Playlists > Ufo-Archives


Documentaries and TvShows about Ufos,Aliens,Ancient Astronaut Theory etc.
And all the related topics:
Science,Space,History,Religion, Mythology, Archeology etc.
Includes all points of view, from Academic to Conspiracy Theory (Tinfoil hatters and Debunkers included)
Some Tv Shows only feature 1 or 2 related episodes on Ufos

Creator: cabezondemelon
Posted: 3 years ago

53 favorites


Movie: Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed ( 2014 )
Never-before-aired NASA footage presents evidence that the Moon is being used as a base.
Movie: ETs Among Us 5: Binary Code - Secret Messages from the Cosmos (with Linda Moulton Howe) (Short 2020) ( 2020 )
Peabody award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe analyzes parallel binary code warnings from UFOs 35 years apart. In 1980, a military officer in Bentwaters Air Force base (Britain) witnessed a landed spacecraft, and was later mentally bombarded with binary code. Similar binary code was transmitted to another military man in 2015 in the USA. Sadly, in 2020 these warnings have already come true.
Movie: Maussan's UFO Files - Director's Cut (2021) ( 2019 )
Watch his story unfold as we recount his rise as a journalist covering some of the most controversial UFO events seen across Mexico in history. Jaime Maussan started his career in journalism at some of the highest profile news agencies in Mexico, including 60 minutes and TV Azteca. His ambition and powerful desire to tell stories at a feverish pace led to the creation of his own news reporting agency Tercer Milenio which still has a growing base of over 2 million viewers a week internationally.
Movie: Extraordinary: The Seeding ( 2019 )
Abductions. Reproduction experiments. Memories of seeing children off-planet. The idea of humans participating in an alien hybrid program sounds absurd until you talk to people who have experienced it. Thousands of women and men around the world have had reproductive experiments carried out against their will. The most harrowing? Unexplained pregnancies that terminate without explanation. In many cases, the memories of what happened remain suppressed and fragmented, leaving experiencers confused, depressed and with a profound sense of loss. In others, the memories are visceral and emotionally disturbing. Thanks to increased public acceptance and regression therapy, more and more people are coming forward with stories of abductions and strange fertilization procedures that occur during their frightening experiences. Are aliens involved in a complex hybridization project where human females are used as vessels to carry hybrid fetuses and human males have their sperm harvested until they're ready to be transferred "elsewhere?" And if so, to what end? "Extraordinary: The Seeding" is a riveting documentary that tells these stories through one-on-one interviews with abductees-brave individuals willing to share intensely personal and emotional stories with the rest of the world. Through analysis with global ufology experts, the film also explores hybridization, why it's happening and what the impact on humanity is and will be. The information presented is intended to educate, entertain and encourage audiences to ask one simple question: What if this is all true?
Movie: Alien Chronicles: Top UFO Encounters ( 2020 )
Aliens and UFOs are more real than ever before. Thousands of sightings by highly credible witnesses worldwide cannot be denied. The big question is not whether the Aliens are here among us, monitoring us, perhaps preparing us for some kind of end game that will change humanity forever, but why is the government and military still denying the fact that we are not alone? While many of the sightings every year are debunked, it's the ones that defy description, obliterate our notions of physics and science and exhibit other worldly capabilities beyond our grasp. The mind blowingly bizarre and most mysterious Alien Encounters of all, these are the cases we call Alien Chronicles.
Movie: Flying Objects: A State Secret ( 2020 )
Explore new, fascinating data gathered by military, government, and private organizations in key geopolitical countries, leading many to believe that a unified human effort should be undertaken to study extraterrestrial phenomena.
Movie: Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space ( 2010 )
When a war starts in space, can anyone really win?
Movie: Aliens vs. Bigfoot ( 2021 )
This compelling documentary explores the unique fields of Ufology and Cryptozoology and compares and contrasts the communities that have sprung up around Bigfoot and Alien sightings. Featuring interviews from Nick Pope, Mike Bara, Nick Redfern, Dr. Jeffery Wells and many others.
Movie: True Legends: Holocaust of Giants ( 2017 )
An ancient conspiracy has been quietly burgeoning behind the bustle of the modern world. From the mounds of America, to the megalithic ruins on the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea, the desiccated bones of dead giants are being systematically dis entombed and secreted away to clandestine vaults for apocalyptic purposes. While occultists are attempting to harness the arcane necromancy of the Canaanites, genetic engineers are working feverishly to reconstitute the genomes of the giants, and resurrect the dreaded race of Rephaim in the earth. In this explosive episode, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, and Tom Horn pick up the trail of the Anasazi Indians in the Desert Southwest of the United States. Their groundbreaking investigation reveals a dark and gruesome secret concerning the sudden annihilation of this mysterious tribe, and a cover-up of gigantic proportions. What they discover will demand the re-writing of American history. Join Timothy Alberino as he explores the enigmatic island of Sardinia in the Western Mediterranean Sea where the skeletal remains of giants are still being extracted from the tens of thousands of megalithic towers and tombs all over the island, and hear the jaw-dropping testimony of those who were hired by the government to dig them out.
Movie: Making Tracks on Mars ( 2021 )
Movie: Fire from the Sky ( 1997 )
Movie: Volcanic UFO Mysteries ( 2021 )
UFO sightings have been a regular world wide phenomenon for decades. Researchers of UFOs have noticed a connection with UFO sightings around Volcanic hot spots across Latin America. Join Stephen Bassett and Jaime Maussan as they discuss a history of sightings. Jaime has been a news journalist in Mexico for over 25 years and Stephen Bassett has been fighting for politi...Read all
Movie: Unearthing Nazca: The Complete Story ( 2020 )
In spring of 2017, researchers began a scientific inquiry into the origins of six, three-fingered mummies found in Nazca, Peru. Preliminary results from tests performed on the largest mummy's anomalous hands, cross-examined against the rest of the body, revealed no evidence to indicate a hoax. Scientists found the largest mummy, Maria, to be female and carbon dated he...Read all
Movie: The Bridgewater Triangle ( 2013 )
The Bridgewater Triangle sits within Southeastern Massachusetts, and includes a number of locations known for unexplained occurrences; the most prominent of which include the legendary Hockomock Swamp and the infamous Freetown-Fall River State Forest. The triangle's traditional boarders are revealed by connecting the dots between Abington to the North, Freetown to the Southeast, and Rehoboth to the Southwest. The region hosts an unusually high volume of reports involving strange occurrences, unexplained mysteries and sinister activities. From ghostly hauntings and cryptic animal sightings to UFO encounters and evidence of satanic ritual sacrifice, the Bridgewater Triangle serves as one of the world's most diverse hotspots for paranormal activity. The first-ever feature-length documentary on the subject, The Bridgewater Triangle explores the history of this fascinating region.
Movie: The Armstrong Tapes ( 2019 )
Never-before-heard audio tapes recorded with Neil Armstrong during the final years of his life reveal an intimate portrait of this iconic - and famously private - man. Illustrated through previously unseen personal photographs and archival footage, this documentary special takes viewers on an emotional journey into the thoughts and experiences of the first man on the Moon.
Movie: Die Weltherrschaft ( 2017 )
The central protagonist of the film is a fictional figure named Anna. Anna is a young photographer, a philosopher of everyday life who is constantly thinking about the representation of reality and truth. Conspiracy theories and fake news start to invade Anna's animated world. The film presents the leading experts in a dialectical discourse - conspiracy theorists, network researchers, power analysts, historians, psychologists.
Movie: The Flight of Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed (Short 1969)
Documentary of the Apollo 11 spaceflight to the Moon and back.
Movie: Montauk Chronicles ( 2015 )
A study of the dark legends that surround the Camp Hero Air Force Base in Montauk, Long Island.
Movie: UFOs: Declassified LIVE (TV Special 2021) ( 2021 )
Hosted by Josh Gates, a live panel of experts unpacks and weighs in on the long-awaited Department of Defense and Office of the Director of National Intelligence report about Unidentified Flying Objects, recently released to Congress.
Movie: Crop Circle Realities ( 2021 )
This phenomenon stretches far beyond the boundaries of England with over a thousand crop circles spanning the globe. Although there have been some claimants to come forward to take responsibility for the creation of some crop circles, this documentary seeks out the most incredible crop circle designs and a possible E.T connection to their making. Realities that some may never have been exposed to before in regards to the UFO and crop circle phenomena.
Movie: Life Beyond Earth ( 1998 )
Movie: Alien Artifacts: The Outer Dimensions ( 2021 )
As modern science strives to catch-up with the technological marvels of the ancient world, the evidence and research becomes ever more stupefying. Our notions of human evolution and civilization timelines are being turned upside down like never before. From the massive blocks in Lebanon, to the Dogu, small humanoid figures found in Japan resembling Aliens, to the astonishing stonework at Puma Punku and much more, explore the artifacts that continue confounding scientists and archaeologists alike.
Movie: Alien Ancestors: The Gods of Man ( 2021 )
Aliens in our ancient past is practically common knowledge. They came millennia ago, fought a great war between themselves and left behind a history of their occupation, vestiges of a long lost culture from another planet and a sudden departure - but why? After eons these beings have now returned and are engaged in a battle with humanity itself and some researchers believe they have returned to manipulate and use mankind to a sinister end.
Movie: On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky ( 2021 )
Cryptid filmmaker Seth Breedlove and paranormal researcher Shannon LeGro continue their search for the truth behind the enigma of unidentified flying objects. Delving into subjects of The Mothman, Flatwoods Monster, Hollow Earth, Indrid Cold and Eyewitness Encounters.
Movie: UFO Encounters ( 2019 )
Thousands of witnesses are reporting UFO and Alien encounters for decades in every part of the globe. While more people than ever are accepting that there is an Alien presence on earth, the governments of the world refuse to take it seriously.
Movie: Solar System: The Secrets of the Universe ( 2014 )
Join our host on the International Space Station of the year 2050. Marvel at the three-dimensional sights and learn many things about the astral bodies that surround us.
Movie: Are We Alone in the Universe? ( 1978 )
Presents evidence that visitors from other galaxies shared their advanced knowledge with ancient man.
Movie: The Ark of Noah ( 1975 )
A documentary that examines the story of Noah, legends regarding the resting place of the ark, and several expeditions into the region the ark allegedly resides
Movie: Visitors from the Unknown ( 1991 )
A special reenacting the experiences of people who have had documented encounters with extraterrestrial life forces. A British policeman has a close encounter with a UFO, a wood-cutter spots a spacecraft and is abducted, and a civil rights leader and his son come face-to-face with alien beings.
Movie: Multidimensional ( 2021 )
In this film, Peter Maxwell Slattery takes you on a journey into his life with one of the most documented extraterrestrial contact cases in modern times. From photographic and video evidence, to hundreds of witnesses to events around him, to physical evidence, there is much to be explored in this story. This documentary takes one on a mind-altering journey looking into who we really are and an alternative view point on the paranormal topic, focusing on the multidimensional aspect of the phenomena, and how the paranormal, ghosts, UFOs/UAPs, and consciousness are all connected. Featuring image analysis expert Jason Gleaves (Ex UK Airforce / Aerospace), counsellor and hypnotherapist Mary Rodwell, remote viewer John Vivanco (who worked in a think tank for the FBI, NASA Scientists and other agencies - also known as the Psychic Spy), and James Gilliland from the ECETI Ranch. Pete is not the only one experiencing what is looked at as the unexplained, people from all walks of life all over the world are.
Movie: Capel Green ( 2018 )
Movie: All the Presidents Aliens ( 2021 )
Evidence suggests that the advancements in weaponry, technology, air travel, and even space exploration, which exceeded our highest expectations in the 1950s, may be the result of an alliance made between the United States Government and Extraterrestrials from another solar system. Examination of the Alien / UFO phenomenon during the Eisenhower era and the events that lead to the establishment of the industrial military complex. Explore the web of black projects and top secret operations with Larry Holcombe, author of the best selling book, "The Presidents and UFO's" in this fascinating and revealing feature documentary.
Movie: Space Titans: Musk, Bezos Branson (TV Special 2021) ( 2021 )
The special is in partnership with The Washington Post and staff writer Christian Davenport, whose depth of experience allowed him to gain inside access to key players.
Movie: Space X: Mission to Mars ( 2019 )
This fascinating new documentary , SpaceX: Mission to Mars, takes a look at the man and the science behind the unlikliest of journeys into the beyond.
Movie: AI: The Final Countdown ( 2019 )
AI is taking over and there's nothing we can do about it, it's too late. Soon Artificial Intelligence will effectively take over the planet and dispose of humans in the process. Replacement of the entire work force is already in full swing and Robot rebellion is no longer fiction, it's reality and we have to act now for humanity to have a chance of survival before the hive mind takes over.
Movie: Who Saw the Men in Black ( 2021 )
Who are the Men in Black? Many have reported their own Men in Black experiences and eye witness accounts since the beginning of the UFO cover-up history. Walk through the true history of Men in Black events from the 1940s until now.
Movie: California Paranormal ( 2018 )
Ten California residents share their true stories of paranormal experiences, extraterrestrial encounters and unexplainable phenomenon.
Movie: The Secret KGB Paranormal Files ( 2001 )
This program investigates the probes and projects sponsored by the KGB to look into paranormal matters. Viewers will learn much about the KGB's view of American history and the effects certain events had on it. Includes never seen before footage.
Movie: UFO's: The Proof is Out There ( 2022 )
Documentary looking at the work of the U.S. government department the Advanced Aerospace Threat Indentification Program, which investigates sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: Rise of the TR3B ( 2021 )
The legendary TR3B is said to be the very first Alien Reproduction Vehicle that the military built secretly for space travel.
Movie: Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception ( 2018 )
A look into the possibility that aliens are actually demonic spirits merely pretending to be extraterrestrials.
Movie: The Visit ( 2015 )
This documentary-style film shows how government agencies try to cope with human mankind's first contact with alien life.
Movie: Among Us ( 2019 )
Based on the jaw-dropping contact accounts of individuals from around the world, AMONG US explores the phenomenon of non-human presence on Earth, from angels to extraterrestrials, and unveils the many ways they may be interacting, communicating and transferring subliminal information into our consciousness and potentially our DNA. The film ultimately shows that the interconnectedness of all species may be beneficial and most likely inevitable for the evolution of an intelligent universe.
Movie: UFO Chronicles: The Black Programs ( 2018 )
Researcher Michael Schratt claims to have had first-hand experience with classified "Black Programs". Eplore the ramifications of the alien presence on earth.
Movie: Aliens Down Under ( 2019 )
Australia is the new hotbed for weird phenomena and UFO sightings. Hear eye-witnesses recant their UFO sightings in Australia, the land down under. None of the people that were interviewed have ever met, yet they all claim similar encounters which will shock you to the ore. Is Australia next on the map to be infected by the Alien plague?
Movie: UFO CHRONICLES: The Shadow World ( 2017 )
UFO Chronicles is an unprecedented and uncensored film series featuring the top authorities on the UFO enigma. Pilots, Astronauts, Government Officials, Military Officials, Medical Experts, Scientists, Religious Leaders and more reveal, in never before seen interviews, the ramifications of the Alien Presence on planet Earth. Lt. Col. USAF (Ret) Donald M. Ware has witn...Read all
Movie: Book of Secrets: Aliens, Ghosts and Ancient Mysteries ( 2022 )
The world abounds with Paranormal and Alien encounters that defy reality and cross over into the realm of high strangeness, of which there have been many attempts to explain these mind-bending phenomena but still no one has the answers. With the US government finally admitting that many of the unexplained sightings of UFO craft may very well be alien technology, we ar...Read all
Movie: Alien Chronicles Military UFO Encounters ( 2021 )
The UFO phenomenon has climaxed to an unparalleled level, we now know without a doubt that UFOs are real. The big question now is what are they and where do they come from? With increasingly sensitive instruments aboard our military's fighter planes, drones, elite battleships and submarines, we are seeing more of the phenomenon than ever before. With the extremely cre...Read all
Movie: Alien Encounters in Ancient Times ( 2021 )
Alien and UFO encounters are not just a modern phenomenon. In fact, they go back thousands of years and amazingly resemble contemporary accounts worldwide. There are eyewitnesses from ancient times that actually recorded them and historical evidence exists in archaeology, landscapes and symbols. Why do we believe ancient accounts about battles and politics and yet ign...Read all
Movie: Alien Worlds: Giants and Hybrids ( 2021 )
Explore evidence of colossal, biblical Giants that once towered over man in a mysterious realm of our ancient past that is far stranger than any fiction.
Movie: Extraordinary: The Revelations ( 2021 )
'Extraordinary: The Revelations' explores the historical significance of ET presence as well as three specific paradigms - biblical, ascension and colonization - that attempt to define the alien agenda. While individuals in each of these 'thought camps' believe ET interaction is occurring, their endgame assessments are vastly different. Retired military whistleblowers...Read all
Movie: Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton ( 2015 )
Travis Walton recounts the now world famous 1975 UFO abduction and the impact this event has had on his life over the intervening forty years.
Movie: When We Were Apollo ( 2019 )
Who were the men and women of the Apollo Space Program? Where are they today? What do they think of the extraordinary effort they helped make possible? Half a century later, Project Apollo remains the single greatest initiative in peacetime the world has ever known. Its story speaks to the most beautiful characteristics of our humanity: a metaphor for our ability to rise to challenges once thought insurmountable and push past them with even bigger and bolder solutions. Behind every astronaut who set foot upon the moon and every figurehead who inspired us to get there was Apollo's massive workforce: a team of men and women over 400,000 strong--spanning race, socio-economics, culture and company--who came to understand that the overall Program was only as good as the effort they put into it. When We Were Apollo is a feature-length documentary offering an intimate and personal look at Apollo through the lives and experiences of some of its most inspiring behind-the-scenes figures: engineers, technicians, builders and contractors who spent the better part of a decade working to get us to the moon and back.
Movie: Parano ( 2005 )
One man goes on a quest scanning the globe searching for evidence and meaning after aliens abduct him one night from his bed.
Movie: The Nightmare ( 2015 )
A look at a frightening condition that plagues thousands; sleep paralysis.
Movie: Two Face: The Grey ( 2020 )
In 2017, Award-Winning Filmmaker Chad Calek announced that his forthcoming documentary, Sir Noface, would feature the world's first authentic footage of a full-body apparition, as documented by Sydney investigator Craig Powell during the only paranormal investigation in history to be officially sanctioned by the Australian Government. But after the release of Sir Noface, viewers around the world claimed that Powell's footage was not an apparition, but a misidentified extraterrestrial alien "Grey". As crazy as this may seem, Calek had secretly expected this response, as he and Powell had both experienced threatening encounters that suggested the potential of extraterrestrial involvement on a government scale. As the sequel to the Sir Noface documentary, Two Face: The Grey is the continuation of the investigation into the most compelling paranormal case in history, which reveals global implications that Calek and Powell could have never imagined.
Movie: The Hunt for Planet B ( 2021 )
Taking us behind the scenes with NASA's high-stakes Webb Space Telescope, The Hunt for Planet B follows a pioneering group of scientists - many of them women - on their quest to find another Earth among the stars.
Movie: Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal Vortex ( 2022 )
The Bridgewater Triangle in Southeastern, Mass. is a place where truly paranormal encounters abound. Sightings of UFOs, bigfoot, ghostly apparitions, giant birds, devil dogs and roaming spirits occur frequently. The triangle features a number of sites said to possess an energy unlike any other area in the state. Researchers have long deemed the triangle a breeding gro...Read all
Movie: The Observers ( 2021 )
Filmed during the release of the much anticipated 2021 UAP report The Observers is a mind-altering timely and comprehensive film that plumbs the depths of the UFO phenomenon and asks the hard questions at the heart of this global enigma
Movie: Moonwalkers: The Men of Apollo ( 2000 )
This program takes a humorous look at the thoughts and feelings of the Apollo astronauts and missions to the Moon's surface.
Movie: A Tear in the Sky ( 2022 )
This award-winning documentary A Tear in the Sky takes you on an unprecedented journey into the UFO / UAP phenomenon. A team of military personnel, scientists and special guest William Shatner will attempt to re-capture, in real time, the US Navy "TicTac" UFOs and other space anomalies, using state-of-the-art, military-grade equipment and technology. What they find in...Read all
Movie: Dreamland: A Storming Area 51 Story ( 2022 )
A life-long alien enthusiast and comedian, Brian Moreno, hires a film crew to follow him on his extra-terrestrial fact finding adventure to the viral "Storming Area 51" event.
Movie: Alien Abduction: Answers ( 2022 )
The governments of the world cannot hide anymore that alien contact is happening. This is a film of what, why, and how it is occurring. Most importantly, it offers an answer to the question: Where do we go from here?
Movie: ETs Among Us Presents: Alaska's Secret Pyramid and Worldwide Alien Archaeology ( 2023 )
Peabody Award winner Linda Moulton Howe and other experts explore the enigma of the colossal stone pyramids encircling our planet, both their purposes and the incomprehensible technology behind their creation.
Movie: Moment of Contact ( 2022 )
Is an exploration of extraterrestrial encounters centered on a series of events in 1996 when citizens of Varginha, Brazil, reported seeing a UFO crash and one or more strange creatures.
Movie: Alien Agenda ( 2021 )
Aliens and UFOs are visiting Earth but what we don't know is what the extraterrestrials want and why are they here. Some believe they keep a careful watch over the progress of mankind, others believe their intentions are truly sinister.
Movie: Missing 411: The U.F.O. Connection ( 2022 )
Dave Paulides investigates cases of elk hunters who've gone missing from specific regions of North America, and explores the theory that there could be a connection between these disappearances and sightings of UFOs.
Movie: Underground Alien, Baba Vanga and Quantum Biology ( 2023 )
Who was Baba Vanga? Baba Vanga was a female mystic in Bulgaria. She lost her eyesight when she was only 12 years old. After which she started making predictions. She died on August 11, 1996 but she has predicted till the year 5079.
Movie: First Contact: An Alien Encounter ( 2022 )
Since the mid-20th century, astronomers have been searching for extra-terrestrial life in the Universe. This documentary imagines how the scientific community and world would react if an alien object passed through our Solar System.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: Fastwalkers ( 2023 )
Expert researchers reveal the truth behind NASA UFO sightings, military involvement and cover-ups in a journey spanning five decades. Discover the reality of UFO activity in outer space and our atmosphere.
Movie: Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations ( 2023 )
The truth can no longer be contained by those duty-bound to hide it. Officials who interact with the public regarding the UFO question openly acknowledge that they know things that they can't reveal. In ACCIDENTAL TRUTH - UFO REVELATIONS, the reality of an advanced intelligence engaging with humanity becomes undeniably clear.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: Apollo 1-11 ( 2023 )
UFO phenomenon has been recorded far beyond the boundaries of Earth with hundreds of sightings during the Apollo missions 1-11. James Fox, Mike Bara and Richard Dolan discuss this hidden history of UFOs in space and structures on the Moon.
Movie: Mufon and UFOs: The Proof Is Out There ( 2022 )
Researchers have been searching for proof of extraterrestrial life for years. Earl Anderson, the head of Investigations of MUFON Los Angeles, and his team search for proof of the existence of UAPs and life on beyond planet Earth. The proof is out there.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs: NASA's First Missions ( 2022 )
Secrecy regarding UFOs during our early space programs takes center stage in this film. Researchers present the facts with expansive UFO evidence presented on each space mission from X-15, Project Mercury to the final Gemini Missions.
Movie: Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs (TV Special 2022) ( 2022 )
It follows Jack, Jason, and Jamie as they venture out on a journey for answers behind the strange activity surrounding Utah's Uinta Basin.
Movie: Aliens, Abductions & UFOs: Roswell at 75 ( 2022 )
Explore why Americans became obsessed with proving alien existence through eyewitness interviews, abductees, and scientific experts - all to make you believe: we are not alone.
Movie: Secret Space UFOs - In the Beginning ( 2022 )
This documentary catalogues and examines early space age anomalies and UFOs. Cary and Stanton demonstrate NASA's interest in UFOs through astronaut testimony, examinations of declassified documents, and a history of cover up.
Movie: On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors ( 2022 )
In the 1960s the cattle mutilation phenomenon became a widespread concern across the American west. Cases erupted around states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado of livestock being preyed upon in ways that puzzled even established scientists. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UF...Read all
Movie: The Pentagon UFO Files ( 2022 )
For decades, secrets have been kept from us. Kept from us by the powers that be. After years of silence and secrecy the US government has finally revealed evidence of extra-terrestrial life which could shatter our very perception of mankind's place in the universe. Uncover the shocking truth behind the newly revealed Pentagon UFO files as we go deeper than ever before...Read all
Movie: Alien Chronicles: Interdimensional UFOs ( 2022 )
Throughout the world there are numerous ancient sites that are considered to be Stargates, Portals or Doorways to other realities. Stories of people traveling forward and back in time have often stirred the imagination but could some of these stories be true? The latest discoveries by NASA and independent physicists have revealed that portals do exist along with other...Read all
Movie: USO: Aliens and UFOs in the Abyss ( 2022 )
Unidentified Submersible Objects are the new UFO. USOs traverse the skies but also traffic in the oceans depths seemingly outside our current understanding of the laws of physics. USOs exhibit no discernible propulsion system, maneuver in and out of water at unfathomable speeds with seemingly no resistance. The phenomenon has captured the attention of the main stream ...Read all
Movie: The Man Who Sees UFOs ( 2021 )
Christo Roppolo continues his passionate exploration for extraterrestrial truth along the rugged beaches of the Central Coast. However, much like his martian anomalies, life proves unpredictable.
Movie: UFO Conspiracies: The Hidden Truth ( 2020 )
UFO Conspiracies : The Hidden Truth charts the US government's involvement with UFO phenomenon from 1947 to the present day. Featuring rare classified footage, expert interviews, images and recordings it uncovers the investigations, cover-ups and the recent astonishing revelation of a secret 20 million dollar UFO research program.
Movie: Are they Here? UFOs Caught on Camera ( 2020 )
Award-winning Fox Television Special, which includes never before seen UFO footage. This collection of clips and videos shot all over the world shed light on the long-debated presence of aliens on planet earth. Hear it first hand from a range of experts, giving their professional opinion on the authenticity of the footage provided.
Movie: Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Unlocked ( 2020 )
The most famous UFO case of all time is the alleged UFO crash in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Did humanity make its first contact with alien life that dark starry night? Dive into a shocking and complicated mystery that spans decades and continents. Discover how leaked CIA memos and ex-army officers fought to keep top secret information from the public - but nothing can remain hidden forever.
Movie: UFO Phil ( 2018 )
Nerdy loner UFO Phil has lengthy conversations with aliens from space. But, when they tell him to deliver a message to Earth, he has no idea how to talk to his fellow humans.
Movie: Untitled UFO Project ( 2016 )
Movie: UFO Doggies ( 2005 )
Movie: Britain's Secret UFO Hunters ( 2002 )
Half a century ago a bright object was seen flying rapidly over Farnborough Airfield. Was it a top secret aircraft or a flying saucer from another planet? Unlike hundreds of other UF sightings during the 1950's, this couldn't be igno
Movie: The UFO War ( 1995 )
Two organisations fight against disbelief and ridicule in their effort to convince the world of the existince of UFOs. In the end, their worst enemy is one another.
Movie: Aliens Uncovered: Origins ( 2023 )
Phoenix, Arizona wasn't supposed to be the city we know in present day. Before Area 51, hidden deep in the desert, the military discovered a hidden gem that helped them cover up the UFO wave of 1947. Roswell was not the only event that took place. Arizona was home to three major UFO events that the public hardly knows about. These events helped create Project Bluebook...Read all
Movie: Alien Chronicles: USOs and Under Water Alien Bases ( 2022 )
USOs are repeatedly seen in our oceans, lakes and seas. The military has documented several undersea encounters and are baffled by their capability to speed through the water at unfathomable speeds.