ( 2010 )
A look at the Drake equation, developed by Dr. Frank Drake as a way to think about the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy that could exist and communicate with us.
Movie: Aliens and Crop Circles ( 2013 )
Prepare to step into the world of magic and mystery as we reveal the truth about ancient stone monuments, crop circles and the world of mystical lore surrounding amazing phenomena. Linking ...
Movie: Alien Abduction: The Odyssey of Betty and Barney Hill ( 2013 )
We have all heard incredible UFO and Alien Abduction stories that edge toward the unreal but none with more impact than the Betty and Barney Hill encounter that became a world wide story in 1961 with the book "The Interrupted Journey," massive media coverage, and then a 1975 TV movie, "The UFO Incident." But the complete story of what really happened that night, its effect on the Hills, and the findings of investigators has never been told...until now. For the first time, this documentary reveals new information about the lives of the Hills before and after Barney's death in 1969, their status as celebrities, Betty's experiences as a UFO investigator, and more. Kathleen Marden, Betty Hill's niece, shares details from her discussions with Betty and from the evidence of the UFO abduction. She also looks at the Hills' riveting hypnosis sessions about their time on board the spacecraft. The transcripts of these sessions provide insight into the character of the aliens, including their curiosity, their democratic discussions, and their desire to avoid inflicting pain. Join Kathleen along with Physicist, and Ufologist Stanton T. Friedman, the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident, who reviews and refutes the arguments of those who have attacked the Hill case, including the star map Betty Hill saw inside the craft and later recreated. A fascinating journey into the UFO enigma, Alien Abduction: The Odyssey of Betty and Barney Hill is a testament that we are not alone.
Movie: Ufo Chronicles Files ( 2013 )
Sean David Morton is a born psychic, trained Remote Viewer, intuitive consultant, investigative reporter, and accomplished award winning director, producer and screenwriter. Mr. Morton's expeditions to Area 51 made front page news in newspapers across America in the 80's and 90's. In 2005, Morton received his PhD. doctorate in Therapeutic Psychology and counseling from the International Institute of Health and Spiritual Sciences in Montreal, Canada. Mr. Morton has been the most popular guest on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell since his first appearance in 1991. In this shocking, no holds barred interview, Morton exposes the deceit, manipulation and control the government and military factions impose over the human race in the continued effort to cover-up the reality that we are not alone.
Movie: UFO Chronicles: Cosmic Watergate ( 2013 )
After half a century of investigation, Stanton Friedman, a former nuclear physicist who worked on fission and fusion rockets for companies like Westinghouse and Aerojet General Nucleonics, is convinced that not only are UFOs real, the government has known about them since 1947 or prior. Mr. Friedman states "there is overwhelming evidence that planet Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft and that some UFOs are ET spacecraft, though most are not - a few people in the U.S. and other governments have known the above since at least 1947 and employ a "need-to-know" policy regarding this knowledge; that is, the knowledge is highly classified largely as sensitive military information." Mr. Friedman exposes the many layers to the conspiracy regarding the UFO presence on earth garnered from decades of research.
Movie: Alien Contact: Nazi UFOs ( 2016 )
The Nazi party was obsessed with the Occult; they scoured the globe in search of mysterious forces that would enable them to build their 1000 Year Reich. From the Holy Grail to the lance that pierced the side of Christ; from Tibet to the Antarctic; no region or mythological device was ignored. In fact, they turned the planet inside out looking for something ancient, something the Nazi elite called "the most powerful weapon" - a weapon that would instill such awe that it would cause the entire world to surrender overnight. Then suddenly during World War II, the Nazi's achieved a massive leap in technology. From the first jet aircraft and V-2 rocket encompassing incredible advancements in science and engineering, the Nazis were miles ahead in every area, including genetic manipulation, mass hypnosis and unfathomable experiments into the nature of time and space itself. But where did this quantum leap emanate from? The US captured Nazi Germany's top scientists, including rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, who with other former Nazis, provided information and technological advancements that would propel the US space program on a fast track to the Moon. But where did the Nazis get this knowledge? Von Braun said more than once "we had help." This is real forbidden history; this is the story of the Nazis and the Aliens from outer space.
Movie: Alien Global Threat ( 2016 )
Are Aliens from other planets coming here as benign messengers or as a global threat? Who are the Aliens and what do they want? Many credible sources with the highest level of security have already admitted much about the Alien presence. From top ranking ex-military personnel, to presidents and astronauts, much information about the Alien alliance has leaked out, but ...Read all
Movie: #Dupe# ( 2009 )
The documented true life story on the only proved UFO contactee showing much of his amazing photographic, film, video, sound and metal evidence, as well as his amazing prophecies and testimony from other witnesses and experts.
Movie: Watchers Nine ( 2015 )
People from all over the world are sensing that something is about to happen. Predictions in ancient Biblical texts are happening now at breathtaking speed. Earthquakes and volcanic ...