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Canuxploitation slasher ( 40 items )
489 Views | 2 favorites | Created 3 years ago by mantistoboggan3

Stole this idea from a list on IMDb, some movies look pretty, some are pretty good and the rest, meh

Psychic Powers Movies ( 105 items )
1124 Views | 8 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Terminator

A psychic is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniq…

Needs links ( 1330 items )
5156 Views | 13 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Annai

When found interested in watching but no links

The Witching Hour ( 564 items )
15468 Views | 56 favorites | Created 3 years ago by Terminator

“Malleus Maleficarum”

In a 2009 translation of Dominican inquisitor Heinrich Kramer’s somewhat influential Malleus Maleficarum (1486), the word sabbath does not occur. A line describing a supposed gathering and using concionem is accurately translat…