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Horror & Supernatural ( 517 items )
3580 Views | 13 favorites | Created 2 years ago by [email protected]

Horror & Supernatural TV Shows & Movies.

The Horror...The Horror of it all! Vol. VII ( 200 items )
3356 Views | 17 favorites | Created 2 years ago by Arcangel2020

Another playlist dedicated to the Horror films and TV shows that I like

RandomOddness ( 13425 items )
125459 Views | 194 favorites | Created 3 years ago by random000

This is just a personal nag list of films I’m curious about & am sharing the list. A conversation, recommendation, review, synopsis of a premise can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of curiosity. List is modified constantly.

Over 130 pages. It’s …

some great Netflix series and original movies ( 170 items )
10455 Views | 19 favorites | Created 3 years ago by rdmovieman

new movies added every day as i go through the list.

Newish Things I Must Watch- Quality? ( 92 items )
4421 Views | 11 favorites | Created 3 years ago by MaxChillax

These are the shows I am either in the middle of (a season or two in) or that I’ve just discovered. Caught my eye and must be followed up.

Binge-worthy Sci Fi TV ( 162 items )
62588 Views | 155 favorites | Created 4 years ago by asclepias

Sci fi TV shows, less well known and good weekend binge material.