Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

52 favorites


Movie: The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up ( 2013 )
The Hidden Hand is a controversial Award-winning documentary that explores the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. The film takes a keen look at a spectrum of topics like alien abduction, human/alien hybridization, the military's reverse-engineering of alien technology and the government cover-up of anything related to extraterrestrials. Is preoccupation with E.T.'s a form of cultural madness, or is something really going on? How would E.T. contact change the religious and political institutions of our society? The Hidden Hand is full of riveting interviews with experts and experiencers alike: Whitley Strieber, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th astronaut on the moon, Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian Defence Minister, Richard Dolan, Jim Marrs, Linda Moulton Howe, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Clifford Stone, Nassim Haramein, David Icke, Dr. Roger Leir, Graham Hancock and Paola Harris, among others. The shadowy world of UFOs is suddenly brought to light.
Movie: Quantum Communication ( 2009 )
We can create abundance in our lives by awakening the genius within each of us. This insightful film answers some crucial questions about transforming our lives: How is quantum communication connected to the Universal Laws of Attraction? How do we manifest our future soul-mates and business partners, and how can we become fully actualized human beings? What is actually happening when we pray? How do we create an intelligent dialogue with the creative force of the universe to allow us to experience a quantum leap in our own intelligence? Discover how to excel in your relationships, career and achieve super-learning to change your life and achieve a sense of self-actualization. Includes powerful insights from Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. John Gray and many other recognized authorities on the subject.
Movie: The UFO Conclusion ( 2016 )
What is the alien agenda? And why has the government gone to such great lengths to stifle the overwhelming evidence that otherworldly creatures exist? Some of our greatest minds unveil the truth behind this massive cover-up.
Movie: America's Fall from Space ( 2014 )
After developing the fastest rocket engine on earth a young scientist is taken to Area 51 to examine an alien spacecraft only to discover that the spacecraft has the same design as his rocket engine.
Movie: UFOs: The Best Evidence Ever Caught on Tape 2 ( 2000 )
Proffesional photographers and UFO video hunters capture extraordinary objects in the skies around the world
Movie: Watchers 2 ( 2011 )
Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what are the Torah Codes saying about the moon? What about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true - that we are entering a period where there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines - including signs in the skies and the heavens. L.A. Marzulli offers brilliant comment as well as interview experts on this volume. Including: Chuck Missler, Rabbi Aaron Parry, Stan Deyo and Jim Wilhelmsen, Marshall Masters and Dr. Roger Leir will also give us his update on alien implants.
Movie: #Dupe# ( 2016 )
A syndicate of conspiracies and ideas revolving around the satanic religion interpreted by artists and media scholars.
Movie: UFAH Favorites ( 2015 )
Our sole purpose is to help bring disclosure to the world about past and current civilizations on planets and moons in our solar system.
Movie: Incident at Montauk ( 2019 )
A man witnesses a UFO and discovers it may be linked to a secret government project in Montauk, Long Island.
Movie: Is Anybody Out There? ( 2015 )
Nothing has revived the search for extra-terrestrial intelligent life as much as the recent discovery by the Kepler Satellite, of thousands of Earth-like planets where life could be possible. So should we reach out? Or should we hide? Join the debate as we ask - Is Anybody Out There?
Movie: ETs Among Us: UFO Witnesses and Whistleblowers ( 2016 )
Dedicated to the famed UFO researcher Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens, this epic documentary exposes decades of government disinformation, keeping knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence from the public: ongoing censorship and manipulation by the media, NASA's shocking evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, secret underground bases, genetic expe...Read all
Movie: Megiddo: The March to Armageddon ( 2004 )
"Megiddo: The March to Armageddon" explores Bible prophecy concerning the last day kingdom of Antichrist, tracking the history of the New World Order from the pages of Scripture through the global revolution that is sweeping the world. Popular subjects in this film include the prophecies of Revelation and Daniel, as well as the history of the Illuminati and Freemasonry on the New World Order movement.
Movie: Wonders of the Moon ( 2018 )
Using the latest and most detailed imagery this documentary reveals the monthly life cycle of the moon as it waxes and wanes, how it shapes life on Earth and uncovers more about its journey around our planet.
Movie: Calling Occupants ( 2016 )
A young man and his friends experiment with human-initiated contact techniques in an attempt to develop a peaceful relationship with extra-terrestrials.
Movie: Alien Encounters in America: UFOs and Extraterrestrial Visitations ( 2015 )
Are we being monitored by an extraterrestrial intelligence from outer space? Americans are becoming more and more aware of strange happenings related to the UFO phenomenon. While the media consistently make light of sightings and experiences from highly credible witnesses, there is a growing belief that we are not alone in the universe and that Aliens exist and are here on Planet Earth. Learn details about the increasing number of abductions and extraordinary sightings happening on an almost daily basis across America. From the late 40's to today, hear fascinating and paradigm shattering accounts of very real and often terrifying events with Aliens and UFOs in our land of the free. From individuals being taken secretly against their will by nonhuman entities, to UFOs tracked on radar by the military, we are clearly not alone. Almost three hours of Alien and UFO research! "Staggering Evidence that we are clearly NOT alone." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies.
Movie: Black Box: UFO Secrets ( 2006 )
Movie: Alien Abduction: A True Story
Travis Walton will finally explain his otherworldly experience accurately, away from Hollywood's molested presentation of "Fire in the Sky". Walton's experience and the subsequent effects on his life will be illuminated for perhaps the first time.
Movie: UFO Chronicles: Area 51 Exposed ( 2015 )
A onetime weatherman at notorious government site Area 51 reveals his shocking experiences in this eye-opening documentary. From alien-government connections, to extraterrestrial influence on global powers, he sheds light on major alien cover ups.
Movie: Atlantis: The Lost World ( 2014 )
Atlantis - legend, myth or the most important missing piece of human history? For over 2000 years mankind has grappled with the question - what was Atlantis? From great sea power of ancient times to idealistic utopia, from Nazi propaganda fodder, to home of the ancient aliens, the full weight of human imagination has been brought to bear on the mystery that is Atlantis. First mentioned by Plato, Atlantis was an island said to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar and to have sunk beneath the sea. Modern archaeologists have claimed a link with the island of Thera, the surviving remnant of a much larger island destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 1500 B.C. With every decade, a new discovery of ancient structures on the ocean floor emerges. Undiscovered Pyramids, great walls, strange man-made objects abound. Explore the mystery of Atlantis and discover the enigma that has captivated the world since the time of Plato. "A mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, from an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles" - Timaeus
Movie: UFO's: The Secret Evidence ( 2005 )
Aviation journalist Nick Cook investigates UFO sightings from the 1940s to the 1990s. Are these sightings the result of secret high-technology military programs?
TV Show: Mythical Beasts ( 2018 )
They are the stuff of legend, popularized in movies and television and described in detail in fantasy literature. For thousands of years, humankind has believed in mythical creatures, from dragons and cyclops, to vampires and sea monsters. Where did the stories of these fabled beasts come? Science Channel will reveal the origin stories of popular monster mysteries, in Mythical Beasts.Each episode will look at the history, archaeology and truths behind legendary creatures. Scientists dig up elephant skeletons to investigate how they inspired the myths about the Cyclops. They hunt through old maritime logs to see why people believed the mighty Kraken was to blame for sinking ships, follow clues to the island of Crete where the menacing Grecian Minotaur was said to have lived, and unravel why the Chinese feared that dragons lived among them.
TV Show: Deep Space ( 2016 )
From the moment the real space race began, it was enshrouded with secrecy and disinformation. Now reports of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, suppressed advanced technologies and expansive government cover-ups are making their way into mass consciousness. But we have all been denied the whole story by those who would benefit from our continuing ignorance.What has been hidden will become evident as the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally put together. In Deep Space, Gaia brings together the best minds in their fields to shed new light on an extremely controversial subject which can no longer remain hidden or denied. It is up to you to evaluate the evidence and decide where you stand on the question of humanity's presence in the far reaches of the universe.
TV Show: Exodus Earth ( 2009 )
If Earth became uninhabitable, where would humans live? In Exodus Earth, the six-part series, physicist and host Dr. Basil Singer eagerly plays the role of human guinea pig to find answers. His mission is to investigate if humans could possibly call Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and Jupiter's moons Callisto and Gliese 581c home in the future. In the name of science, Dr. Singer subjects himself to extreme temperatures; tests new survival technologies designed to keep humans alive in harsh environments; suffers the rigors of travel in zero gravity; explores ideas for new human habitats in the sky; and more.
TV Show: Into the Unknown with Josh Bernstein ( 2008 )
Ever wanted to explore foreign lands, try to solve ancient mysteries or travel the globe in search of treasures? Come along for a thrill ride as international explorer Josh Bernstein journeys across oceans, continents and time zones on a quest for answers. In each episode of Into the Unknown, Josh investigates some of our greatest mysteries and explores the most fascinating stories, such as whether "Noah and his Ark" really existed, whether Timbuktu was truly a City of Gold, and if life existed on Mars before coming to Earth. Inspired by deep mysteries and burning questions, he takes a series of unforgettable journeys into the unknown. No location is too remote, no culture too exotic, and no goal too ambitious. Each quest sparks new revelations and incredible insights as Josh takes us on a thrilling hunt for answers.
Movie: Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers ( 2018 )
In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
TV Show: Beyond the Unknown ( 2019 )
Don Wildman combs through the vaults of the world's most prestigious institutions to unearth extraordinary artifacts with captivating, revealing and shocking mysteries that challenge our beliefs and defy expectations.
TV Show: Investigation X ( 2008 )
The series investigates unexplained events and mysterious places using scientific methods and experiments.
TV Show: De Carona Com os Óvnis ( 2018 )
A Brazilian ufologist travels to thirteen hotspots in his country
TV Show: Space Probes! ( 2016 )
They're out there, all alone in the vastness of space. Join the space probes, and their parents back on Earth, to explore our solar system.
TV Show: Brink ( 2008 )
Airing weekly, this series immerses viewers on the frontlines of cutting-edge breakthroughs in technology, research, inventions, discoveries and the mysteries of the scientific world. Brink meets people who are on the brink of changing our lives, provides viewers with a clear understanding of the impact and relevance science has in our lives today, and offers significant insights into how science may profoundly change our world tomorrow.
TV Show: Chasing the Moon
For those who are following this show, the episodes have been added into American Experience:
Movie: Beyond The Spectrum - Being Taken ( 2018 )
This is the definitive Documentary on Alien Abduction. A careful fact based study of the most credible cases, hoaxes, military historical involvement and expert interviews.
TV Show: Paranormal Caught on Camera ( 2019 )
Some of the most amazing, eye-opening and downright scary paranormal videos from around the world are featured as a panel of experts break down the footage and analyze what exactly the eyewitnesses captured.
TV Show: Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation ( 2019 )
The series will reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before, and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these unknown phenomena in our skies.
TV Show: Mission Declassified ( 2019 )
For nearly 20 years, award-winning investigative journalist Christof Putzel has traveled the world uncovering some of the most hard-hitting stories of our contemporary times. He has exposed neo-Nazi attacks against immigrants in Russia, illegal American weapons sales to Mexican drug cartels, the tobacco industry's exploitation of children in Asia, and children used to mine gold in deadly labor camps in Congo. In each case he has used declassified government documents and key sources to bring shocking and important stories to light. In Travel Channel's Mission Declassified, Putzel uses his investigative tools and instincts to explore some of history's most notorious and speculated-upon mysteries.
TV Show: Mummies Unwrapped ( 2019 )
For centuries, mummies have fascinated, terrified and even enlightened. They not only hold the key to unlocking our ancient past, but also to solving mysteries that have confounded historians for hundreds, even thousands of years. In Mummies Unwrapped, host and acclaimed Egyptologist Ramy Romany expertly guides viewers around the world as he investigates the spellbinding secrets of the most fascinating burial sites, mass graves and ancient tombs on Earth.
TV Show: In Search of Monsters ( 2019 )
Haunting creatures come to life in a hunt for the truth about infamous monsters and their origins. Experts explore the latest evidence, eyewitness encounters and active investigations while unveiling their mind-blowing theories about these nightmarish beasts.
TV Show: Earth from Space ( 2019 )
Cameras in space tell stories of life on our planet from a brand new perspective, revealing new discoveries, incredible colours and patterns, and just how fast it is changing.
TV Show: Legends of the Deep ( 2019 )
Céline and Fabien Cousteau carry on the family legacy as they set out to uncover tales from the sea that remain shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Using the latest cutting-edge technology along with their diving expertise, Céline and Fabien explore shipwrecks, strange scientific occurrences, and mysterious natural anomalies, all beneath the sea.
TV Show: Egypt's Unexplained Files ( 2019 )
Despite being one of the most studied civilizations, rich in history, culture, science and art, much of Ancient Egypt remains a great mystery. Many modern-day customs and technologies have their roots in Ancient Egypt, yet the details about their way of life remain a mystery. On Egypt's Unexplained Files, experts dive deep into the secrets of Ancient Egypt, and use cutting-edge archaeological technology to reveal the hidden truths that could potentially answer questions that have befuddled Egyptologists for generations.
Movie: Miniverse ( 2017 )
Miniverse is an exclusive, original 4K CuriosityStream documentary film that takes viewers on a road trip across the Solar System, scaled down to the size of the continental United States. Astronaut Chris Hadfield hosts.
TV Show: The Planets ( 2019 )
Welcome to the greatest story that's never been told. In a new, ground breaking series we'll be telling the story of the planets as never before.Alongside the most accurate and detailed imagery ever produced, The Planets using the latest planetary science research to piece together the gripping history of each world. These are stories of beauty and creation, violence and destruction that reveal the solar system and our place within it to be far more dramatic than we could ever have imagined.
TV Show: Destination: Pluto
The series examines the Pluto planet controversy, the personal stakes of mission scientists, as well as the challenges of a long duration spaceflight of nine years, and shares with viewers the thrill of discovery as the strange, unique geography of Pluto and its giant moon Charon is revealed for the first time.
TV Show: Destination: Moon ( 2016 )
What role will the moon play in man's next attempts to conquer space?
TV Show: Destination: Jupiter ( 2016 )
Catch up on all the discoveries made by the space probe Juno, which is up close and personal with the largest planet in the solar system.
TV Show: Mysteries of Apollo ( 2019 )
New information reveals the secret story of the Apollo 13 rescue, and how America's best minds used innovative science and engineering to save the lives of three astronauts facing life-or-death on one of NASA's most dangerous missions.
TV Show: Truth Behind the Moon Landing ( 2019 )
Truth Behind the Moon Landing tests evidence and applies scientific reasoning to conspiracies with the help of former NASA astronaut Leland Melvin, Iraq War veteran and former FBI agent Chad Jenkins, and author Mike Bara.
TV Show: Apollo's Moon Shot ( 2019 )
In 1961, President Kennedy issued a grand challenge: to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth by the end of the decade. What followed was a series of daring missions against an almost impossible timeline on the most complicated spacecraft ever built. Revisit an era when NASA's team of engineers and astronauts gambled everything to embark on humankind's most ambitious journey, brought to life through archival interviews, rarely seen footage, and artifacts from the vaults of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum.
TV Show: The UnXplained ( 2019 )
The UnXplained will tackle subjects that have mystified mankind for centuries, from mysterious structures and cursed ancient cities to extraterrestrial sightings and bizarre rituals. The series will also feature contributions from top scientists, historians, engineers and researchers - each seeking to shed light on how the seemingly impossible can happen.
TV Show: The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch ( 2020 )
Gaining full and unprecedented access to one of the most infamous and secretive hotspots of paranormal and UFO-related activities on earth, The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch will feature a team of scientists and experts who will conduct a thorough search of this infamous 512-acre property located in Utah's Uinta Basin. They will attempt to find out the truth behind more than 200 years of mysteries - involving everything from UFO sightings and paranormal activities to animal mutilations and Native American legends of a shape-shifting creature known simply as The Skinwalker.
TV Show: Alien Highway ( 2019 )
There are tens of thousands of reported UFO sightings in the United States alone, and yet, to this day, the government still refuses to acknowledge their existence. One of the many working to expose the truth is former Colorado law enforcement officer Chuck Zukowski, who has been investigating UFO-related incidents for over 30 years. Now, together with his son, Daniel, and investigator Heather Taddy, he is pursuing the cases the authorities ignore, finding evidence others have missed, listening to witnesses who are otherwise afraid to come forward and searching for definitive proof of UFOs … all along America's infamous Alien Highway.
TV Show: Contact ( 2019 )
It's the age-old question that has daunted scientists, government officials, explorers, religious leaders and populations around the world for centuries - have aliens made contact with Earth? While more than half the U.S. population believes they have, most sightings and theories still lack the evidential proof to silence the naysayers. In Contact, six highly trained investigators seek to find the answers we've all been searching for. Using groundbreaking CIA developed software, military special operations investigative techniques and boots-on-the-ground journalism to track down leads around the world, Contact is the first ever global investigation to determine whether or not aliens have made contact here on Earth.
TV Show: Alien Case Files ( 2019 )
The hidden truths and secrets to life beyond our planet are discussed in detail by alien researchers and first-hand experiencers.
TV Show: Unexplained and Unexplored ( 2019 )
Did the Maya Empire relocate to America? How did Meriwether Lewis really die? Where did the Ark of the Covenant end up after being smuggled out of Jerusalem? Explorers Justin Fornal and Emiliano Ruprah use historical maps as well as modern imaging techniques to examine these and other mysteries.
TV Show: American Mystery ( 2019 )
America's greatest unsolved mysteries are explored through interviews, archival footage and re-creations. Recently unearthed evidence and intriguing, new theories bring each case closer than ever to finally being solved.
Movie: UFOs: Secret Alien Technology ( 2019 )
A look at the greatest inventions of the 20th century and could they be the products of reverse engineered alien technology.
TV Show: Cosmic Disclosure ( 2015 )
There are those who believe it is not humanity's destiny to wither away within the clutches of Earth's cycles of life and extinction. Rather we are to venture forth, beyond our terrestrial origins and establish thriving civilizations throughout the cosmos. Some have already secretly realized this vision, while others are relegated to technology dependent upon dwindling resources. A conflict now rages whether to preserve these advancements for the ranks of the elite, or to share this destiny with the whole of humanity and usher in a new era of peaceful conscious advancement.
Movie: UFOs: The White House Files (TV Special 2019) ( 2019 )
From Truman to Trump, there has been a legacy of secrecy and controversy surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrials. Are leaders hiding the truth about UFOs from the public? Or is it possible that some Presidents are kept in the dark?
TV Show: Expedition X ( 2020 )
In Expedition X, Josh Gates joined by scientist Phil Torres and paranormal researcher Jessica Chobot to investigate reports of supernatural encounters, mysterious creatures, and astonishing extraterrestrial phenomena. Whether trekking through the remote jungles of Cambodia in search of a legendary ape-man or exploring the secrets of the world's largest cave system right here in the United States, the Expedition X team is taking viewers to the stranger side of the unknown.
TV Show: A World Without NASA ( 2020 )
When most people hear NASA, they think of rockets and exploration of the universe. In fact, the results of space race technology fuel entire facets of our daily lives. In this two-part series, we'll explore technologies we take for granted in our daily lives, tracing its roots back to the quest for the stars, and imagine our world had it never happened. From online dating to your smartwatch heart monitor, GPS to groceries, explore the far-ranging ways the space race completely changed YOUR life.
TV Show: Curse of the Bermuda Triangle ( 2020 )
Throughout Curse of the Bermuda Triangle, the team investigates a variety of mysteries and attempts to determine whether these stories of strange mishaps are purely coincidence, or if there's an explanation – scientific or supernatural – hidden beneath the surface.
TV Show: The Alaska Triangle ( 2020 )
Alaska is the most sparsely populated of all the states. In a vast expanse of rugged wilderness, one area - known as The Alaska Triangle - has been home to so much unusual activity that it has struck fear across Alaska and the world. More people disappear in this area than anywhere else in the United States, with countless sightings of strange creatures, impossible moving lights in the sky, unexplained phenomena and even malevolent ghosts. Are lay lines and electromagnetic anomalies within the Triangle causing these bizarre events? Or is something more sinister at play? From strange reports of military personnel seeing UFOs and missing aircrafts that have vanished without a trace, to sightings of fearful monsters and an underground alien base hidden inside a mountain, each episode of The Alaska Triangle seeks to unlock the paranormal mysteries hidden within this foreboding location.
TV Show: Rob Riggle: Global Investigator ( 2020 )
Actor, comedian, and retired Marine, Rob Riggle is traveling the globe to unearth some of the world's greatest legends and mysteries.
TV Show: Secrets Unlocked ( 2020 )
Our world holds remarkable relics that are full of secrets, written in stone, gold, and blood. Discovering the truths behind these mysteries could change history as we know it. Join host Adam Mastrelli as he brings us face-to-face with these puzzling treasures. Explore hidden corners of the world, decipher ancient documents, and apply groundbreaking research and forensic techniques in our quest to discover the truth about these fabled cities, monuments, and remnants.
Movie: Journey to the Pale Red Dot (Short 2017)
On the hunt for other solar systems, scientists have discovered an Earth-sized planet orbiting the star nearest to our Sun, Proxima Centauri. It's an important test of whether we are alone in the universe. Stephen Hawking and others are calling for a mission to search for extraterrestrial life. NASA and private companies are studying what it will take to make our firs...Read all
Movie: UFO Chronicles: The Aliens Arrive ( 2018 )
UFO Chronicles is an unprecedented and uncensored film series featuring the top authorities on the UFO enigma. Pilots, Astronauts, Government Officials, Military Officials, Medical Experts, Scientists, Religious Leaders and more reveal in never before seen interviews the ramifications of the Alien Presence on planet Earth. The UFO Chronicles collector's series disclos...Read all
Movie: The Cosmic Secret ( 2019 )
Act 1 - Who are we? Disclosing our cosmic history. Act 2 - Why are we here? Unveiling the grand experiment. Act 3 - What is our destiny? Apocalypse the great revealing.
TV Show: Black Files Declassified ( 2020 )
Every year, the government funds clandestine programs collectively called the black budget. But what's exactly behind these secretive missions operating around the globe? Former CIA operative Mike Baker will dig into these mysterious programs each week in Black Files Declassified. With unprecedented access, Mike will look at different top-secret government program steeped in cutting edge science. Conducting his own research, speaking with journalists, experts, former government and black file officials and scientists, he'll stop at nothing to delve deeper into these black files than has ever been done before.
TV Show: Secrets of the Solar System ( 2020 )
Secrets of the Solar System explores the greatest set of journeys humankind has ever taken, on a quest to answer the deepest of questions: where do we come from? How was the solar system formed? Are we alone in the universe?
TV Show: Mysteries of the Universe: Our Solar System ( 2020 )
See the ultimate guide to the Solar System from the dedicated people who sent spacecraft to explore the sun and the planets, and witness their astonishing tales of discovery as they reveal wonders never seen before.
TV Show: Space Disasters ( 2020 )
The tragic launch rehearsal that nearly ended the Apollo Moon Program. The Mir Space Station collision of 1997. The re-entry failure of Space Shuttle Columbia. Each NASA and Soviet space mission is a high-stakes project with an ever-present risk of failure. This series pays tribute to the bold men and women who put their lives on the line in order to get a foothold in the heavens...sometimes with spectacularly disastrous results. We also show how the close calls and catastrophes of our past paved the way for the breakthroughs of today.
TV Show: Phantom Signals ( 2020 )
In a world surrounded by an invisible sphere of infinite data, explore the mysterious glitches that can occur and the strange phenomenon of unknown signals.
TV Show: World's Most Unexplained ( 2020 )
Is Elvis still alive? Has extraterrestrial life really visited Earth? Is it possible that some people see religious statues move or bear the crucifixion wounds of Jesus? Experts and eyewitnesses explore some of the most-extraordinary happenings in recent history that science can't explain.
TV Show: The Great Acceleration ( 2020 )
Presented by Dr Shalin Naik, The Great Acceleration is a remarkable new science series where the ABC delves into its extensive archive to bring audiences the story of one of the most dramatic chapters of human history.The Great Acceleration is a term coined by scientists, in an effort to describe the most rapid period of change in human and planetary history. In the last fifty years humankind has achieved astounding heights of discovery and exploration while reaching a pace of consumption that threatens the very fabric of our existence.Across six one-hour episodes, the series examines major advances in the fields of space exploration, computing, energy, resources, Earth science and our understanding of the evolution of life itself. With expert commentary from scientists at the top of their field, such as geneticist Craig Venter and Nobel Prize winner Barry Barish, we hear firsthand accounts about some of the biggest moments in science, like the discovery of dark energy and gravitational waves, the creation of a new synthetic species and innovative solutions that may save the future of human civilisation.
TV Show: Challenger: The Final Flight ( 2020 )
Challenger: The Final Flight examines the 1986 Challenger space shuttle, which tragically broke apart 73 seconds after launch as millions of Americans watched live on television. Incorporating never-before-seen interviews and rare archival material, this series offers an in-depth look at one of the most diverse crews NASA assembled, including high school teacher Christa McAuliffe, who was selected to be the first private citizen in space.
TV Show: Into the Unknown ( 2020 )
Adventurer and survivalist Cliff Simon explores paranormal mysteries in some of the world's most extreme and challenging environments. Along the way, scientists, shamans and historians provide clues that shed light on dark secrets that defy explanation.
TV Show: The Osbournes Want to Believe ( 2020 )
Jack Osbourne is determined to make his parents, Ozzy and Sharon, full-fledged paranormal believers. Dim the lights and settle in for fun, scares and unfiltered humor in Travel Channel's new series, The Osbournes Want to Believe. They might be known as the first family of darkness, but when it comes to the paranormal, legendary rocker Ozzy Osbourne and his wife, The Talk co-host Sharon Osbourne, are borderline skeptics. Determined to turn them fully to the other side, Jack reunites with Ozzy and Sharon to share the craziest, most jaw-dropping videos of supernatural activity ever caught on camera. But the question still remains if the Prince and Princess of Darkness will see the light when it comes to the paranormal, or if they think it's just another ride on the crazy train.
Movie: Swallowed by the Sea: Ancient Egypt's Greatest Lost City ( 2014 )
Documentary following a team of maritime archaeologists as they uncover the remarkable city of Heracleion, lost to the sea and forgotten for over 2,000 years.
TV Show: Egyptian Journeys with Dan Cruickshank ( 2005 )
Dan Cruickshank, long-time enthusiast of Ancient Egypt and its civilisation, travels the length of the country exploring some of the extraordinary stories that have emerged from the land of the Pharaohs. On his journeys, he uncovers the dramatic spectacle, the characters, the intrigues the superstitions and the mysteries that lie at the heart of this remarkable ancient culture which flourished for more than 3,000 years. Dan's journeys take him to many of the great sites of Egypt - from the ancient capital of Alexandria in the north, to the island temple of Philae in the south. On the way, he explores the stunning temples of Karnak, Luxor and Dendera and the mysterious Theban necropolis on the west bank of the Nile. He visits the Valley of the Kings, the striking mortuary temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahri, and Ramesses II's spectacular temple, known as the Ramesseum. He also unravels the secrets of the wall reliefs at Medinet Habu, the temple created for Ramesses III. In Middle Egypt, Dan's quest takes him to the desolate windswept ruins of El Armana, the site of the city created by the heretic Pharaoh, Akhenaten.
TV Show: Mummy Mysteries ( 2020 )
An international team of experts reveal the shocking true stories behind ancient Egypt's most-infamous mummies. Using modern forensic science, they uncover horrific tales of life and death in one of history's most-vicious and turbulent empires.
TV Show: Kingdom of the Mummies ( 2020 )
In the shadow of the world's oldest pyramids, a team of archaeologists, led by Dr. Ramadan Hussein, has made the discovery of a lifetime: a fully intact burial complex buried deep beneath the sand.
TV Show: Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs ( 2020 )
The Aztecs ruled one of the most powerful empires in history. Lost Pyramids of the Aztecs is an immersive investigation into the vanished world of this remarkable civilisation.
TV Show: Unsolved Mysteries ( 2020 )
The wildly successful and first-of-its-kind mystery docuseries Unsolved Mysteries is being revived by the original creators along with the producers of Stranger Things.This modern take on the classic series will maintain the chilling feeling viewers loved about the original, while also telling the stories through the lens of a premium Netflix documentary series. Each episode will focus on one mystery and once again will look to viewers to help aid investigators in closing the book on long outstanding cases.
TV Show: Breakthrough: The Ideas That Changed the World ( 2019 )
Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, invention and technology built on one another to change everything. These are the secrets of how we got to our modern world.
TV Show: Mysteries Decoded ( 2019 )
The investigative documentary series Mysteries Decoded delving deeper into some America's greatest unsolved mysteries, exploring newly discovered evidence and utilizing high-tech tools in reopening each case. From Area 51 to the Salem Witch Trials, each investigation is led by Jennifer Marshall, an accomplished U.S. Navy veteran turned top-notch Private Investigator, as she mobilizes a team to embark on the formidable quest to bring closure to these long-lingering historical puzzles.
Movie: A Race of Giants: Our Forbidden History ( 2015 )
Legends throughout the world testify that giants once walked the Earth. The Bible tells of the Nephilim, giants who were "the sons of God and the daughters of man," but in the modern world this is thought to be a myth. But if these accounts are merely myth, how can we have skeletal remains of human giants that are eight to twelve feet tall, that have been discovered throughout the world and throughout history? In America alone, there have been over 1,500 newspaper accounts of giant skeletons being found, including 3,781 skeletons of a race of blond haired giants exhumed on Catalina Island, CA in 1920. The fact is, there are many credible accounts of such discoveries including giants with double rows of teeth, and in some cases six fingers. So where is the evidence? Many have accused the Smithsonian of a cover-up, because they deny that such specimens ever existed, but why? Explore the history, the mounting evidence, and the theories about this amazing chapter in our forbidden history.
TV Show: Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox ( 2018 )
Megan Fox embarks on an epic and personal journey across the globe, where archaeologists and experts will re-examine history, asking tough questions and challenging the conventional wisdom that has existed for centuries. Legends of the Lost with Megan Fox will delve into some of the greatest mysteries of time, including whether Amazon women really existed or if the Trojan War was real.
TV Show: Ancient Apocalypse ( 2001 )
Series in which geologists, archaeologists and climatologists seek to explain how human achievements were destroyed by the forces of nature.
TV Show: Secrets of the Space Shuttle ( 2018 )
Secrets of the Space Shuttle is the story of NASA's Space Shuttle program, from its very first test flight to its final mission.
Movie: Alien Mind Control: The UFO Enigma ( 2015 )
This fascinating documentary offers an unprecedented look at a group of individuals who claim to have had life altering UFO encounters, and discovers the unique psychic abilities they unknowingly share. From unexplained sightings and alien contact, to prophetic dreams, clairvoyance and astral projection, we explore the phenomena that has surrounded these "experiencers" from childhood to their adult years. This documentary explores the theories of who and what the "visitors" really are, and uncovers a plausible scenario for their intentions, as well as the government's involvement in suppressing this information from the public. Perhaps the greatest revelation is the shocking possibility that the alien visitor's greatest acquisition will be achieved, not from probing our bodies, but rather by invading our minds. "Riveting insight into a global phenomenon." - United Media Network. "The shocking truth about the Alien Agenda is something that the people of Earth are not prepared for." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Humans are under the control of a strange force that is bending them in absurd ways, forcing their role in a bizarre game of deception." - Dr. Jacques Vallee.
Movie: The Secret Life of the Sun ( 2013 )
Kate Humble and Helen Czerski reveal the inner workings of the sun and investigate why scientists think changes in the sun's behaviour may have powerful effects on our climate.
Movie: Seven Ages of Starlight ( 2012 )
This is the epic story of the stars, and how discovering their tale has transformed our own understanding of the universe.
Movie: Ancient Graves: Voices of the Dead ( 1998 )
Unwrap the secrets of the dead as scientists discover and learn from ancient preserved bodies.
TV Show: Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth ( 1988 )
Mythologist Joseph Campbell presents his ideas about comparative mythology and the ongoing role of myth in human society.
TV Show: Myths & Monsters ( 2017 )
This documentary series tells the stories that have gripped imaginations for centuries and reveals the fascinating and unexpected history behind them.
TV Show: Greek Myths True Stories ( 2010 )
Greek myths--from Hercules to Adonis--have seeped into our lives, providing inspiration and sources for plots from Hamlet to Happy Days.