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Paranormal/sy-fi/fantasy ( 79 items )
7975 Views | 14 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Uphoria

All series that is of a plot line of the supernatural,sceince ficton or fantasy genre. Series are both or either reality or fiction or smidge of both

⏳ Time travel TV shows ( 268 items )
5309 Views | 19 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Greer

What if it were possible to be transported to the future or a parallel time line? Does the past still exist? Can you change the future?

Here is a list of live action TV shows where time travel is the main premise.

🤖 Dystopian future & cyberpunk films and TV shows ( 1036 items )
61991 Views | 122 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Greer

What happens when rebellion, oppression, revolutions, wars, overpopulation, disasters, and artificial intelligence take over the world? Here is a list of plausible bleak futures that film makers have envisioned for us.

Newish Things I Must Watch- Quality? ( 92 items )
4434 Views | 11 favorites | Created 3 years ago by MaxChillax

These are the shows I am either in the middle of (a season or two in) or that I’ve just discovered. Caught my eye and must be followed up.

SHOWS ( 70 items )
1835 Views | 2 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Wildwilly
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Charo's ( 199 items )
12421 Views | 21 favorites | Created 3 years ago by charusian
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