Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

52 favorites


Movie: Alien Reptilian Legacy ( 2015 )
There has been an underlying darkness controlling humanity since time began. Often described as the "missing piece in the puzzle" by David Icke, or the "Invisible Darkness" by Ellis Taylor, the Reptilians are the shadow beings in the dark, waging war upon humans from the space between dimensions. One of the most taboo subjects in the world media is the existence of the Reptilians. Researchers now reveal the presence of a supreme and nefarious inter-dimensional intelligence that has been manipulating mankind for centuries. An unprecedented expose on the Reptilians on Earth, hear riveting testimony from alien abductees and experiencers that point to a sinister agenda behind the alien presence on Earth. "Staggering evidence that Shadow People are indeed very real." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies. "Very scary, we are just now understanding this manipulation of the human race." - United Media Network. "Too many people are having these experiences, there's something to it." - Extreme DVD.
Movie: Alien Origins by Lloyd Pye ( 2009 )
Lloyd Pye is at the forefront of research into human origins from alien sources. His Intervention Theory proposes that human DNA is not of this world.
Movie: Alien Contact: Secret Societies ( 2015 )
Thousands of years ago a special, genetically advanced race of beings came to Earth. They were seen as Gods by primitive man and worshipped. They set themselves apart and yet some mated with humans and created a special race. When these watchers departed, this hybrid species remained and taught mankind. Civilization emerged with writing, art, science, mathematics, geometry, engineering, architecture and more and spread around the globe. The human race, that had existed for tens of thousands of years as hunter gatherers now had systematic knowledge on a startling level. They organized and cultivated the land, forged steel, built massive pyramids, built empires, and eventually became so technologically bound that the entire race could be monitored and governed with ease. All this transpired seemingly out of nowhere, we do not see archaeological evidence to support the evolution of these staggering advancements but can link it all back to antiquity if we look carefully because the real story is that our benefactors had an ulterior motive. They took control of our hearts and minds; they control this world, they control every individual from the depths of outer space. From the moment you are born, you are numbered and moved through a process to feed their machine. Nobody is truly free because we are all working for the masters. On rare occasions, they are revealed to the world and in the 18th century we had a glimpse of their massive power. We know them as the Illuminati. From huge international corporations, to hidden governments, from secret societies to medicine, the Illuminati are in control. "Cuts deep to the source of the Alien Enigma" - Philip Gardiner, best-selling author. "Epic in scope, majestic and highly entertaining" - Tom Sims, United Media Network.
Movie: Eceti Down Under ( 2016 )
Movie: ECETI Ranch: A Documentary ( 2012 )
ECETI Ranch represents a microcosmic reality of a world-wide collective phenomenon. The owner of the ranch, James Gilliland, maintains to have experienced UFO related phenomena, including contact with extra-terrestrials, for over 30 years. In addition to his experiences, thousands of guests gravitate to the ranch every year and attest personal accounts of seeing ships, meeting off-world visitors, and healing parts of themselves in a place they call 'home'. This film is a candid look at the people and the place that create Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. After spending several months at ECETI sharing with James, ranch staff, and guests -- the MapMakers reveal new insights about a rapidly expanding universe in an era of global uncertainty.
Movie: ETs Among Us 2: Our Alien Origins, Antarctica, Mars and Beyond ( 2018 )
This sequel to the award-winning "ETs Among Us" covers uncharted territory: history of Antarctica and ongoing UFO connections, secret history of Mars and parallels with Moon and Antarctica, underwater ET bases, and our extraterrestrial origins. Award-winning researcher Linda Moulton Howe exposes shocking revelations of a secret Navy whistleblower.
Movie: ETs Among Us 3: Secret Space Program, Alien Psychics & Crop Circle Clues ( 2018 )
A top secret space program run by humans, alien telepathy and human/ET communicators/translators, and new areas of the alien abduction phenomenon. Award-winning researcher Linda Moulton Howe reveals surprising clues, analyzing the ongoing and decades-long worldwide crop circle phenomenon.
Movie: ETs Among Us 4: The Reality of ET/Human Hybrids ( 2020 )
Renowned psychotherapist Barbara Lamb provides irrefutable proof of ET/Human Hybrids, detailing various hybrid species, their specific traits, extraordinary abilities and their mission on Earth. Lamb's long-term relationships with several hybrid species give her unique insight into these highly intelligent creative beings. With detailed artwork from acclaimed illustrator Christine Dennett Kesara.
Movie: RODS: Mysterious Objects Among Us! ( 1997 )
Cameraman and filmaker Jose Escamilla with his wife Karen, embarked on a journey to seek out and capture real UFO's on video. This video documents their journey. For the first time, you will see remarkable daytime video that proves UFO's do exist. Testimony by renowned UFO researchers corroborate the authenticity of this video, which includes startling new evidence that reveals what some experts believe may be a previously undiscovered life form.
Movie: Atlantis: Secret Star Mappers of a Lost World ( 2007 )
Go beyond the lost human history! A profile and examination of the recent findings of a highly advanced human settlement submerged at the end of the Ice Age when the sea level rose. The story of Atlantis has its roots in actual historical events!
Movie: The Cosmonaut Cover-Up ( 1999 )
It turns out Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space, but was preceded by another Soviet cosmonaut who crash landed, was severely injured and his identity kept secret -- until now.
Movie: Final Target: Planet Earth ( 1997 )
This program takes a stark look at the current efforts to locate and observe possible life-threatening collisions by comets and asteroids, as well as plans humankind may eventually employ for protection and survival.
Movie: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Space Program ( 1997 )
The history of the Russian Space Program from being the first to send a satellite into space through its downward spiral due to the demise of the Soviet Union.
Movie: Vladimir Ilyushin: The Real First Man in Space ( 2000 )
Profiling the real first man in space, who could not be presented to the world by the former Soviet Union as the returning, conquering hero, due to the fact that he crash landed and was seriously injured, resulting in the story being covered up for years.
Movie: Lifequest Mars ( 2003 )
NASA's plans for the first manned mission to Mars and what such a mission will look like, as well as what the astronauts are expected to encounter while on the Martian surface.
Movie: Yuri Gagarin Conspiracy: Fallen Idol ( 2009 )
Would you be shocked to find out that the greatest moment of our recent history in space may not have happened at all?
Movie: Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon ( 2012 )
Each crewman of Apollo 11 had made a spaceflight before this mission but never set foot on the moon. Apollo 11 was the first spaceflight that landed the first humans on the moon. This unique documentary, profiles this historic mission through the eyes of all three astronauts and several top Nasa officials who participated in it.
Movie: Cosmic Travelers: Comets and Asteroids ( 1997 )
That It would happen if a comet hit against the Earth now, in present times?, the humanity would survive to the asteroid's impact?.
Movie: Made for Mars: The Pathfinder ( 1997 )
Spectacular footage and findings of the probe's huge success on Mars, and implications for future Martian missions.
Movie: Scary and Deadly Incidents in Space ( 2002 )
In charting the mysterious expanse of space, both men and women pioneers risked their lives to further mankind's reach and influence. Some of these pioneer heroes never came back, while others experienced explosions, catastrophe, and
Movie: The Soyuz Conspiracy ( 2000 )
The story of the death of cosmonaut Colonel Vladimir Komarov during the first flight of the Soyuz spacecraft and the cover-up.
Movie: Apollo 8: Christmas at the Moon ( 2002 )
The first effort to send human beings to the Moon coincides during Christmastime on Earth.
Movie: Project Gemini: Bridge to the Moon ( 2008 )
All of the necessary technologies required to reach the Moon was first tested during Project Gemini, which comprised of ten missions in the mid-1960s.
Movie: The Search for the Crystal Skulls ( 2008 )
This DVD brings the power of The Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull into your space... What happens next is up to you and the universe! With high-def cameras and a set of special lights, we filmed the magical Crystal Skull while playing the channeled music of LiPo. What happened next is nothing short of unexplainable. See it for yourself.
Movie: Atlantis: In Search of a Lost Continent ( 1997 )
Although many areas are visited: Bimini, the Azores, the Canary Islands, Malta, and Antarctica, great credence is given to the evidence that supports the Greek island of Thera (Santorini) as the actual location of the legendary "continent."
Movie: Mystery of the Sphinx ( 1993 )
Ridiculed by traditional Egyptologists but supported by geologist Robert Schoch, John Anthony West cites water erosion as evidence that the Great Sphinx is more than 9,000 years old. Charlton Heston hosts.
Movie: Heroes and Legends Featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame ( 2016 )
Relive the thrills and dangers of America's earliest space missions and embark on an awe-inspiring journey designed to spark thought about how humans define a hero. Experience the dawn of the space age with astronaut pioneers through a mix of 4D multi-sensory theater and actual artifacts including a Redstone rocket suspended overhead along with the Sigma 7 capsule and a unique close-up look at the Gemini 9 capsule. Learn which qualities define heroes before finding them among those inducted into the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame.
Movie: For All Mankind ( 1989 )
An in-depth look at various NASA moon landing missions, starting with Apollo 8.
Movie: Lost Moon: The Triumph of Apollo 13 ( 1996 )
The making of the motion picture "Apollo 13".
Movie: The Third Foot (An Interview with Buzz Aldrin) ( 2009 )
Based on an exclusive Space Viz interview with Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin. We blend archival footage and audio with new animations to round out his take on the past, present and future of manned space exploration.
Movie: The Space Movie ( 1980 )
The Space Movie is a musical journey through our solar system to the far reaches of the universe. Features breathtaking images and cutting edge moving music!
Movie: Moonwalk One ( 2009 )
This documentary from 1970 explores all aspects of the Apollo 11 Moon mission.
Movie: Confessions from Space: Apollo ( 2019 )
Heroes of the Apollo Missions, Buzz Aldrin, Mike Collins , Charlie Duke and more come together to share insights, experiences, and stories of the greatest adventure mankind has ever undertaken.
Movie: Apollo: Missions to the Moon ( 2019 )
In the late 1960s, the United States space program neared its goal of landing a man on the Moon, but it was a journey that began years before. This is the story of Project Apollo - 12 years, 12 manned-missions, one impossible goal. With rare archival footage and audio, this remarkable documentary sheds new light on an incredible time in human history.
Movie: Apollo 11 ( 2019 )
On its fiftieth anniversary, the events surrounding the actual Apollo 11 space mission are presented solely using archival footage and still photographs of or associated with the mission. The events span from the eleventh hour preparations for the launch to shortly after the safe touchdown of the capsule with its three astronauts back on Earth. The mission is historic as the first time humans had stepped on the surface of the Earth's moon. It arguably made household names of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as the first and second to walk on the moon, and slightly less so for the third astronaut, Michael Collins, who remained inside the capsule at the time. It was arguably the most dangerous space mission at the time in part to the astronauts leaving the safety of the capsule.
Movie: Secrets of the Moon Landings ( 2007 )
The challenges and risks that defined the Apollo program.
Movie: Apollo Zero ( 2009 )
Movie: Here I Stand ( 2012 )
Biography of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield.
Movie: Odyssey of Survival ( 2007 )
We take a future trip through our exploratory past. From our initial launches of artificial satellites to men traveling to the Moon. From the construction of the first International Space Station to the first active Lunar Bases. From the first manned missions to Mars to the first autonomous, self-sustained colonies, surviving off Earth. Explore Mankind's first one hundred years in Space. Join us on "Odyssey of Survival".
Movie: To Mars by A-Bomb: The Secret History of Project Orion ( 2003 )
Top scientists want to build a nuclear bomb-powered spaceship to visit Mars and the planets.
Movie: We Love 'The Sky at Night' ( 2007 )
Celebrity fans pay tribute to _"Sky at Night, The" (1957)_ to celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Movie: What Is Out There? ( 2007 )
Movie: Vision of a Future Passed: The Prophecy of 2001 ( 2007 )
In 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick showed us what the future might look like. How true was his vision? This documentary employs interviews with filmmakers, screenwriters and authors - including Arthur C. Clarke - to delve deep into the heart of the film's imagined future and determine the extent to which Kubrick and Clarke's vision predicted a world of fantasy - or today's reality.
Movie: Contact: The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence ( 2007 )
We ask the age-old question: Are we alone in the Universe? Who is out there? Scientists around the world are trying to receive extraterrestrial signals. What do they hope for? What have they found? Where is the evolution of human beings headed?
Movie: Planetary Defense ( 2007 )
Who will save Earth? Scientists and the military have only recently awakened to the notion that impacts with Earth do happen. "Planetary Defense" meets with both the scientific and military communities to study our options to mitigate an impact from asteroids and comets, collectively known as NEO's (Near Earth Objects).
Movie: Contacto - La búsqueda para la inteligencia extraterrestre ( 2007 )
Contact: The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence - We ask the age-old question: Are we alone in the Universe? Who is out there? Scientists around the world are trying to receive extraterrestrial signals. What do they hope for? What have they found? Where is the evolution of human beings headed?
Movie: L'odyssée de la survie ( 1999 )
We take a future trip through our exploratory past. From our initial launches of artificial satellites to men traveling to the Moon. From the construction of the first International Space Station to the first active Lunar Bases. From the first manned missions to Mars to the first autonomous, self-sustained colonies, surviving off Earth. Explore Mankind's first one hundred years in Space. Join us on "Odyssey of Survival".
Movie: Moon Shot ( 1994 )
Movie: One Giant Leap: A Neil Armstrong Tribute ( 2012 )
Featuring footage from Neil Armstrong's last public appearance. The feature also offers interviews with crewmates Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, and leverages special access to the Apollo 11 archives to take viewers through the complete journey from initial training, to moon walk, to splashdown on Earth. The special serves as a definitive exploration of the legacy of Apollo 11 and the man who was first to step foot on the moon.
Movie: 40 Years on the Moon ( 2009 )
Movie: Destination: Mars ( 1996 )
Movie: The Apollo Years ( 2009 )
Reviews all the Apollo missions, back-to-back. This is an historical document and documentary. Using only archival film and the authentic communications between the Apollo capsules and Mission Control.
Movie: Dark Side of the Moon ( 2002 )
This hard-hitting mockumentary exposes how Stanley Kubrick faked the 1969 moon landing, with seeming-endorsements from many key players in NASA and the US government.
Movie: Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? ( 2001 )
Were the Apollo moon landings faked?
Movie: Die Akte Apollo ( 2002 )
According to a comprehensive survey, 20 million Americans think that the moon landing in 1969 was nothing else than a well-mounted hollywood spectacle. There are fundamental indications that the moon landing was faked and partly or completely filmed on earth in some sort of hidden television studio. On July 21st, 1969, the world was observing a perfectly contrived landing on the moon that aired on TV - but did the landing really happen? At least there are coercive reasons for speculations.
Movie: Did We Go? ( 2005 )
Documentary filmmaker Aron Ranen travels across the USA to interview former astronauts, mission controllers, scientists and others, in an attempt to prove that NASA actually sent men to the...
Movie: Flying the Feathered Edge: The Bob Hoover Project ( 2014 )
WWII veteran, prisoner of war, accomplished test pilot, pace plane for the Unlimited Reno races, air show pilot - Bob Hoover is considered by many to be one of the founding fathers of modern aerobatics. Jimmy Doolittle called him "...the greatest stick and rudder man who ever lived." Flying the Feathered Edge preserves the stories, the friendships, and the legacy that surrounds this man who quietly touched the trajectory of aviation's many developments - and who, due to his piloting skills, judgment, decency, luck, and just flat out ability to fly, is considered THE BEST.
Movie: CAPCOM GO! The Apollo Story (Short 2019) ( 2019 )
An immersive 3D Planetarium Dome show documentary that showcases the historical achievements of the Apollo program and what it took to put the first human on the Moon.
Movie: Suit Up: 50 Years of Spacewalks ( 2015 )
A look at the 50-year history of NASA's spacewalk program, featuring interviews with participants and many others.
Movie: Moonbug ( 2010 )
Bitten by the 'Moonbug', photographer Steve Pyke set out on a journey across America in his search to meet and photograph the Apollo space pioneers. A journey in which he was to meet the adventurers, risk takers and dreamers who were behind one of the most historic endeavors of our time. From living rooms and moonscape deserts, to Cape Canaveral, Steve captures these pioneers in frank, revealing portraits, while unravelling their very personal and divergent memories. With rare archive footage and an original score by Matt Johnson and The The, Moonbug is both a photographic road trip and an exploration of how photographs become signpost for history.
Movie: America's Astronauts: Mercury to Apollo to Today ( 2005 )
Chris Jansing talks to three generations of astronauts at historic Mission Control.
Movie: Apollo 17: Splashdown ( 1972 )
Movie: The Wonder of It All ( 2007 )
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." These words spoken by President John F. Kennedy in May 1961 changed the lives of twelve men who became known as "Moonwalkers." The Wonder of it All focuses on the rarely told human side of the men behind the Apollo missions through thoughtful and candid accounts from seven Moonwalkers. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Edgar Mitchell, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt intimately reflect on the training, the tragedies, the camaraderie and the effect their space travel has had on their families. The Wonder of it All honors the men who walked on the moon and became heroes to a nation. They fulfilled the dream of humankind to set foot on another world and, in so doing, forever changed the way we view ourselves.
Movie: The Last Man on the Moon ( 2016 )
When Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan stepped off the moon in December 1972 he left his footprints and his daughter's initials in the lunar dust. Only now is he ready to share his epic but deeply personal story of fulfillment, love, and loss.
Movie: Apollo 11: The Untold Story ( 2006 )
APOLLO 11: THE UNTOLD STORY aka FIRST ON THE MOON: THE UNTOLD STORY One-Hour Special for Discovery Science Channel / five When Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon in July 1969, Apollo 11 was hailed as the supreme triumph of American technology. But behind the flag waving lies a very different story: the untold account of how close the mission came to disaster. Now, nearly forty years later, men on that mission reveal what really happened on the first voyage to the moon. It's a tale of how primitive computer technology, coupled with human errors and mechanical failures, nearly caused the tragic loss of the crew.
Movie: Explorers: From the Titanic to the Moon ( 2006 )
An adventure into the realities of the No Oxygen Zone.
Movie: Tank on the Moon (TV Short 2007) ( 2008 )
The incredible story of two small remote controlled rovers sent by the Soviets to the moon in the 1970's.
Movie: First to the Moon ( 2018 )
Nearly 50 years ago three astronauts launched from the Earth and headed towards the Moon for the first time. Astronauts Frank Borman, Bill Anders, and James Lovell were the first people to ever leave the Earth, and we have their story. In December of 1968, amongst social strife, campus unrest, and a difficult war in Vietnam, these brave men ventured into unknown territory. They were the true pathfinders of the Apollo program. The story of Apollo 8.
Movie: Future Flight ( 1987 )
Movie: Houston, We've Got a Problem ( 1994 )
The flight of Apollo 13.
Movie: The Mars Underground ( 2007 )
Visionary rocket scientist, Robert Zubrin, has a plan for getting humans to Mars in the next ten years and ultimately turning the Red Planet blue. But can he win over the skeptics at NASA and the wider world?
Movie: The Moon Above, the Earth Below ( 1989 )
Some of the events on earth occurring during the Apollo 11 Mission: A young girl with a high fever suffers a seizure at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York. Injured soldiers return from Viet Nam to Travis Air Force Base, San Francisco. A horse trainer breaks a three-year-old mare in Burney, Montana. The Jazz Fest in Newport, Rhode Island; A potter demonstrates his art.
Movie: Reaching Tranquility: The 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing ( 2009 )
With a poignant speech in 1961, President John F. Kennedy made it clear that he wanted to see the United States be the first to land an astronaut on the moon's surface. The U.S. was in the middle of a race for the lunar surface with the U.S.S.R., which had successfully sent the first human to outer space, less than a month before. With the two super powers locked in the Cold War, President Kennedy set a goal to land on the moon by the end of 1969. With heavy costs of money and the loss of eight in the space program during that time, a nervous world witnessed as NASA created the Apollo program, developing a massive rocket ship from technology meant for missiles. The drama of 40 years ago played out on television and radio to worldwide audiences as the crew launched from the Earth, taking 4 days to travel over 219,000 miles to the lunar surface. Starting in late 2008, HD and still cameras were aimed at the moon, capturing it in a variety of ways to help one reach the moon within one's mind. The completed project was posted for the first time online, July 16, 2009 - exactly 40 years to the day that Apollo 11 launched into space to make history.
Movie: First Flights with Neil Armstrong ( 1991 )
Neil Armstrong explores the history of Aviation. (A&E Network series)
Movie: Immaculate Deception
The "Godfather of Conspiracy" and ex-CIA operative, John Lear (disinherited heir to the Lear Jet aviation empire) takes us on a journey down the rabbit hole. With unprecedented access to this enigmatic man and those who surround him, the world has yet to hear these philosophies and confessions.
Movie: The Anonymous Interview ( 2014 )
This motion picture is an exploration into the witness testimony of a highly controversial alleged ex-CIA operative who claims, through his military and intelligence career, to have been exposed to realities and technologies of an Extraterrestrial nature. A cosmic whistleblower, who was threatened for over a decade to not break his silence. This "deathbed confession" was featured as official witness testimony at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington DC, and has caused hot debate within the intelligence and UFO communities.
Movie: David Adair at Area 51 ( 1999 )
Space technology transfer consultant and former rocket whiz kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this 1997 interview about his remarkable encounters with an off-world engine, DOD agents, and Air Force General Curtis LeMay in 1971 at Groom Lake, Nevada. Hear first hand testimony about advanced extraterrestrial technology and our military's most closely guarded secrets surrounding the UFO phenomena.
Movie: Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point ( 1997 )
A comprehensive documentary featuring the most promising devices, processes and theories of the most brilliant visionary scientists and the most persistent independent inventors on the planet.
Movie: Cold Fusion: Fire from Water ( 1998 )
Cold fusion, one of the most important scientific discoveries in history, burst onto the world scene in 1989. This much maligned yet now confirmed discovery may radically change the energy structure of civilization. This documentary details the scientific quest for an explanation for cold fusion and also explores modern alchemy that still cannot be explained within the framework of physics.
Movie: Alternative 3 ( 1977 )
World ecological collapse; the next ice-age has already begun! Lucky for us, governments know what to do. Unfortunately it's a conspiracy to end all conspiracies. Vanishing scientists, dubious space missions, and a freak accident which kills the courier of a tape containing a secret radio message from an unmanned Mars probe - holds the key. Ruthless investigative reporters uncover the ominous master plan.
Movie: Beyond Belief ( 1976 )
This ANE documentary is basically about the powers of the human body such as ESP, paranormal healing, poltergeist activity, and spirits. Hosted by Richard Mathews.
Movie: The Late Great Planet Earth ( 1979 )
Events that are prophesied in the Bible are illustrated to show that civilization is headed for doomsday.
Movie: Mysteries from Beyond Earth ( 1975 )
Documentary about UFO's and related phenomena.
Movie: Mysteries from Beyond the Triangle ( 1976 )
A ship full of scientists and psychics travels to the Bermuda Triangle to try to document the strange goings-on that are reported there.