Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

52 favorites


Movie: Alien Agenda (TV Movie)
A thorough examination of the possible and what some believe regarding the purpose of alien abduction.
Movie: Alien Gods ( 2019 )
Our civilization as we know it emerged as if by magic. For millennia ancient man hunted and gathered but, after thousands of generations, mankind suddenly settled down and as if from nowhere. Suddenly, complex tools, art, literature, agriculture, math, astronomy and massive monuments to the gods appear out of ancient Sumeria. The same Gods the Sumerian clay tablets civilization emerged tell us had come down to Earth from heaven to give us knowledge and life. We are now discovering evidence of mankind's legacy that differs from the doctrine we've been told for millennia and that the truth is stranger than fiction. Our pantheon of Gods may themselves have been descendants from Alien beings and it's clear now that our history goes back thousands of years more than previously thought.
Movie: Alien Mummies of Peru ( 2019 )
A non-human, alien mummy was recently found in Peru that could be the greatest discovery of all time. The remarkable ancient mummified body, dubbed Maria, has three fingers on each hand. It was discovered in Nazca, Peru. While mummies can excite historians, this particular find may alter the story of human origins forever. Dating back 1600 years or more, some experts say it is evidence of an ancient reptilian race. Are we looking at the remains of the 'Gods' that according to many ancient texts descended from the heavens in the distant past, or are we looking at an Alien species that existed on Earth long before humans came into existence? Explore the mystery of the Alien Mummies of Peru.
Movie: Mars: One Day on the Red Planet ( 2020 )
An epic journey revealing the real Mars, as you've never seen it before. Using data from orbiters and rovers to build accurate views of the red planet and uncover its secrets. On a single circuit of Mars from dawn to dusk, encounter monster volcanoes, ancient lakes, alien ice-worlds and spacecraft crash sites. Explore humanity's Martian obsession, join the relentless search for life there, and hunt for a human home on the red planet's surface.
Movie: The Fallen Astronaut ( 2020 )
The Fallen Astronaut depicts the compelling story of one of the most extraordinary achievements of the Space Age, a sculpture on the Moon dedicated to all the astronauts and cosmonauts who died during the Race to the Moon.
Movie: Death Valley Aliens ( 2020 )
Paranormal activity abounds in the California and Nevada deserts. Phantom beings and ghosts are reported but there is much more happening in Death Valley and Area 51 than spirit entities. Many have encountered UFOs firsthand and even encountered Alien beings from another world. From Nuclear testing to grisly murders over gold and riches, the darker truth is that Aliens may be inhabiting underground bases and operating portals to other dimensions in the deserts of the US.
Movie: Indistinguishable from Magic ( 2019 )
Aliens are real and the greatest conspiracy ever is the cover-up to this shocking truth. Nick Pope, who ran the UFO program at the UK Ministry of Defense now reveals how the world will change forever the day the Aliens arrive.
Movie: Avatars of the Astral Worlds ( 2020 )
From astral projection to out of body experiences, the Astral world has been an endless source of wonder and mystery. From ancient knowledge to present day religious and spiritual beliefs, astral projection is both magical and misunderstood. What do we know? Where do we go from here? Find out in this new documentary exploring the other side of reality, it's Astral Worlds.
Movie: The Endless Question ( 2020 )
Since before time, humankind has pondered one central question...who are we, and why are we here? Many theories have been put forth, by religious leaders, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists and countless others. None of the theories have held the test of time, because there is a central fact, a hidden truth so powerful it almost transcends comprehension. It is so shocking, few dare imagine it. To keep this secret question hidden, countless people throughout the centuries have been misled, manipulated, lied to and even slaughtered, their lives ruined to benefit the ruling class. The most powerful and successful people on earth do not want you to know these truths, because it would undermine their control over the earth's population of sheeple. Once this incredible truth sweeps the world, nothing will be the same. Don't be left behind on this one. Watch for...The Endless Question. Written, produced, directed and edited by Dr. Ron Dalrymple, best-selling author and award-winning screenwriter and novelist.
Movie: Project Blue Book Exposed ( 2020 )
Project Blue Book was the catalyst to the modern day UFO cover-up that still exists today. The startling fact is we may be in the same position now as then, as it relates to the phenomena. We are still in an age of denial about the magnitude of this phenomenon and what its implications mean for all mankind. Perhaps there are secret factions that have indeed communicated with alien entities and have received technology from them. But from the outside looking in, it appears nothing has changed as the UFOs continue to violate our airspace with impunity; and as before, military factions are powerless against the unknown invaders.
Movie: Chasing the Equinox ( 2020 )
Documentary examines how ancient civilizations built iconic monuments that align with the sun on the same day.
Movie: The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed ( 2020 )
We are not alone in the universe. Alien life is here right now, contacting us in the form of Bigfoot, UFOs, orbs, and other inter-dimensional paranormal phenomena. These experiences are changing human nature as we have known it. Learn how researchers have identified locations where portals are opening to reveal many forms of nonhuman intelligence - intelligent lifeforms that are being kept secret.
Movie: The Comet That Destroyed the World
When a historic comet strikes planet earth, the incident changes life as we know it. This new documentary, The Comet That Destroyed The World examines the younger dryas impact that is said to have occured around 12,900 years ago. This extraordinary history is rarely examined and changes our perspective on the past and possibly the future of our planet.
Movie: Space Dogs ( 2020 )
Laika, a stray dog, was the first living being to be sent into space and thus to a certain death. According to a legend, she returned to Earth as a ghost and has roamed the streets of Moscow ever since. Following her trace, and filmed from a dog's perspective, SPACE DOGS accompanies the adventures of her descendants: two street dogs living in today's Moscow. Their story is one of intimate fellowship but also relentless brutality, and is interwoven with unseen archive material from the Soviet cosmic era. A magical tale of voyagers scouting for unknown spaces.
Movie: Alien Creatures from Beyond: Monsters, Ghosts and Vampires ( 2015 )
Are there creatures still unknown to science lurking in the remote areas of our planet? Hundreds of eyewitnesses say unquestionably YES. Lurking in Magog is the elusive Memphre, a thirty-foot lake monster that stalks the peaceful waters...
Movie: The End of Quantum Reality ( 2020 )
Legendary reclusive genius Wolfgang Smith demonstrates on shockingly obvious grounds the dead end at which physics has arrived, and how we can return, at last, to the real world.
Movie: Aliens and Agenda 21 ( 2020 )
We are living on a Prison Planet controlled and orchestrated by the ruling elite under a plan to extinguish human life for profit. By the year 2030 the human population could be reduced to only 500 million. We can unite and fight back before it's too late.
Movie: I Want to Believe ( 2020 )
A thrilling study of the UFO phenomenon and the people who dedicate their lives to it.
Movie: Cosmic Conspiracy ( 2019 )
There is a conspiracy to rule the world, but the truth is far stranger than fiction. The truth in essence, is that Reality isn't what it seems. With UFO sightings on the rise, sinister programs to spy on unsuspecting citizens and black projects like MK Ultra proven to be real, what's left in that massive wake is the question of "what else" is going on that we are not aware of? This is the question we should be asking ourselves, what is being kept from the people and why? An intelligent mind can only deduce that there are indeed clandestine groups that control the world, through a web of deceit spun from their conspiracy machine, creating a "reality" that most people abide by. Reality is changing everyday, being manipulated like clay to serve the agenda of these elite puppet masters. Now is the time to awaken, and realize the biggest conspiracy of them all - the Cosmic Conspiracy.
Movie: Aliens in LA ( 2019 )
Los Angeles has had the most Alien and U.F.O. sightings in the entire world since the 1950's. This unique documentary takes an unparalleled look at several of those encounters over the years with shocking, previously unseen eyewitness interviews, evidence and re-enactments.
Movie: Patterns of Evidence: Moses Controversy ( 2019 )
A filmmaker searches for scientific evidence that Moses wrote the first books of the Bible.
Movie: Spaceship Earth ( 2020 )
The true, stranger-than-fiction, adventure of eight visionaries who in 1991 spent two years quarantined inside of a self-engineered replica of Earth's ecosystem called Biosphere 2. The experiment was a worldwide phenomenon, chronicling daily existence in the face of life threatening ecological disaster and a growing criticism that it was nothing more than a cult. The bizarre story is both a cautionary tale and a hopeful lesson of how a small group of dreamers can potentially re-imagine a new world.
Movie: Machine ( 2020 )
If machines can be smarter than people, is humanity really anything special?
Movie: Alien Moon ( 2019 )
Our enigmatic moon may have a sinister origin that mankind is not prepared for. From astronaut UFO encounters, to flashing lights, to geometric anomalies on the surface that appear to be structures, it's possible that the moon my actually be the home of ancient aliens or be serving as a base of operations. For the moon to be able to perfectly eclipse the sun is a mathematical impossibility based on our current understanding of physics but we also know that the moon could be hollow from experiments performed on Apollo missions. Clearly, there is an intelligence involved with our mysterious satellite.
Movie: We Believe in Dinosaurs ( 2019 )
Amid protests and controversy, young earth creationists build an enormous, $120 million, "life-size" Noah's Ark in Kentucky with the specific aim of debunking the Theory of Evolution. They aim to prove the earth is only 6,000 years old and that the Bible is scientifically accurate. We Believe In Dinosaurs follows the building of the Ark from blueprints to opening day through the eyes of three Kentuckians: Doug, a gifted artist who creates lifelike animals for the Ark; Dan a geologist and impassioned pro-science activist who blows the whistle on the Ark's discriminatory hiring practices; and David a young former creationist who mowed lawns to raise money for creationist causes in his youth. A jarring cultural examination in the vein of Jesus Camp, We Believe In Dinosaurs explores the complicated relationship between science and religion by peering into one of the most prominent cultural "bubbles" in the United States today.
Movie: Black Hole Hunters ( 2019 )
A team of international scientists attempt to document the first-ever image of a black hole.
Movie: Stars in the Sky: A Hunting Story ( 2018 )
STARS IN THE SKY: A Hunting Story is an examination of the lives of American hunters and their sometimes complicated relationship to our environment, presented as an honest exploration of the controversies, emotions, and traditions inherent to this most primal human activity. The latest feature documentary from the award-winning team at ZPZ Films and directed by acclaimed author Steven Rinella.
Movie: 8 Days: To the Moon and Back ( 2019 )
Eight days, three hours, 18 minutes, 35 seconds. That's the total duration of the most important and celebrated space mission ever flown - Apollo 11 - when we first stepped foot on the moon. Eight days that created some of the most iconic images in human history and changed the way we think about our place in the universe forever. But what was it really like for those...Read all
Movie: Above Majestic ( 2018 )
A look at the origins, history and conspiracies behind the "Majestic 12", a clandestine group of military and corporate figureheads charged with reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.
Movie: Alien Messiah ( 2019 )
Did Aliens influence the Bible? Bold theories are emerging about human prehistory and origins that could turn history as we know it upside down. New research exposes shocking new evidence that the human race was not only engineered by Aliens. but that Jesus was their descendant and the star of Bethlehem was actually a UFO from another world.
Movie: Missing 411: The Hunted ( 2019 )
Hunters have disappeared from wildlands without a trace for hundreds of years. David Paulides presents the haunting true stories of hunters experiencing the unexplainable in the woods of North America.
Movie: Prehistoric Astronomers ( 2007 )
Cave paintings and lunar calendars exist in the caves and remains of prehistoric hunters studied recently. What if Prehistoric Man were clever enough to develop in depth scientific knowledge? As unlikely as it may seem, new data tend to prove that Prehistoric Man actually invented Astronomy.
Movie: In the Shadow of the Moon ( 2007 )
The crew members of NASA's Apollo missions tell their story in their own words.
Movie: World War A: Aliens Invade Earth ( 2017 )
Leading scientists and researchers weigh in on the scenarios that might unfold if aliens find us and decide to visit Earth. Should we even be searching for extraterrestrial life? What are the risks of reaching out, and what are the risks if the Earth is "found" by aliens?.
Movie: The UFO Conspiracy ( 2004 )
The UFO Conspiracy examines the history of UFOs and examines scriptural evidence that UFO occupants are not what they seem.
Movie: Asteroid Hunters (Short 2020) ( 2020 )
Asteroids; where they come from, the risk they pose our planet, and what we can do about the threat of an asteroid impact.
Movie: 27 Alien Encounters ( 2016 )
Strange and bizarre UFO encounters abound, but recent Alien encounters by highly credible eyewitnesses are so unusual and perplexing that they challenge our understanding of physics and the Universe as we know it. Many who encounter UFO's are amazed at their ability to hover noiselessly only to speed off at incredible speeds not possible with even the most advanced military craft. Many sightings report the UFOs changing shape and size; emitting beams of light over nuclear bases; illuminating roadways and entire towns with a powerful white light; and having the ability to be in one place only to reappear in another in an instant. Even more shocking is the reason behind the abductions and why the Aliens are here on Earth. World governments and military forces know the aliens are here. Explore this phenomenon that is destined to impact our society, our world structure, and our very being. WE ARE NOT ALONE. "Riveting eyewitness and insider testimony." - The UFO Vault. "Everything we've been told about Alien visitations is a Lie." - Sean Morton, UFO Chronicles. "The shocking truth about the Alien Agenda is something that the people of Earth are not prepared for." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Humans are under the control of a strange force bending them in absurd ways, forcing their role in a bizarre game of deception." - Dr. Jacques Vallee.
Movie: Alien Paranormal: Bigfoot, UFOs and the Men in Black ( 2013 )
Are Bigfoot creatures traveling to earth in UFO's, while being covered-up by mysterious men in black? UFO investigator Stan Gordon lays out the research and evidence in this mind-blowing journey into a very strange territory. It seems there is a link between UFO sightings and Sasquatch encounters, as experienced and recalled by credible eyewitnesses. Experience terrif...Read all
Movie: Alien Contact: UFO Invaders ( 2016 )
Hundreds of UFO's have crashed on Earth. Mankind has witnessed these crashes, communicated with the visitors, even left our planet with them, but the most shocking revelation is the reason why they come.
Movie: 3rd Reich: Hitler's UFOs and the Nazi's Most Powerful Weapon ( 2017 )
The Nazi's possessed technology that was 100 years ahead of the allies. After being captured, many top scientists and psychiatrists of the elite Nazi regime, admitted that an outside force assisted them, and that...
Movie: The History of Time Travel ( 2014 )
A fictional documentary about the creation of the worlds first time machine, the men who created it, and the unintended ramifications it has on world events.
Movie: Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs ( 2016 )
Christo Roppolo claims to have been videotaping and communicating with UFOs around Monterey, CA for several years. He contacted filmmaker Justin Gaar in 2013 to begin creating a film about his sightings. Skeptical of the footage but intrigued by Christo's eccentricities and wild stories, Justin begins spending time with Christo hunting UFOs along California's beautiful central coast. When a crop circle appears in Monterey County and becomes international news, Christo is validated in his belief of alien contact and Justin, shocked, begins investigating the source of the crop circle and how Christo knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's being contacted by his 'brother's from space'. The two travel up and down the central coast and through the central valley hunting for UFO activity. Christo is like a traveling UFO preacher, explaining the sightings to passersby, asking about their own experiences with the unknown, spreading his gospel of extraterrestrial salvation. In their journey together Justin finds that sometimes aliens from space can tell us more about our own humanity than the people on Earth.
Movie: Alien Watchers: Ancient Gods ( 2015 )
Upstanding people from all walks of life around the world have witnessed UFOs. Millions in fact have not only seen a UFO, but have undergone bizarre, other worldly UFO experiences ranging from alien abduction, to visions of unearthly apparitions, and out of body experiences. Millions more remain silent through fear of being ridiculed. The fact is, what modern man is experiencing is not new because it has been going on for millennia. We have vivid accounts of such phenomena passed down from the most ancient of times stating clearly that not only were there visitors from another world, but that they gave humanity a vast knowledge of art, culture, architecture, agriculture and science. We are just now rediscovering the unearthly influence that eons later would appear to have risen out of nowhere in what is now known as Iraq. The Watchers became masters over mankind and a hybrid race was born. But all was not well in the new Eden and a great battle ensued. The ancients knew them as the Watchers, we know them as Aliens. Prepare to learn the incredible story of mankind's ancient past and how it links to the ever increasing wave of UFO experiences in our world today. "Staggering evidence that we are clearly NOT alone." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Exposé that bores deep into the biggest story in history." - Overdrive DVD.
Movie: Ancient Alien Origins ( 2015 )
Hidden from us by misunderstanding, mistranslation and clouded in mythology, the birth of religion on this planet was no mere accident. It was the result of a vast alien invasion that sparked the worship of...
Movie: Gravity and Me: The Force That Shapes Our Lives ( 2017 )
Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the science of gravity, recreating ground-breaking scientific experiments including the moment when Galileo first discovered how to measure gravity.
Movie: Next in Space ( 2016 )
Movie: Alien Crash at Roswell: The UFO Truth Lost in Time ( 2013 )
The most enigmatic and universally known UFO incident in history needs only one name - ROSWELL. Roswell will never fade as it represents the true ushering in of the UFO phenomenon for time immemorial. Dwarfing Orson Wells' "War of the Worlds" in national and then international hysteria, Roswell was an unparalleled turning point for all of mankind because for the first time almost every man, woman and child on earth was faced with the reality that we are not alone in the universe. In early July, 1947 Major Jesse Marcel, commander of the most technologically advanced bomb group in the world, discovered the crash site of a downed UFO in the New Mexico desert following a harrowing and record breaking storm. Out of honor and duty to his country, Major Marcel was to become the scapegoat for the largest disinformation cover-up effort in world history. What he saw would be a secret he would keep for many years - knowledge about the crash itself and the ensuing battle to keep the incident covered-up by government and military factions. Roswell would be forever entwined in not just Major Marcel's life but that of his children and grandchildren for generations to come. Today Jesse Marcel III, the grandson of Major Jesse Marcel, tells his grandfather's story and reveals what has continued to haunt his family for over sixty years - the legacy of ROSWELL.
Movie: Hot Planet ( 2009 )
Professor Iain Stewart and Professor Kathy Sykes take a timely look at global warming, exploring the world's leading climate scientists' vision of the planet's future.
Movie: Roswell Top Secret ( 1998 )
Something happened near the town of Rosewell. This event came to be known as the Rosewell incident. The town has since become synonymous with flying saucers crashes, alien visitation, government cover up, or what many say, a jump to conclusions and a gross distortion of facts.
Movie: Gobeklitepe: The World's First Temple ( 2010 )
12.000 years ago there already was a sacred place on Earth.
Movie: Confessions of an Alien Abductee ( 2013 )
This film focuses on one of Britain's most unusual phone-based services. The "Anomalous Mind Management Abductee/Contactee Helpline" was set up for people who claim to have had close encounters with extraterrestrials. As the film profiles three callers to the service, including a housewife who claims to be "the most abducted person in Britain," it makes its case that aliens are regular visitors.
Movie: The Solomon Treasures ( 2008 )
Investigation into the controversial history of three extraordinary biblical artifacts discovered in the Holy Land. Are they genuine or fake?
Movie: Atlantis Found ( 2015 )
Movie: Alien Earths ( 2009 )
Astronomers discover wobbling stars with planets where the ice is hot and the rain is made of iron.
Movie: Easter Island: Mysteries of a Lost World ( 2014 )
Easter Island. It is one of the most isolated places in the world, and it is famous for its giant stone statues called the Moai, built by the mysterious Rapa Nui. Dr. Jago Cooper travels to Easter Island to investigate how this mysterious civilization rose and fell, and the circumstances of their disappearance.
Movie: Alien Gods ( 2003 )
Alien Gods is a one hour documentary that explores the theory that life on Earth may have been created by Extraterrestrials. It is a documentary that explores the ever popular UFO issue, but with twist. Alien Gods starts with the examination of ancient artifacts and religious manuscripts for some sign of evidence that can prove alien intervention. In addition, Alien Gods explores the religious cults that firmly believe this theory. Within this documentary is an intimate interview with "Rael," the leader of the Raelian Movement, who has recently claimed the creation of the first human clone. Rael discusses his beliefs on cloning and speaks of how he visited an alien planet with the Elohim, who he believes are the creators of all life on Earth.
Movie: Evacuate Earth ( 2012 )
If we faced a countdown to destruction, could we build a spacecraft to take us to new and habitable worlds? Can we Evacuate Earth? This documentary special examines this terrifying but scientifically plausible scenario by exploring how we could unite to ensure the survival of the human race.
Movie: Planetary ( 2015 )
We are in the midst of a global crisis of perspective. We have forgotten the undeniable truth that everything is connected. PLANETARY is a provocative and breathtaking wakeup call, a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. PLANETARY is a poetic and humbling reminder that it's time to shift our perspective. PL...Read all
Movie: ET Contact: They Are Here ( 2017 )
ET CONTACT: THEY ARE HERE documents the jaw-dropping stories of individuals from around the world who share similar accounts of extraterrestrial and otherworldly encounters...
Movie: Drain the Bermuda Triangle ( 2014 )
What lies beneath the mythical triangle? With the aid of data from sophisticated sonar surveys, National Geographic explores what the ocean floor looks like below the Bermuda Triangle.
Movie: The Space Shuttle: Flying for Me ( 2015 )
A celebration of 30 years of NASA achievements with the space shuttle program. The program highlights memorable shuttle missions such as the return of Senator John Glenn to space and the construction of the International Space Station, while exploring the growing diversity among the astronaut corps and space industry personnel.
Movie: A-Bombs Over Nevada ( 2016 )
Movie: Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story ( 2013 )
Stan Romanek is the center of the world's most documented extraterrestrial contact story, and the multitude of evidence accumulated over the past decade has convinced thousands around the world that his story is...
Movie: First Contact ( 2017 )
After a startling UFO encounter, a man becomes a trance channel for an extraterrestrial intelligence.
Movie: Alien Agenda Planet Earth: Rulers of Time and Space ( 2014 )
"Alien Agenda Planet Earth" reveals the shocking truth about UFOs and Extraterrestrials, a truth that has been suppressed and hidden for centuries. Fastwalker is the NORAD (North American Air Defense Command) code word used to classify unidentified flying objects...
Movie: Alien Crash Retrievals ( 2015 )
Learn the shocking truth about Extraterrestrial beings on Planet Earth. World governments and military factions are not only aware of the Alien presence; they may be in communication with alien races via an exchange program to transfer technology in exchange for allowing the abduction of innocent citizens for unknown purposes. Learn how the reverse engineering of alien technology led to the development of accelerated particle beam devices, fiber optics, lasers, integrated circuit chips and much more. Learn how the "Star Wars" program was meant to achieve the destructive capacity of electronic guidance systems in incoming enemy warheads, as well as the disablement of enemy spacecraft, including those of extraterrestrial origin. In the words of a military insider, "They don't want you to know that we are property, property of something much bigger and much more powerful than all the military power combined." "Riveting eyewitness and insider testimony." - The UFO Vault. "Irrefutable proof that we are NOT alone, quite the contrary." - Dr. John Jay Harper, author of Tranceformers, Shamans of the 21st Century. "Everything we've been told about Alien visitations is a lie." - Sean Morton, UFO Chronicles.
Movie: UFO UK: New Evidence ( 2011 )
Movie: The McPherson Tape ( 1989 )
On a typical fall evening in 1983, a young man was videotaping his niece's 5th birthday party. As the night's strange occurrences took place, he kept his video camera running, recording the entire event.
Movie: Area 51: The CIA's Secret Files ( 2014 )
The history of Area 51 and the programs created there.
Movie: The Comet's Tale ( 2007 )
Comets - friend or foe? Once thought mystical, bringers of bad fortune: recent space missions reveal their origins and composition.
Movie: Eyes on the Skies ( 2008 )
The invention of the telescope has been by far the most revolutionary development in the history of astronomy. For thousands of years, astronomers had to rely on their eyes in unraveling the mysteries of the Universe. Then, 400 years ago, something entirely new happened: Galileo turned a homemade arrangement of magnifying glasses to the skies. The telescope revealed a wealth of astronomical riches, and led to a dramatic increase of knowledge about the wider world we live in. In 2009, the International Year of Astronomy, we are celebrating Galileo's legacy and all the discoveries that have taken place in the intervening years, as well as the explosion of knowledge that we are witnessing now, made possible by new technologies. This movie explores the saga of the telescope over 400 years - the historical development, the scientific importance, the technological breakthroughs, and also the people behind this ground-breaking invention, their triumphs and failures.
Movie: UFO's Do Not Exist! The Grand Deception and Cover-Up of the UFO Phenomenon ( 2011 )
From the dark years of the UFO era, this amazing documentary details the facts they DON'T want you to know. UFO's are real and the government and military forces know it. These factions have researched and investigated sightings as early as the late 1930's, while simultaneously denying any interest in the UFO phenomenon.
Movie: Mysteries of Egypt ( 1998 )
Egypt is and ever was a place of mystery. Many rumors spread around the great Pyramids of Gizeh (the only one of the seven wonders of the world left), their age ranges - in different theories - between 3,000 and even 12,000 years. Here, an old Egyptian is asked by his granddaughter about those mysteries of which we all heard in one way or the other. The action takes us to Howard Carter, who, after years and years of searching, finally found King Tutankhamen's (Tut-ench-Amun) grave in 1922. This was a major event in archaeology, as this grave was never robbed and therefore in the same condition as it was left (est.) 1339 B.C. We also get to see the Nile's wells and other historic landmarks that make Egypt an important part of world history.
Movie: Chariots of the Gods ( 1970 )
Documentary based on the book by Erich Von Daniken concerning the ancient mysteries of the world, such as the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, ancient cave drawings, the monuments of Easter Island, etc. and the fact that these things and modern civilization could have been influenced by extra-terrestrial visitations hundreds(or perhaps thousands) of years ago.
Movie: Mysteries of the Gods ( 1976 )
A documentary movie about the influence of "ancient astronauts" in mankind's history.
Movie: Sacred Lines of Nazca ( 2003 )
Movie: In Search of Ancient Astronauts ( 1973 )
An edited version of the 1970 German documentary "Erinnerungen an die Zukunft" (Chariots of the Gods), this examines the theory that aliens have landed on Earth in ancient times and were responsible for many of mankind's oldest mysteries.
Movie: UFOs: Past, Present, and Future ( 1975 )
"What you are witnessing is based on fact. Some will find it fascinating, some will find it frightening: but it is all true."
Movie: In Search of Ancient Mysteries ( 1973 )
An examination of mysteries of the ancient world and their connection to the possibility that aliens visited Earth.
Movie: The Outer Space Connection ( 1975 )
This documentary examines the speculation that aliens have visited Earth in ancient times, and built structures to which they will return at a future date.
Movie: The Unexplained ( 1970 )
Movie: Contact ( 2003 )
Movie: UFOs: It Has Begun ( 1979 )
A documentary exploring the existence of UFOs and extra-terrestrial beings.
Movie: UFO Journals ( 1979 )
A documentary exploring the existence of extra-terrestrials.
Movie: UFO Days ( 2017 )
An enigmatic, strangely familiar man attends the annual UFO Days celebration in a small Wisconsin town.
Movie: UFO Syndrome ( 1980 )
A documentary exploring the existence of UFOs and the possible visit of aliens to Earth at sometime in the past.
Movie: UFO: Top Secret ( 1978 )
A documentary exploring the existence of UFOs and examining the possibility that extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth in the past.
Movie: UFO Abductions ( 1991 )
Movie: UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied ( 2006 )
The official denial and the ridicule began in 1942 with the Battle of Los Angeles, where a UFO was fired upon by our military that could not bring it down. This film brings an end to over sixty years of official denial.
Movie: UFO Cover-Up?: Live! ( 1988 )
Movie: UFO: Exclusive ( 1978 )
A documentary that attempts to prove the existence of UFOs.
Movie: The UFO Incident ( 1975 )
In the early 1960s, a married couple undergo hypnosis, which unlocks memories of a forgotten event on a lonely road. Soon they believe they were abducted by extraterrestrials.
Movie: Ufologist ( 2014 )
Peter Davenport runs the National UFO Reporting Center, a one-man operation fielding phone calls and collecting data from UFO sightings around the U.S. Prank calls, hoaxes, and misguided interpretations mix in with legitimately breathless reports of the extraordinary. As a quiet bachelor in solitary scientific pursuit, Peter remains something of an enigma in the small town of Harrington, WA. When he purchased a defunct missile site as his home, the townsfolk began to wonder who exactly is this man?
Movie: UFO Over Illinois ( 2000 )
Movie: UFO's Over Phoenix ( 1997 )